The night breeze was cool. The boy spread his arms and hugged the little princess. His toes gently on the branches, and his clothes fell on the bluestone slab in front of the building.

Zhao Jingyi, who was determined to die, did not fall into a bloody shape, but fell into a warm embrace. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a picturesque young man in white.

A young man's eyebrow is like a distant mountain?, The eyes are like a new moon, and the faint sandalwood lingers on the tip of Zhao Jingyi's nose. Unconsciously, her heart also settles down inexplicably. It seems that as soon as he appears, the wind around him becomes gentle and soft for no reason.

Just one look.

In an instant, she threw away all her thoughts of being quiet as soon as those who had just died.

Her Royal Highness Princess, twelve, did not know how to describe her mood at that time.

She only knew that she had exhausted all the beautiful words in her belly, and could not describe the young man's three-thirds dexterity. No matter what she said, she was afraid of startling his elegant bearing from outside the clouds.

Zhao Jingyi looked at the boy in front of her and didn't speak for a long time.

On the contrary, the young man opened his mouth first, "why is the princess so careless and fell from such a high place?"

His tone of voice was clear and gentle, with a slight smile, which was not annoying at all.

Rao is Zhao Jingyi. She has resentment in her heart and stomach. She can't send it out to him at all.

Besides, he even looked for her by her head, and she was careful to fall down.

Zhao Jingyi's small face was slightly white and her voice was slightly hoarse. "You said you were careless. What else do you ask?"

The boy smiled and said nothing more. He just put her gently on the ground and said in a gentle tone: "the princess should be more careful next time."

While talking, he looked at Zhao Jingyi.

The young man's eyes are like stars and moon, clear and thorough, as if he can see through all the mysteries and camouflages in the world at a glance.

Zhao Jingyi looked at him and was speechless for a moment.

After a while, he said in a muffled voice, "there's no next time."

She wanted to go wrong for a moment before she wanted to die.

The child suddenly woke up and was afraid.

People are very tired and bitter to live, but who knows what it will be like after death. Those individuals fry the sky and the eighteen layers of hell all day. What they say is the same as true, but who has really seen them?

It's not even a matter of burying the Loess after swallowing.

"Amitabha." the young man in white put his hands together, said the Buddha's name in a gentle tone, and said with a smile, "it's so good."

"You... How can you read Amitabha like those bald donkeys?" Zhao Jingyi was a little confused by his sentence. She didn't know if she didn't eat or drink for hungry for a few days and poured cold into the young man's arms.

The latter hurriedly held her arm across her sleeve, "is the princess hungry?"

Zhao Jingyi silently took back her arm and stood firm on her own.

She had been alone before. All her thoughts were on her father, the emperor, the deceased mother, the new queen of the harem and the empresses. She really didn't feel hungry. At this moment, her stomach was muttering when he mentioned it.

She can't even say she's not hungry.

But the princess has been humiliating in front of others in these years, and it is difficult to admit it.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

At this time, the noisy fight not far away ended. A monk came forward with a stick and gave a Buddhist ceremony, "little martial uncle, Princess and thieves have all been taken. How to deal with them?"

"Sent to the Ministry of punishment!"

"Send it to the criminal department first."

Zhao Jingyi and the young man spoke at the same time, and their voices almost overlapped.

The monk quickly answered the call and took all the people not far away away.

For a moment, in front of the bell and Drum Tower, there were the smart young man in white and the hungry dizzy little princess with soft legs.

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