After the crowd dispersed, they looked at each other calmly.

The boy was surprised that the little princess had such courage at a young age.

Zhao Jingyi was surprised at the monk's address to the boy, "little martial uncle?"

The young man was dressed in white and pure. He was different from ordinary people. He had black hair but was tied with hair bands. He could not be generalized with those bald donkeys with shiny heads.

Besides, he looks only fifteen or sixteen years old. Why is this generation higher than the thirty or forty year old monk?

"I grew up in this temple when I was young, and I made up a generation." the young man Wensheng said. He took out an oil paper bag from his sleeve and handed it to Zhao Jingyi. "If the princess doesn't dislike it, she can take it to satisfy her hunger for the time being."

He spoke quite casually and handed it to Zhao Jingyi.

The little princess didn't care about these generations. She took the oil paper bag and opened it. It looked like two white steamed buns. It was still warm in her hand.

Her mood is a little subtle.

I can't tell what it is. In short, it's difficult to express the five flavors.

In the past, when her mother was there, she always tried to get her some delicious food. She couldn't bear all the rich clothes and jade food. Why did she ever eat white steamed bread.

The tip of her nose soured at the thought of this.

No wonder there are songs in minor tunes that children with mothers are treasures and children without mothers are grass.

The world is sincere and does not deceive me.

The boy stood in front of her and asked in a warm voice, "can't the princess eat?"

"What can't you get used to?" Zhao Jingyi replied stiffly, took one of the white steamed buns, took a bite, chewed it for several times, and then swallowed it.

Zhao Jingyi thought of her great princess Yan Di. Now that she has lost her mother, she has been reduced to a place where she eats steamed bread on this bleak night. The water is shining in her eyes. Don't mention how wronged she is.

In order to divert her attention, she asked the young man, "isn't this Wanhua temple about sitting and standing? Sometimes, you're not allowed to eat after an hour?"

"Yes." the young man should be very free, "so he should hide to eat."

The man just put the "little martial uncle" on the shelf in front of a group of monks, but secretly hid food. It was very different before and after.

But when these two things should not have happened together, they miraculously merged with him without a sense of conflict.

Zhao Jingyi choked coldly and couldn't help but say, "what's wrong with you? Do you have to hide this thing?"

But she couldn't figure out how such a fairy boy could eat with his sleeve?

If the food here is exquisite cakes and rare good things, how can it be steamed bread?

The young man looked at her with a clear tone and said, "people eat just to eat. There is no difference between eating steamed bread and eating delicacies."

Zhao Jingyi couldn't help but say, "why is there no difference? The taste is very different. If you can't even tell this, why haven't you ascended to heaven? You want to eat these vulgar things on earth?"

The little princess has just tasted the warmth and coldness of human feelings in the world these days. She is angry with her father and the emperor. She can't vent her anger that the public doesn't protect good people on this day, but she can only bear it. Now she speaks to the young man, which is inevitably a bit sharp.

Fortunately, the youth is gentle and has no intention of fighting.

He just smiled and said slowly, "maybe I'm not tall enough?"

Zhao Jingyi was confused when she heard the speech. "What is not high enough?"

Talent? Chance? Or something?

The boy said slowly, "I'm tall. If I eat more worldly things for a few years, I'll grow taller and probably go to heaven."

The princess's steamed buns listened to the clouds, but the sad thoughts were scattered, and she did not talk much with the strange teenager. She turned and sat on the steps and chew what she had done.

As she ate, she found that this thing was really full, and she felt that it was tasteless, but gradually tasted a little sweetness.

This sweet is very light and shallow. It seems like an illusion, but it makes her forget what's next. She eats the steamed bread one mouthful at a time and puts the oil paper bag aside.

The night wind suddenly blew the oil paper flying higher and higher.

The boy standing two steps away reached out and caught the oil paper. His white fingertips folded it again and again.

Zhao Jingyi was full. As soon as she raised her hand, she saw the boy holding such a big paper crane in his hands and handed it to her.

The night is quiet, and the cold moonlight falls on the world.

In the temple, cigarettes curled around the Sutra building. Behind her was the bell and drum of the high-rise building on the bluestone path. In front of her, the young man was dressed in moonlight and a plain white wide sleeved robe, which was blown by the night wind. His hands were slender and white, and the palm lines were clear. Even the crane made of oil paper wrapped with steamed bread seemed to be touched with the spirit of heaven.

The young man's tone was elegant and said leisurely: "it's difficult to know what happens after birth. If you still have one breath, you must live well, not for others, but for yourself."

Zhao Jingyi was stunned for a long time before reaching out to the paper crane and looked up at the boy who was nearly a head higher than herself.

She was born in the royal family. I don't know how many ghosts and people have seen in the world. However, she has been spoiled by thousands of people over the years. She couldn't bear to see it. She directly lifted the family's shame cloth. Many people boasted that she was far more intelligent than ordinary people, and they resented her. They almost broke their teeth.

But the man in front of him was completely different from her. He looked like a man in heaven. However, he stood in front of you with a few words. Obviously, he was also in the world. He spoke slowly and came out of the world of mortals in an instant.

The princess is so stylish and young that she doesn't know what the other men are saying about Buddha's reincarnation.

She only knew that this man could see through other people's thoughts, but he didn't point it out. He just gave a word of advice, which was quite like that.

Zhao Jingyi lost herself in Kung Fu. The boy in white has turned and left.

The wind is slowly, and the shadow of the tree floats.

She looked at the man's back and disappeared into the night. She suddenly remembered something and shouted to the boy, "then don't grow so high! It's no good to go to heaven... I will repay the kindness of these two steamed buns a hundred times in the future."

Zhao Jingyi didn't dare shout too loudly whether it was a Buddhist place.

The words were scattered by the wind as soon as they were spoken. The young man in white didn't look back and didn't know if he heard what she said.

She lowered her head, pulled the paper crane's head, put it in her sleeve, and turned back to the Buddha Hall.

On her way back, she met xunchun, who was about to cry.

"Princess! Where have you been? The maidservant just walked away for a moment. How could an assassin come? Have you ever been hurt by letting the maidservant go quietly?"

When Xun Chun spoke, he wanted to see if she was hurt.

The maid was only thirteen or fourteen years old. She was just one of the many maids around her, which was not very conspicuous. But after Zhao Jingyi came to Wanhua temple, the little maid was the only one to follow. It's rare that someone still wanted to be loyal to the victim, so it's a little different.

"No injury." Zhao Jingyi also knew that she didn't eat, drink and ignore people these days, which scared Xun Chun. The meeting son rolled around under the villain's sword, and the building jumped once. She sorted out many of those thoughts of life and death, and her stomach was full. It was inevitable that she felt a little guilty about the little waiter girl.

She opened her mouth stiffly and said, "those criminals have been taken down and sent to the punishment department. There's nothing wrong with this palace. Just find something to eat. You don't have to worry."

When Xun Chun saw that there were really no traces of blood and injury on her body, he relaxed his heart and gently advised: "the princess should live well and take care of her body. The emperor has always loved you most. Your good days will be long in the future."

The little maid didn't know how to say good words, but the LORD had a long good day in the future, so she could cherish it.

Zhao Jingyi nodded and stopped bothering herself and others. She directly took Xun chun to the meditation room arranged for her in the temple.

The Wanhua temple is heavily influenced by the Royal incense. The Buddhist temple is the most magnificent in the world. The monk Liao Buddhist temple is also elegant and clean. Although it can not be compared with the Imperial Palace, it has its own quiet and pure heart.

She didn't have a good rest for several days. She didn't even have the problem of recognizing the bed. She slept as soon as she touched the pillow.

When she woke up, the empress mother who kept the memorial tablet of longevity and couldn't call to see her slowly entered her dream.

In my dream, I was my father who had not yet ascended the throne, and my mother, who was dressed elegantly and smiled gently, accompanied her on the swing in front of the courtyard.

The mansion was not so big. At that time, there were not many people in the waiting house, and everyone had a smile on his face.

The wind is gentle and soft, and the flowers are beautiful and fragrant.

She was restless since she was a child. After sitting on the swing and swinging back and forth, she had to stand up, stand on the swing stand and shout "Daddy, be taller!"

"OK! Qingqing, hold on." the young Zhao Yi smiled and asked her to stand firm and hold on, pushing the swing higher.

The gentle beautiful woman looked frightened and whispered, "you are so used to a daughter of Haosheng!"

"Why is it so inappropriate?" Zhao Yi said with a smile: "we are young. Women don't let men. She has much more courage than those boys!"

She rose and fell with the wind, watching her loving father and mother guarding her, smiling.

Zhao Jingyi was half asleep and half awake. She thought vaguely that it would be good if she had stayed at that time.

It's a pity that any kindness and affection between husband and wife is not long. Just as people will grow up, grow old, return to the ground and turn into Loess and white bones, everything in the world is full of variables.

At that time, the little princess could not have imagined that her marriage line had tied a knot in Wanhua temple, where 3000 gods and Buddhas were enshrined.

When she was young, she was startled. She reminded herself all the time that she could not be fooled by those who competed for power and power with her mother, but she didn't want a heart to be tied to a stranger and bump into the boundless sea of suffering without knowing it.

Many years later, she recalled this day, but always felt that it was better to die early.

What should come will come eventually. I can't avoid it.

I can't tell the good and evil in this life.

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