Xie Wanjin said and ran straight to the outside of the palace until he was tens of steps away. After making sure that Xie Xuan didn't continue to catch up, he turned back and said, "anyway, you're not afraid of your eldest brother. If there's anything important, just pull him and say it!"

The fourth childe felt that what he said was quite reasonable. Looking at the whole Dayan, he was afraid of those who respected his majesty. However, those who dared to press his majesty to sit in the imperial study to deal with affairs and were not allowed to leave without approving the folding were really unable to find a second one.

Lord Shoufu dares to ride on the tiger's head and press his head. What else is annoying?

Naturally, Xie Xuan couldn't run with the fourth childe in the palace without face and skin, stand down on the steps and look at him from a commanding position.

Xie Wanjin's scalp was numb when he saw it. He quickly bowed to Lord Shoufu and turned away from the palace.

When he passed the corner, he was relieved that no one was staring back, and his steps were much lighter.

This towering palace and numerous palaces and pavilions, I don't know how many people are afraid, and how many people have worked hard to climb up. It is only because Xie Wanjin is like a graceful romantic in the world.

He walked through the corridor, walked along the long palace road, greeted those senior officials in purple and red robes, smiled slowly, revealing two shallow pear vortices and a beautiful and romantic fourth childe Xie.

"Hou Ye! Hou ye, stay!" Zhou Minghao, who was behind, quickly caught up with him, bowed to him and said with a smile, "thank you for helping me out at the political hall!"

"Where does Xie come from?"

Xie Wanjin was confused.

He just dozed off in the political hall, and was beaten by his third brother nayuwat. The eldest brother's look looked quite subtle. The ministers wanted to kneel down, but Zhou Minghao hurried up to thank him.

It's not a good time to doze off.

Seeing his appearance, Zhou Minghao couldn't help laughing. "Lord Hou doesn't know something. You just helped me a lot."

While talking to Xie Wanjin, Zhou Minghao walked outside the palace with him, but said: "My old man didn't know what medicine he had taken wrong. Suddenly he asked for orders to guard the northern desert border. He wouldn't hear anything outside. Those courtiers stared at me. I'm not a worm in the old man's stomach. How do you know what ghost idea he was making? Fortunately, there was a knock from the Marquis, otherwise I would be surrounded by them at the moment."

"Then you should thank me."

Xie Wanjin smiled, and he almost understood these three words.

Nowadays, most of the people in charge of the real power in the court are young ministers who have made great progress after Xie Heng. They are loyal to his majesty, and only a small part of the power is still in the hands of the old minister.

The Duke of Zhou is the first of them. The Zhou family has serious military power. Previously, the old emperor Zhao Yi was quite afraid of the Zhou family. All Zhou Minghao had been sent to the imperial capital since childhood. They basically didn't get along with their family. Others seem to be the son of Zhou, who is under the care of the royal family. In fact, they are a proton.

Only Zhou Minghao knows how many murders have been committed in the past 20 years and how many times between life and death.

Xie Wanjin didn't say much, but slightly picked his eyebrow and said, "my third brother looked at me. His hand is not small. That jade wat beat me down and hurt me..."

"Of course, you can't let the Marquis suffer for nothing. I have good wine and beautiful women in my family. Please, marquis How about drinking wine, singing and dancing? "

Zhou Minghao smiled and took him to the house as a guest. When he was a prince, he was the head of the dandies who were proficient in eating, drinking and playing in the imperial capital. In recent years, he has become an important Minister of his majesty, surrounded by Xie Yuye Zhiqiu and Qin Mo, who are so diligent and capable officials that he had to give up his romantic style and be honest officials.

It's rare to catch Xie Wanjin today. Naturally, I want to relax my muscles and bones.

"That's nice." Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "if there are good wine and beautiful women, why don't I go."

The two hit it off immediately. When they reached the gate of the palace, Zhou Minghao suddenly stopped and said to wait a moment.

Xie Wanjin turned around with some doubts. He looked up and saw Qin Mo and several young ministers coming.

Zhou Minghao said with a smile, "Lord Qin, give me a face and go to my house for two drinks."

The courtiers passing by were stunned.

Not long ago, Qin Mo also said that Duke Zhou was plotting against the government. This time, Zhou Minghao even had to fight with Lord Qin. He even asked him to drink in the house. Is it not that he was going to poison him directly in the wine?

The people around Qin Mo obviously had this worry, and they whispered to him not to go. Be careful of fraud.

But Lord Qin was so brave that he replied with a smile, "it's better to obey orders than respect."

Xie Wanjin stood between them, his eyes turned leisurely, and suddenly felt that there was a good play every day.

Zhou Minghao is not a serious person. Qin Mo is also an unusual person. He was able to talk all the way back to Dayan from Western Chu. At least the fourth childe thought they were able to talk. How come he always worried that they would kill each other in the eyes of these individuals?

I really eat too much and think too much.

Xie Wanjin thought like this. He got on the same carriage with Zhou Minghao and Qin mo. as soon as the curtain was released, those people outside were isolated.

The fourth childe leaned against the carriage and said lazily with a smile, "what are you two doing? Hurry to tell the truth and pretend to show it to who?"

Zhou Minghao knew that he had always been a bright eyed man and didn't intend to hide it. He smiled and explained, "this has nothing to do with brother Qin. It's me ”

He recognized it very quickly, "I knew that after the old man handed the fold to his majesty, I felt that someone in the court would say that he was plotting against the truth, mainly because the fold really came at a bad time, inexplicable, and I didn't know what the old man thought. I was uneasy. I always felt that there was something wrong here. I might as well do it myself instead of being caught and scolded for the wrong place, but I..."

Zhou Minghao was quite helpless and said, "it's not good to be a son of man. It's not good to be heavy or light, so I asked brother Qin to be the villain and consult the old leader..."

Xie Wanjin couldn't help interrupting: "I dare say that you guys come together to sing a big play in the political hall?"

Xie Wanjin tutted, "then I've been dragged into the thief's boat by you?"

Zhou Minghao has a large number of informants, which was laid down by the old emperor when he was in the past. He has made a lot of efforts to fight for Xie Heng in all directions these years, and it is common to get quick news.

But I've heard so much information that I have to guard against my own father. It's also a headache.

Qin Mo heard the speech and hurriedly said, "how can this be regarded as a thief ship? Uncle Jing'an is dedicated to Da Yan and his majesty. That's what I can't say!"

Zhou Minghao said, "the only difference between me and the Marquis is that I don't have a surname of Xie. If I hadn't been dedicated to your majesty, I wouldn't have been here today."

The two men looked more serious than the other.

All made Xie Wanjin laugh.

The fourth childe took out a white folding fan from his sleeve, gently knocked it on their foreheads, and said with a smile, "well, if I hadn't known that you two had no feelings for my eldest brother, I would have jumped out of the car."

Qin Mo raised his hand and touched his forehead. He breathed a sigh of relief. He said to himself, "Lord Hou is suddenly serious. It's strange that he can frighten people."

Xie Wanjin slightly raised his eyebrow: "bluff?"

"Hou Ye is really dignified!" Zhou Minghao said with a smile, "how else can he be the brother of our majesty and Lord Shoufu?"

Xie Wanjin opened the fan and shook it gently. His posture was elegant and romantic. He was stunned and didn't take his words.

The fourth childe is greedy for money and lust. He doesn't have a good line at ordinary times, but if it's related to his parents and brothers, it's not ambiguous at all.

Zhou Minghao and Qin Mo talked around him and soon arrived at Jing'an Bo mansion.

Zhou Minghao is a person who pays attention to enjoyment. Chinese and American maidservants are like clouds, singers are like Orioles, and dancers are like weak willows.

As soon as the banquet was put on, the wine was poured into the cup. Even in the daytime, it was singing and dancing. Obviously, it was just a small gathering of three people. Xie wanjinleng felt a bit prosperous and peaceful.

The fourth childe turned around and forgot about the things in the court. He drank several cups with Zhou Minghao. He was slightly drunk. He couldn't help laughing and said, "I heard that Zhou Shizi was a romantic before. Now I know that the rumor is true."

"Now that your majesty has a empress, won't no one rob me?" Zhou Ming couldn't help recalling the demeanor of brother Dongfeng when he heard the word romantic.

Xie Wanjin's eyes were full of smiles when he heard the peach blossom, and he drank the wine more and more freely.

Unconsciously, it was drunk from noon to midnight. The lights were bright. The musician played one song after another. The beauties waved their sleeves and sang and danced.

The three drank constantly.

Qin Mo has a mean mouth. He didn't drink before and knows how to restrain himself. As soon as he got drunk, he couldn't help asking Xie Wanjin, "I heard that Mrs. Xie has been looking for a beauty for the Marquis these days. The Marquis is is not good to live in the house. He looks like a beautiful family member. Why do you get up so early every day to go to court?"

As soon as Xie Wanjin heard this, he was flustered.

A Niang has been urging him to get married so hastily recently that the fourth childe is so careless that he would rather get up and go to court before dawn every day than be caught by a Niang and forced to see those golden girls.

"Lord Qin, you really don't open any pot!"

"Ah?" Qin Mo was drunk after a few drinks. He couldn't understand his words. "It's a good thing to marry a man and a woman. It's a good thing to marry a couple. Doesn't Hou ye love beautiful people most? Why don't you want to marry one home?"

"Brother Qin doesn't know something." Xie Wanjin drank all the wine in the cup and said with some disappointment: "there are thousands of beauties in the world, but my Xie family man can only marry one wife in his life. Now if I marry one casually according to my aunt's wishes, what if I meet someone I like better in the future?"

Sitting aside, Zhou Minghao helped the fourth childe fill the wine very consciously.

Xie Wanjin held the jade cup, looked at the wine in the cup and said with a smile, "it's better to be short than excessive, so as not to regret."

When he had finished, he drank up all the wine in the glass.

Qin Mo, who was half drunk and half awake, was stunned for a long time before he said, "it's reasonable, Hou Ye's words are reasonable. ”

Zhou Minghao said, "if you have only one partner in your life, you'd rather be short than excessive."

But how many people in this world can follow the rules of the Xie family. They have only one wife in their life.

Xie Wanjin drank two more cups, waved and said, "don't say this, let's say something happy. ”

The fourth childe smiled and asked Zhou Minghao, "who is particularly unlucky among the countries now? It makes me happy."

The waitresses who served at the banquet immediately: "..."

Zhou Minghao knew the Lord's virtue and smiled and told him that the leader of South China had turned the whole South China upside down since he got the Sumerian beauty. The old ministers of South China hit several columns and saw that there was going to be a big mess.

Xie Wanjin shook the wine in his glass and said, "it's not surprising that Li Xun... Did such a thing."

"Hou Ye wants to hear something unexpected?" Zhou Minghao thought, "I really have one."

Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "tell me."

Zhou Minghao bowed his head and whispered to him: "the eye liner on the west side of the Chu sent a message that the Chinese teacher had disappeared."

Xie Wanjin was suddenly stunned. The wine cup came out and fell to the ground, smashing with a "pop".

During the banquet, the singers and dancers were surprised and stopped for a moment. It was very quiet for a moment.

He looked up at Zhou Minghao and asked in disbelief, "what did you just say?"

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