Zhou Minghao didn't expect that Xie Wanjin's reaction would be so great. After a pause, he said again: "the news from the Western Chu said that the National Teacher Rong Sheng was missing... It's not strange to say that it's strange. Since we returned to Dayan, the national teacher hasn't appeared in front of people, and there has been no trace in the past two months..."

As he spoke, he suddenly remembered the rumor that Xie Wanjin had an unusual relationship with the state teacher of Western Chu.

In the Western Chu Dynasty, the national master often appeared and disappeared. Even the little witch who had been growing up with him couldn't find anyone, but Xie Wanjin could find one.

At that time, a group of young ministers who went to Xichu with them felt very subtle.

But when he returned to Dayan, Xie Wanjin was the most eager to go. It seemed that if he was slow, he would be swallowed by the life of the National Normal University. The people really couldn't see and feel the two people, and didn't dare to say anything more.

Now, Zhou Minghao looked at Xie Wanjin's appearance, but he was not sure. He could only carefully test and say, "maybe it's very peaceful recently. Those informants need to find something to talk about. The national master is a dragon without a tail. Maybe now there's nothing important for him to deal with in the capital, so he just went out."

Xie Wanjin slowly calmed down. "He can do whatever he wants. I can't control it."

He turned to look at the beauties at the table, "why did the song and dance stop?"

Zhou Minghao was stunned for a moment and hurriedly said, "it's all right, continue."

When he finished, he summoned the maid to clean up the fragments on the ground, took a new cup and poured wine for Xie Wanjin.

Qin Mo on one side was already drunk and confused. He murmured to himself, "Mingming is so anxious that he even dropped the cup. How can he turn around and say he can't control it?"

Zhou Minghao didn't have time to reach out and hold his mouth.

When Xie Wanjin heard the speech, he directly picked up the glass of wine in Qin Mo's hand and poured it down to him, choking Lord Qin's face red and almost out of breath.

It happened that Qin Mo was drunk and didn't recognize people. He said vaguely: "Zhou, Zhou Minghao... Why do you still pour people's wine indiscriminately?"

Zhou Minghao felt wronged. He said to himself: you are such an important official in the dynasty. Why are you blind when you drink wine?

He quickly raised his hand and motioned the maid to pat Lord Qin on the back. While pouring the wine himself, he handed it to Xie Wanjin. "Blame me, blame me for talking nonsense. The Marquis just didn't hear anything. Let's talk about other fun."

Xie Wanjin was still a little absent-minded. He just reached out and took the wine cup. He didn't know how to get rid of it again.

The wine glass fell to the ground, smashed into thin pieces, and the wine splashed and soaked the corners of the robe.

This time, even he was a little confused.

Rao is Zhou Minghao. He can't tell lies with his eyes open. He was in a complicated mood and asked, "Lord Hou, are you okay?"

After a while.

Xie Wanjin said, "I'm drunk. The wine has a strong aftereffect. I haven't been drunk for a long time... Dizzy, I can't hold the wine cup stably..."

Zhou Minghao: "

If Qin Mo's drinking capacity is not good, it's not strange to be drunk, but Xie Wanjin's drinking capacity is famous. He was sober just now. At this moment, he fell two glasses in a row and said he was drunk and dizzy. What else can he say about this?

Piansheng's drunken and hazy Qin Mo still echoed: "this wine really has a strong aftereffect. I'm dizzy, too."

Zhou Minghao's eyebrows jumped slightly. While holding Qin Mo to prevent him from planting on the ground, he said, "since both of you are a little drunk, let's have a rest here tonight."

Xie Wanjin smiled, took another wine glass, filled it with good wine, and then drank it up. "Dizziness must be because you don't drink enough. If you drink more, you won't be dizzy."

"Yes!" Qin Mo responded quickly, pushed Zhou Minghao away and raised his glass to the moon, "since you're drunk, why don't you get drunk completely?"

These two were invited to the house by Zhou Minghao himself. Naturally, there is no reason not to let the guests drink. They can only accompany each other with a smile.

The more the wine was drunk, the thicker the night became.

Qin Mo drinks and lies down.

Zhou Minghao was also a little drunk and didn't speak as quickly as before.

Xie Wanjin, who had long said that he was dizzy, had clear eyes. On the contrary, it seemed that the more he drank, the more sober he became.

During the banquet, the singing was long, and the beauty's water sleeves and slender waist existed so clearly, but it could not enter his eyes.

Xie Wanjin drank wine, enjoyed singing and dancing, and was in a blissful place on earth, but somehow, he always saw the dark room of the Western Chu palace illuminated by a little fire. Rong Sheng looked calm as usual when he said "our life is coming to an end".

Xie Wanjin thought of those days. Rong Sheng often hid himself in peace, but the national master's behavior has always been confusing. He only thought that man was withdrawn. After thinking for a while, he suddenly felt something wrong.

Obviously, he should be happy. Now, the court is looking calm and gentle. In fact, many of the old Western Chu are hypocritical and obedient. They don't know how to plan big things secretly. If the national master is really gone, those individuals don't even have a backbone, so naturally they can't turn over any big waves.

But now, Xie Wanjin doesn't know how to feel. He's a little confused... Flustered.

When the fourth childe was so old, his mood was not so complicated. He immediately put down his glass and got up and said, "I'm sober, so I'll go back."

Zhou Minghao, with his drunk eyes and hazy eyes, was stunned when he heard the speech. He calmed down for a long time. He put his hand on the edge of the table to get up and keep him. "What are you doing back so late? Just rest here. I have everything..."

"Suddenly I remembered something else." Xie Wanjin said and went, "I have to go back. Brother Zhou is good to take care of Lord Qin. You don't have to send me."

Zhou Minghao is a little confused. The Royal Marquis doesn't have anything important on weekdays. Why do you have to drink so much and hurry back?

He was a little drunk. He didn't know to ask for a moment. He just got up and sent Xie Wanjin a few steps, "be careful on the road, marquis!"

After that, he asked the little boy coachman to send people to his house and come back.

Xie Wanjin waved and motioned that everyone didn't have to follow, "I'm not drunk. I know the way. I'll go back by myself."

He had a headache recently when he was urged to get married. The Xie family did not dare to go back. He had the cheek to ask for a marquis house from his eldest brother. After a few days, he was blocked by a Niang's people every day. He was not in the mood to continue living. He simply cleaned out all the houses he had run first and changed a place to live in two or three days.

Cunning rabbit still has three caves, and his house is more than 30.

Rao is a Niang. No matter how smart she is, she can't catch him. It's a little cleaner these days.

The small house he lived in these two days happened to be not far from Zhou Minghao, just a street away. Take a turn and walk there.

It was already four watch days when Xie Wanjin went out.

Tonight, the moon is full, bright and full of the world.

When you go out at night, you don't even have to mention lanterns. You can see the way ahead by the moonlight and the lights in front of each residence.

Xie Wanjin sat at the singing and dancing table and drank all night. At the moment, he walked slowly in the street, and the music echoed in his ears.

He remembered the long song of the song, and Zhou Minghao said, "there is a message from the eye line over the West Chu, saying that the national teacher is missing."

The night breeze was cool and came face to face, blowing him wide sleeves and flying.

Xie Wanjin, who was blown by the wind, was sober and whispered, "what bad news?"

"Rong Sheng will disappear? He must have gone to hide in peace again!"

That's what he said, but he knew very well that Zhou Minghao wouldn't say those groundless things. At least 70% of them were true.

Most of the important officials of the Western Chu have been brought to the imperial capital by ah Jiu. Now no one in the capital can really calculate that Rongsheng will hurt him, so there is one possibility left:

It is true that Rong Sheng said that "this seat is dying".

No wonder he wants to send Yeli's little monster to Dijing. He is such a junior sister. Although he doesn't have any good words on weekdays, his heart always hurts.

This is not to dislike the noise around you. It's clearly to explain the future.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. He didn't know whether he was disturbed by the night wind or something. Suddenly, he felt his head hurt more.

He couldn't help thinking: This wine shouldn't be drunk tonight!

I don't know if Zhou Minghao drugged the wine. Since he heard the word Rongsheng at the dinner, he has been thinking about this shit. The beauty has no mind to watch the song and dance. Even drinking the wine is not the taste.

The man's face came to mind from time to time.

Such a cruel and lonely person gave birth to a pair of bright eyes.

After so much trouble for the Xie family, piansheng made the eldest brother and ah Jiu at the last minute.

Xie Wanjin was young and mature in his life. He looked at people very accurately. He had played with people and could boast to each other with a fake smile. He was very clear whether he was an enemy, a friend or a nodding friend.

It happened that this Rong Sheng smashed all the scales in his heart. He couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, and it was difficult to distinguish between enemy and friend.

Xie Wanjin was rarely alone. After he was drunk, he didn't feel very smart. However, his mood was disturbed. For a moment, all kinds of taste came to his mind, which was hard to say.

He walked slowly through the silent long street, watching the lights fluttering in front of each house and walking slightly. He heard the quiet sound of chickens and dogs around at night. The shadow on the ground was pulled long by the moonlight, and suddenly there was a bit of loneliness.

Walk, walk.

Xie Wanjin suddenly murmured in a low voice: "it's agreed to come to Dijing to find me for a drink. This wine hasn't been drunk yet..."

Why did people leave?

He had almost determined that Rong Sheng would not die this time.

The more Xie Wanjin thought about it, the more he became flustered. When he came to his house, he suddenly stopped, "a promise is worth thousands of gold. If you want to go, go and die. What are you doing to cheat me? Cheating people's money is like killing their parents..."

The words did not fall.

Then someone answered him, "who cheated you a thousand liang?"

He followed his reputation and saw the boy in purple standing in front of his house, looking at him with a smile.

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