"Male, male?" the rich and powerful were surprised, and suddenly stammered.

The two maids turned their heads together and saw that the man on the couch had gorgeous eyebrows and eyes. He was born with a beautiful appearance suitable for men and women. It was really confusing.

Rong Sheng glanced at Xie Wanjin, who was like being struck by thunder. He calmly got down, brushed his sleeves, and walked up to him. "You said everything, and you dragged your clothes. You won't admit it when you wake up?"

Xie Wanjin's eyebrows jumped, and he tried to resist the urge to cover Rong Sheng's mouth. He hurriedly said, "drunkenness hurts people! It hurts people. Please..."


Before the fourth childe could say a word, he was interrupted by Rong Sheng and forced to swallow it.

I've never seen a childe with a thick skin like the city wall suffer so much in front of others.

The boy stood on the side and looked at the two people, and he felt the atmosphere more and more subtle.

Xie Wanjin really couldn't bear the awkward strength now. He hurriedly pulled Rong Sheng out of the door.

Peonies in front of the court are peonies. The flowers bloom just right, the warm light is pouring all over the garden, and the breeze is blowing.

It was much more refreshing than in the house.

Xie Wanjin stopped at the center of the hospital, loosened Rong Sheng's hand, turned to look at the boy, cleared his throat and said, "no matter what absurd happened last night, I'm here to compensate you and ask the State..."

Half way through, he realized that he had almost slipped his tongue. He quickly changed his mouth and said, "please allow me to have a large number of children. Don't worry about me."

Rong Sheng's eyes moved slightly, "why don't you care about the method?"

He was surprised: Xie Wanjin is not a serious person who cherishes his reputation. He used to be so thick skinned that he would admit his mistakes. Now he admits his mistakes so quickly. Is it really strange?

Xie Wanjin smiled awkwardly, lowered his voice and said to him, "my aunt has been crazy recently and generally urges me to get married. If she knows that I took you on the couch, I'm afraid she'll think I have a habit of breaking my sleeves and force me to get a wife..."

Rong Sheng sneered, "Xie Si, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, turned out to be afraid of a Niang."

"You can't say that!" Xie Wanjin said solemnly to him, "there is a way in heaven and earth, and there is a lot of fate. Many things in the world can be changed, but my aunt is different. She wants to screw my ears in front of anyone. She wants to urge me to get a wife. It's useless even to dissuade my eldest brother who is my majesty."

The fourth childe suddenly remembered that Rong Sheng had been adopted by his master since he was a child. He was afraid that he didn't even know what his parents looked like and what kind of person they were.

He couldn't help thinking: didn't I poke people's pain in front of Rong Sheng?

So he quickly turned the conversation and said angrily, "it's not my eldest brother who doesn't care. Don't think about it... I just want to tell you how much trouble it is."

Rong Sheng smelled the speech and said faintly, "what do you have to do with me?"

What he said was taken for granted.

Xie Wanjin was stunned and felt unable to refute.

But the fourth childe was thick skinned. After a moment of embarrassment, he raised a three-point smile. "You're wrong. I was drunk yesterday. I'm not good for making such absurd things. But if you didn't come by yourself, where would I find you? Let alone drag you to the bed?"

He seems to have this face. Don't go out. I admit it wrong, but I can't just say I'm wrong.

Rongsheng's lips flashed a cold arc, "so I have to blame me for coming at a bad time?"

"How dare, how dare!" seeing that the momentum was getting better, Xie Wanjin quickly stopped. "We just talk about things and reason. In the final analysis, it's not the first time we've slept on a couch. In fact, it's nothing, right?"

Rongsheng stared at him, "nothing?"

"Nothing." Xie Wanjin gathered up to Rong Sheng's side and whispered, "as long as you don't say it and I don't say it, no one else will know. Let's pretend that nothing happened last night."

They are surrounded by flowers. It is noon and the sun is bright.

The light golden radiance enveloped everything. The fourth childe smiled with warmth, revealing two small pear vortices on his lips.

But he was always beaten.

Rong Sheng raised his hand, stretched out a pair of instructions on Xie Wanjin's shoulder, pushed the people away a little, said in a cool tone, "then I'll kill all those inside."

He said, turned and left.

At this time, the servant girl in the room happened to come over lightly. Suddenly, she was so frightened that she turned her head and retracted into the room. She didn't forget to whisper, "we didn't know anything last night!"

"Now I don't know anything!"

Those who can stay with the fourth childe to serve are human spirits. After that, they hid away.

Rongsheng said he wanted to kill his mouth, but he didn't step fast and didn't walk fast.

Xie Wanjin chased him and grabbed him. "All right, master, just have a rest. The people here are very timid. Don't scare them."

He said, raised his head and asked Rong Sheng, "where did you come from last night? It's hard to walk all the way. I'm the host. I'm really neglecting your guests. Well, let's take a bath and change our clothes first. How about I take you out to visit the Imperial capital later?"

Rongsheng looked at him for a while and nodded slightly.

In the world, there is only such a fourth master Xie who treats him as casually and naturally as an old friend.

Xie Wanjin felt a sigh of relief when he heard the speech. He quickly turned and said, "it's all right. Don't hide. Come out to serve the shower and change clothes."

After the fourth childe left all the things of last night behind, the whole person is well. It's not awkward for Rongsheng to stand in front of him.

He asked the boy with a smile, "look, you are empty handed and have clean sleeves. Don't you bring anything? It's okay. I have everything here. We're almost tall. You can wear my clothes."

Rong Sheng frowned slightly, "wear yours?"

"What's wrong with wearing mine? When you come to Dijing, you should eat mine and live in mine. I have plenty of silver and can't treat my brothers and friends badly." Xie Wanjin was a little unhappy. Then he remembered that Rong Sheng has always been lonely. He was afraid that he has some strange habits in clothing, food, housing and transportation, so he patiently explained, "Bring you a new one. I haven't worn it. Many of them have never been touched by the young master."

He turned and told the maid, "take out a set of clothes that the young master has made and change them for him."

The rich and powerful quickly answered.

Xie Wanjin turned back, smiled at Rong Sheng, raised his hand and said, "this way, please."

Rongsheng watched the fourth childe from panic when he just woke up to his calm and calm at the moment, and his thin lips made a shallow arc.

Heartfelt way: indeed, Xie Si, who can still live with his majesty and the first two brothers, has a thick skin and a big heart.

Xie Wanjin, with a big heart, walked through the corridor side by side with Rong Sheng. Suddenly he couldn't help asking, "last night, I really dragged you to the bed?"

Rong Sheng said in his usual tone, "otherwise?"

Xie Wanjin whispered, "maybe you have a bad intention while I'm drunk."

What he said was too light. Rong Sheng didn't hear clearly. He asked in a deep voice, "what are you talking about?"

"Nothing, nothing." Xie Wanjin didn't dare to say this with Rongsheng. He was surprised and quickly changed his mouth: "I asked, do you want to wash together?"

Rongsheng's steps were slightly paused, and his eyes became more and more subtle.

The fourth childe was stunned for a while before he realized that his words were really strange. He couldn't help explaining: "I mean..."

Before he finished, Rong Sheng glanced at him and left quickly.

Only Xie Wanjin was left standing in place.

The fourth childe touched his chin and said helplessly, "what did I say wrong again?"

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