The rich and noble who had just taken a change of clothes just heard his family muttering about the childe. He couldn't help but come forward and gently remind him, "what you said is too straightforward."

"Yes, even if you really want to take a mandarin duck bath with others, you can't be so frivolous."

"I, I'm frivolous?" Xie Wanjin almost laughed angrily by two little maids and couldn't help saying, "there's such a big soup pool in my house. Why do you wash it together? Ten people don't think it's crowded!"

Great wealth suddenly: "..."

They were wrong.

They don't understand what the childe is thinking.

When ordinary people meet Qingcheng color, they are thinking about how to hold them in their arms, but

Mr. Xie just wants to show his wealth in front of the beauty.

And despised.

The two maids bowed their heads and said nothing.

"I'm so serious. Why are you frivolous?"

Xie Wanjin muttered to himself and walked to the soup pool. After thinking for a long time, he didn't understand why Rong Sheng didn't give him a good face.

The fourth childe is very tangled.

Rong Sheng, who was walking in front of him, had reached the end of the corridor, turned a corner and went forward by himself, as if he had returned to his home.

In other words, Xie Wanjin's house is really big. Rong Sheng walked along the corridor for a long time, passed through the huatuan brocade family, and passed the arch. Only then did he see the smoke in front of him and the water in the hazy white air.

It's like such a big soup pool.

There are few princes in the imperial capital, let alone Xie Wanjin's temporary residence.

Anyway, Xie Si is a rich and idle person who will enjoy it.

Rong Sheng thought about Xie Wanjin's meaning of washing together, and couldn't help laughing.

He slept on a couch with the drunken Xie Wanjin for several hours, and his body was covered with the smell of wine. At that time, he took off his big sleeved shirt and Chinese clothes, hung them on one side of the screen, and went into the soup pool and went deep into the water.

Xindao: I wish I could tell others that you are rich and generous.

Will it kill you to explain your words?

When Xie Wanjin arrived, he just saw Rong Sheng standing in the middle of the water, his thin and white back half covered in the curl of smoke, becoming more and more like a beautiful jade.

The fourth childe slightly raised his eyebrows and said to himself: it's really impolite for a person to occupy such a large soup pool.

Rongsheng turned around slightly, raised his eyes and looked at him through the swirling mist.

Xie Wanjin suddenly had some inexplicable abnormal heartbeat. He quickly looked away. He turned and walked next to the small soup pool behind the screen. At the same time, he opened his mouth and told the little maid who followed him, "put his clothes aside and go out."

It was the first time for a rich man to see his son's wronged appearance. He didn't dare to ask or say anything. Holding his clothes, he bowed his head and put it by the soup pool. He didn't dare to see more at a glance and withdrew.

But for a moment, the footsteps of the two little maids gradually faded away.

Xie Wanjin took off his clothes, waded into the small soup pool, turned his back to the screen and Rong Sheng behind the screen, sat in the water, washed his face with water, threw all the inexplicable tension behind his head and began to take a clean bath.

The sound of the water was crashing, and the two people who were silent all the more were very quiet.

Xie Wanjin washed in general. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He couldn't help shouting, "Rong Sheng!"

The imperial master in the soup pool replied, "what are you doing?"

Xie Wanjin said, "the soup pool is so big. I just asked you if you want to wash it together. Why do you throw your face at me?"

Behind the screen, the man immediately: "

Seeing that he didn't answer, Xie Wanjin said to himself, "you shouldn't..."

He said half, as if something unacceptable had happened. After a pause, he continued, "don't you think I'm dirty?"

Rong Sheng said slowly, "just know."

"Oh." the fourth childe sneered and deliberately stimulated Rong Sheng: "then you'd better hurry out. I've lived in this house for many days and bathed in the soup pool every day. The water you bathe now is what I used before."

Rong Sheng didn't look back. He raised his hand to pick up a light and hit Xie Wanjin. As a result, the water hit the screen, knocked the whole screen down and hit him directly on the head.

The fourth childe was happy to get back 10% in front of Rong Sheng. Seeing the screen reflected in the water smashing down on himself, he hurried to the other side of the soup pool.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and was not hit by the screen, but the screen fell into the soup pool, hit a half man high spray, but suddenly poured Xie Wanjin's head and face.

The fourth childe's hair was wet and he looked embarrassed and funny.

Rongsheng turned his head and looked at him, his thin lips slightly lifted up.

"You're still laughing!" the fourth childe raised his hand and wiped the water on his face, stood up and said to Rong Sheng not far away: "do you know how much money this water and fire impenetrable screen is worth? You'll smash it for me when you come!"

He was so distressed that he tried to lift the screen up.

But the screen had long fallen apart, and the shelf was heavy. The fourth childe helped two hands and simply gave up. He was very helpless and said, "tell me about you, what else is worth liking except this face?"

Rongsheng didn't answer. He reached out and put his coat on the side of the soup pool. Then he came out and went straight to Xie Wanjin.

"What are you doing?" Xie Wanjin raised his head and looked up at the young man with a faint complexion. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to himself, he couldn't help being nervous, and he couldn't lose momentum in front of others. He hardened his head and said, "you did it first. I said you wouldn't do it?"

Rongsheng didn't care what he was talking about, but leaned over slightly, gathered in front of the fourth childe, and solemnly shouted "thank you."

Xie Wanjin was a little guilty by his appearance, and his legs were soft. He forced his face to ask him as usual: "I told you, Rong Sheng, it's just a joke between friends. You can't be so serious. You and you won't have to pick me up and run around?"

Rong Sheng stretched out his hand and pulled the wet broken hair in front of the fourth childe's forehead. There was a sporadic smile in his eyes. He calmly sent him a sentence, "drowned chicken."

Xie Wanjin was stunned: "..."

Even Rong Sheng dressed up and went out, he didn't slow down.

After a while.

The fourth childe raised his hand and patted himself in the face, "go to your uncle's drowned chicken!"

He is a noble marquis in royal clothes and the fourth son of the Xie family. Unexpectedly, he was turned into a drowned chicken by Rong Sheng in his own house!

But he can't take Rongsheng yet.

It's a shame.

Xie Wanjin took a deep breath, got up, stepped out of the soup pool, grabbed his clothes and put them on his body.

He kept thinking:

I can't lose in vain!

How can we get this from Rong Sheng?

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