Xie Wanjin wanted to find the venue, but the host still had to do it.

He stood behind the arch to relax his mind and said several times to himself, "don't quarrel with people with high martial arts. You can't fight if you quarrel. You have to take it skillfully..."

When he was able to smile calmly, he straightened his clothes, crossed the arch and went to find the people of National Normal University.

Xie Wanjin found Rong Sheng in front of the court.

The young man was dressed in yellow brocade. The outer gauze sleeves were embroidered with peony national color with gold thread. The skirt was also very complicated and expensive.

The fourth childe didn't wear such fancy clothes when he was young, but Xie Wanjin usually wore gold and jade. Those people in the clothing store and silk shop thought he loved flashy and beautiful. They tried to press the word "wealth" on his clothes and sent it to his house.

Xie Wanjin always only picked himself. He looked at it and put it on. The rest was left to the little maid.

I never thought that today I took a set of the richest, most conspicuous and fancy clothes to Rong Sheng.

He couldn't help laughing. He carried his sleeve behind him in his left hand, walked slowly to Rongsheng and said to him, "it's rare to see you look good in such bright clothes."

Rongsheng turned around and looked at him suspiciously, "when were you blind?"

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

Why can this man kill people with one word?


The fourth childe was almost choked to death by the young man's sentence. The smile on his lips became rigid and eased abruptly. He slowly said, "I'm not blind. I have good eyes."

Xie Wanjin said solemnly to Rong Sheng, "if this dress is worn on someone else and I say this, it must be false or I'm blind, but who makes you wear this dress?"

The fourth childe unconsciously raised his lips when he said something. He smiled in peach blossom's eyes and brought a few romantic colors for no reason.

When Rong Sheng heard the speech, his expression was hard to say. He frowned slightly and said, "Xie Si, do you talk to anyone like honey in your mouth?"

Xie Wanjin said in his heart: is Rongsheng saying that I like to flatter others?


I gave you a face. I don't want it yet. Isn't it bad?

He secretly scolded people in his heart, but his face was still very natural. He slowly answered, "No."

Rongsheng glanced at Xie Wanjin and obviously didn't believe what he said.

"You're really strange. You don't like to hear me say you're beautiful. Do you want me to say you're ugly?"

Xie Wanjin asked him with a smile. The pear vortex on his lips was shallow and harmless.

Rong Sheng was speechless for a moment: "

The fourth childe secretly rejoiced: can I be afraid of you?

He was a little proud. His smile on his lips became deeper and deeper. He raised his eyebrows and said, "you took off your mask and secretly ran to the imperial capital to find me. That's to take me as your best friend. Since you are your best friend, don't put on the airs of National Normal University. Let's be casual. We can eat, drink, talk and laugh together in order to enjoy the joy of fireworks in the world."

Rongsheng looked at him. "You're reasonable if you talk a lot, aren't you?"

"Yes." Xie Wanjin's natural expression on his face, "don't say anything else. No one in the whole imperial capital and even other countries is better at eating, drinking and having fun."

Speaking of this, he was proud and said with a smile: "it's not easy for the national master to go down to earth. You can't come in vain, can you? Listen to me and make sure you're worth your trip!"

Rongsheng slightly hooked his lips, "OK, that's what you said."

"Can I deny what I said?" Xie Wanjin felt a little funny and raised his hand to make a "please" gesture to him.

They both left the house without delay.

The flowers in front of the court were in full bloom, and the faint fragrance floated. The sun fell on the two people and covered them with a faint halo. It became more and more gorgeous and beautiful.

Xie Wanjin took a few steps and suddenly felt a little empty in his hand. He couldn't help slowing down?, "I always feel like something is missing?"

Rong Sheng could not help but stop and looked back at him. His eyes were full of "what the hell do you want to do?"

Xie Wanjin rubbed his fingertips twice and suddenly remembered, "fan! Why don't you take a fan when you go out like this young master?"

He said, turning back and shouting, "great wealth, go to the study and bring the fan I brought the other day."

"Yes." the two maids answered not far away and hurriedly went to get it.

A moment later, they carried two wooden boxes to Xie Wanjin, opened the cover of the box, held it and presented it, "childe, which one do you want to use today?"

Rongsheng glanced casually. There were at least dozens of fans in the box.

Xie Si really has money to spend. He spends money on food and clothing.

Xie Wanjin picked two fans from the box regardless of what Rong Sheng was thinking.

He took one by himself and stuffed the other into Rong Sheng's hand. With a smile, he said, "let's go, brother Rong."

While the fourth childe was talking, he picked his peach eyes slightly, opened the folding fan brush in his hand, shook it gently, and was very casual, just like a dandy going out for fun.

Rong Sheng's eyes moved with a cry of "brother Rong".

The young man looked as usual and played with the folding fan in his hand for a moment. Then he opened the fan with Xie Wanjin, shook it at will, and walked forward slowly.

The breeze came slowly to his face, blowing his ink slightly and his sleeves lightly.

Rao Shi Xie Wanjin often boasted with others that "the world is very romantic, and the Xie family's children account for nine points". At this moment, he also felt that Rongsheng's face really stole the limelight.

The fourth childe bowed his head and smiled. He couldn't help shaking the folding fan in his hand.

As he hurried forward and walked out of the house side by side with Rong Sheng, he talked to him about the fun place in the imperial capital. They walked against the light and about the threshold at the same time, and their sleeves walked gracefully towards the bustling long street.

Xie Wanjin told Rong Sheng about many good places to eat, drink and have fun, but there was no place where the boy wanted to go. He simply made up his mind and took the master to the Chunfeng building.

The fourth childe said, "although it is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, when you arrive at the spring breeze building, you must forget what year and month it is!"

Rongsheng disagreed and followed him into the door of Chunfeng building with his normal face.

It was noon at the moment. Before the opening, the singers and dancers in the building gathered in groups to chat. They were lazy one by one.

Mother Liu, who was closest to the door, had sharp eyes. Seeing Xie Wanjin, she quickly welcomed her and said with a trembling smile, "I said how magpies chirp in front of the door today. It turned out that Lord Hou is coming! Please, please!"

As soon as the beauties in the back listened, they cheered up in an instant, straightened their clothes and makeup, gathered around before and after the competition, and said in a charming voice: "Lord Hou, you haven't come to Chunfeng building to see us for a long time! Have you found another better place?"

"Aren't you busy with business?" Xie Wanjin shook his fan gently in his hand and said with a smile: "I'll come to see you as soon as I'm free. Hurry up and prepare wine, vegetables, songs and dances, or I can go."

A dancer who knew something about the affair began to tease him, "I heard that the Lord Hou is going to get a wife. Isn't it that the lady Hou who is going to pass the door is too powerful to take care of you and don't dare to be happy outside?"

All the beauties laughed at this.

Rong Sheng pulled slightly from the corner of his mouth, looked sideways at Xie Wanjin, who smiled and comforted the Americans, quietly closed the folding fan in his hand and knocked on the palm of his hand.

Mother Liu looked back at the talkative girl and quickly made amends to Xie Wanjin: "it's all my fault that I spoil them on weekdays. Bold people talk nonsense in front of the Marquis..."

"No harm, no harm." Xie Wanjin smiled and naturally stretched out his hand to hold Rong Sheng's shoulder, and took him to the front of the crowd: "my guest is my brother Rong. He has set foot in the land of mortal fireworks for the first time, but Chunfeng building is one of the best gentle villages in imperial capital. I have let this out. Don't let me lose face in front of him!"

All the beauties responded in unison and said with a smile, "we must not let the Marquis lose face in front of distinguished guests."

For a moment, yingshengyanyu, the echo of the building does not disperse.

Mother Liu saw that the childe brought back by Xie Wanjin was so handsome. She was stunned for a moment and was pulled back by the girl on her side. She repeatedly replied: "please come to the table, marquis. Good wine, good food, good singing and dancing will come soon! Red swallow, green sleeve, green warbler and purple jade. You are a good student to serve your guests."

The four young ladies quickly answered and came forward and surrounded the two, "Lord Hou and childe, please upstairs."

Rongsheng frowned slightly and avoided several women. They didn't even touch her sleeves.

Several beauties looked at each other and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin smiled, "it's all right. Brother Rong, our vision is very high. It's not your fault."

Holding Rongsheng's shoulder in one hand and a folding fan in the other, she took people familiar upstairs.

Several people behind him hurriedly followed up to serve. A group of young ladies in the building gathered together and whispered, "the noble guest of the Lord is too provocative. Who dares to say that he is a beauty in front of him?"

One of the dancers whispered, "anyway, I don't dare..."

Mother Liu turned around, raised her handkerchief and scattered the whispering girls. "What are you muttering about here? Hurry up and dress up and serve your guests!"

All the women scattered.

In a moment, Xie Wanjin took Rong Sheng to the second floor and sat down in the best place to enjoy singing and dancing.

The fourth childe shook the folding fan in his hand and said with a smile: "it's said that the spring is the best year. Flowers compete for beauty and birds fly and swallow dance. It's the most comfortable for me to say. The scenery at all times depends on the work of heaven. But the people in the flower willow lane are more charming than flowers. They add new colors and change new faces every day. Isn't it more pleasant?"

Rong Sheng leaned on the railing and looked at him with a faint eye color. "The good place you said is to take me to the brothel?"

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