Xie Wanjin was startled. He quickly looked back at Rong Sheng and asked in a low voice, "you, what do you suddenly stand up to do?"

Rongsheng really didn't want to sit here and listen to his lies. He couldn't beat him in front of his aunt. He resisted the impulse to do it, nodded slightly to Mrs. Xie, turned and strode away.

Xie Wanjin and Mrs. Xie were stunned.

The young man's clothes are floating, and even his back is a little better than others.

The mother and son were silent for a moment.

Xie Wanjin wanted to go out and have a look. He had a headache. How could he tell his aunt about it? For a moment, he couldn't find any good reason to make a round.

After a while.

On the contrary, Mrs. Xie first said, "this girl... Why is she so tall?"

Before she didn't look carefully, she would see that he stood up a little taller than Wanjin.

"Shoes!" Xie Wanjin said nonsense: "the sole is high. Next time I let him change a pair of shoes, it won't be so high."

Mrs. Xie said "Oh", but she didn't care much. Then she sighed, "girls have a good temper."

"That..." Xie Wanjin paused and immediately answered, "he has a good temper, but..."

"Blame me, too. I shouldn't mention her sadness."

Mrs. Xie is very reasonable to people other than her son. She doesn't care about the girl at the moment.

She thought for a moment and asked Xie Wanjin to say, "don't pestle here, either. Hurry up and have a look. There are so many powerful children in the emperor's capital. How can she meet someone who looks up?"

Xie Wanjin couldn't help laughing. "No, no, I'm worried..." few people in the world dare to covet Rongsheng's beauty.

However, before he said this, he was interrupted by Mrs. Xie.

"Why not? Aren't you?" Mrs. Xie, who is an ah Niang, looked at Xie Wanjin with disgust. "She said all day that she doesn't want to get a wife. She doesn't like this or that. When it comes to marriage, she's not in a hurry. Your father and I thought you really don't care about anyone. It's no wonder that she had such a wonderful look to be the right person long ago."

She sighed with emotion and sorrow.

Xie Wanjin slightly raised his eyebrows. The lie has been told. Naturally, it can't be broken so soon.

She can only teach me that.

"Well, my heart has flown away. What are you doing here?" Mrs. Xie waved when she saw him like this. "Go quickly. Remember to come back to the house later and talk about the Rong girl with her mother."

Xie Wanjin heard that the speech was like an amnesty, and quickly said with a smile, "then I'll go first. The tea here is good, and I'll taste it slowly."

He then turned and left, with a quick step.

Mrs. Xie drank tea slowly and told the maid on her side, "tell them to find out what the girl Rong came from and what she was with Wan Jin."

The maid answered "yes".

"Wait." Mrs. Xie suddenly thought of something and said, "let them be careful when checking. Don't disturb others."

"I see." the maid answered and turned to do it.

"Madam, take it easy." mother Zhang whispered and advised, "young master, you know."

In fact, Mrs. Xie didn't feel at ease. She drank the tea in every way. She couldn't help but say, "Wanjin is a child who smiles and sings all day. He likes jokes and excitement. In fact, he can hide things."

She put the tea lamp in her hand aside and couldn't help sighing, "before, I didn't have to guess what he was thinking, but when he was a teenager, I could only guess half of his mind at most. Now, as an aunt, I can't tell how true and false his words are."

Mother Zhang said, "when the child grows up, he is always different from when he was a child. The childe is filial and good-natured. The wife should be happy."

Mrs. Xie slowly breathed a sigh of relief. "I can't help my mother. He won't tell me everything when he has something on his mind."

Mammy Zhang was a little hesitant to speak, and it took a while to say, "madam, you can't think so. Look at the third childe..."

Mrs. Xie was feeling disappointed. After listening to mammy Zhang talking about Xie, she thought about the third childe's coldness. She didn't like you to say a word for a long time. She quickly shook her head and immediately felt that there was nothing wrong with Wanjin.

Mrs. Xie calmed down and ordered the maid on her side, "go and shout the boys who brought the childe here today, reward them with some silver, and ask them to be more attentive next time."

"Yes, madam."

The maid hurried to do it.

Just a moment later, he brought in the dozen boys.

Mammy Zhang gave some silver coins one by one and said to the people, "this is the reward given by the lady. You should be more attentive to working for the lady in the future. Do you remember?"

Everyone answered, "remember, Mrs. Xie!"

Mrs. Xie looked up and said, "OK, go back."

When the voice fell, the boys answered "yes" in unison and bowed their heads and walked out.

Mrs. Xie suddenly remembered something, "wait, when you brought the childe back from Chunfeng building, was Miss Rong there?"

She said there was something wrong with it today, and it was true!

When the boys heard the speech, they all stopped and turned to talk back.

The person in front said: "madam, when we went to Chunfeng building to invite the childe, the girl was indeed there, but..."

"I said how could Wanjin hide for so long! It turned out to be the girl of Chunfeng building..." Xie Sanfu's popular face turned blue. He didn't want to listen to the boy at all. He had thought a lot, "no wonder his family background is cold and he can wear beautiful clothes. No wonder Wanjin hesitated and refused to say anything..."

"Madam." the young man was confused and couldn't help reminding: "Madam misunderstood. The girl shouldn't be in the spring breeze building..."

The people in the back answered, "when the children arrived, they just saw the girl standing in front of the childe and fell a chair. She looked very angry."

Another person answered, "I don't know if I'm angry. I'm walking around the brothel..."

"At that time, the childe was so flustered that he had been explaining the misunderstanding with the girl!"

"By the way, the girl still has the childe's fan in her hand!"

The boys talked vividly. They wished they could show Mrs. Xie the scene at that time.

Although Xie Wanjin seems amorous and romantic, he knows very well and never gives personal objects to others.

Mrs. Xie thought about what they said together. "According to this, the girl also went to Chunfeng building to find Wanjin? Wanjin even gave out her fans. It should not be for fun."

The boys nodded one after another and said, "look, young master, you are very serious!"

"It should be, that's right."

"So, that girl Rong is really energetic. She can go to the brothel to catch Wanjin and dare to throw a chair in front of Wanjin..." Mrs. Xie said and couldn't help feeling: "I looked a little like that."

Seeing this, Mammy Zhang hurriedly said, "if someone can control the childe, it's also a good thing."

Mrs. Xie nodded, "it's really good."

And wait for WAN Jin to come back and ask.

Here, men and women are upside down and everything is confused. The whole thing is neither funny nor funny.

On the other side, Xie Wanjin hurriedly caught up with Rong Sheng.

Bustling streets, surging crowds.

The fourth childe ran out of breath and grabbed Rong Sheng's sleeve. "Why are you running so fast? My aunt just asked a few words and wouldn't eat you!"

Rongsheng turned to look at him, his eyes were faint, "just ask where he lives, how old is he, and have he ever married?"

Xie Wanjin couldn't help laughing. He took the folding fan from Rong Sheng's hand and opened it. He fanned the young man leisurely. "My aunt... Everything else is good. She's easy to be anxious. No matter what she does, she doesn't want to fall behind. When other people's sons are my age, they have long been surrounded by wives and concubines. She sees that I don't want to get a wife, so it's inevitable to get angry."

Rong Sheng said, "if she gets angry in a hurry, you will harm me?"

Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "the word disaster may not be too serious."

"It's not serious." Rongsheng looked at him, and a cold arc came up at the corners of his mouth, "Miss Xie?"

Xie Wanjin Leng Bu Ding choked and the fan couldn't shake. Why is this good man so awkward when he is called a girl?

Fortunately, Rong Sheng had just sat in the elegant room for a while. If he had to replace him, he would have turned his face and left long ago.

The fourth childe thought so, and suddenly felt that Rong Sheng was very interesting. He quickly bowed and smiled, bowed his head and said, "Rong childe and brother Rong, you have a lot. Don't worry about me this time."

Rong Sheng smiled faintly, "what's a lot? I've always been a man of vengeance."

The fourth childe secretly sighed, secretly looked up at him and said in a low voice: "when you disguised as a woman to harm people, you became famous all over the world. Up to now, few people in all countries can tell whether you are a man or a woman. You didn't care about it before. How come you care now?"

Rong Sheng was also different from him. He looked at him with dark eyes, "when do I have a name to call a smile? Why don't I know?"

Xie Wanjin helped his forehead. "Isn't this what I made up when I was in a hurry?"

The fourth childe thought: I'm kidding. If I say your name is Rongsheng with my aunt, won't she faint?

Rong Sheng said in a low tone, "nonsense, become my father?"

Xie Wanjin didn't want to go back. At that time, he was taking advantage of others. This meeting was seen through and can only be recognized.

The fourth childe tried to explain: "it's good to laugh at this name. It's good to laugh at the city, the country and my heart..."

What he said was very smooth. At the last sentence, he suddenly felt something wrong. He quickly changed his mouth and said, "who wrote this word? It's very smooth. Anyway, I think it's just right for you to laugh. It's rare to be carefree in life, so you have to laugh more."

Rong Sheng didn't listen to his nonsense and sneered, "so you treat yourself as my father?"

Xie Wanjin naturally answered, "I'm not in vain. How about giving you a big red envelope?"

Rong Sheng raised his hand to slap the fourth childe to make him sober.

Xie Wanjin reacted very quickly, turned around and ran away. He didn't forget to smile and say, "brother Rong, it's just a joke. Why take it seriously?"

Rongsheng brushed his sleeves, flew forward, chased him and disappeared into the world of fireworks and the world of mortals.

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