Xie Wanjin didn't doze off in the political discussion hall since he was born in Dijing. Mrs. Xie didn't urge him to see each other all day since she knew there was such a girl.

The fourth childe just took Rong Sheng around the imperial capital to show the prosperity of Dayan.

After three or four days.

Mrs. Xie couldn't wait any longer. She sent people around her to ask the fourth childe to go back to the house for questioning.

It was afternoon when mammy Zhang came.

Xiewan King Kong had a meal with Rongsheng. After two words of poverty, he was kicked by the national master and hurriedly went back to his room. As soon as he came to the door, he heard the report of great wealth not far away, "childe, Mammy Zhang is coming."

Hearing the sound, the fourth childe, who was about to take a nap, turned to meet him, smiled and asked, "why is mammy here?"

Mother Zhang said, "didn't you forget that you promised your wife to go back to the house and talk to her about Miss Rong? Your wife has been waiting for you for several days and hasn't seen your son come back. Then I ordered the old slave to invite you."

"I really forgot!"

Xie Wanjin patted his forehead. Then he remembered that there was an anxious ah Niang at home waiting for him to tell lies.

Originally, this thing was made out of nothing. He hid it for a while. Naturally, he wouldn't rush home to listen to grandma's questions, but mammy Zhang came. Naturally, he couldn't let others go in vain.

"I'll go back to the house with Mammy to see grandma."

As he spoke, he walked out with mammy Zhang.

Along the way, Xie Wanjin also got some words from mother Zhang. He didn't know what happened to grandma. He was extremely satisfied with Miss Rong.

The fourth childe had a headache when he thought that he had to continue to talk about it.

But a headache is better than a headache every day, isn't it?

Thinking about this, he entered Xie's house with a smile. First he went to Songhe hall to greet his grandparents, and then he talked with Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi for a while. When he passed the garden, he talked and laughed with Xiao Wu and Yeli. When the draft in his stomach was almost finished, he went to Donghe yard.

Mrs. Xie sat in the courtyard, drinking tea and waiting for the fourth childe.

Xie Yucheng was sitting on the side, comforting her with a warm voice, "Wanjin's age is the time to play. Whose childe didn't come from young and affectionate. He will be safe in another two years. Don't worry 。”

"That's what you said..." Mrs. Xie suddenly felt a little bad when she heard this. She couldn't help asking, "don't you think I'm too strict with you, so she deliberately took the opportunity to speak for her son?"

As soon as Xie Yucheng heard this, he quickly put down the tea lamp, "what do you say? My wife and I are..."

As soon as Xie Wangang entered Donghe hospital, he saw that the fine sweat came out from his father's forehead. Don't think about it. It must be a Niang who caught his father again.

He hurried forward to save the scene and said with a smile, "father and aunt, I'm back. What kind of tea is this? It smells good!"

The fourth childe reached out to pick up the teapot and prepared to make a cup for himself. As a result, as soon as his hand touched the teapot, he was knocked off by Mrs. Xie San.

"I didn't make it clear what tea to drink!" Mrs. Xie didn't have a good way: "I asked you to come back to the house later the other day. Why didn't you come back?"

Xie Wanjin touched his hand and said wrongfully, "you said later, later I was busy forgetting. I didn't mean not to come back."

"I think you did it on purpose." Mrs. Xie looked up at him. "You don't go to court and do business every day. Why are you so busy?"

Xie Wanjin replied, "ah Niang, this is your mistake. Think about it. What do you want me to do?"

Mrs. Xie paused for a moment and then continued: "I don't even have the Kung Fu to talk to me back to the house."

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin slowly sat down at the stone table and said with a smile, "I'm not back now. Don't say two words, even 20 or 200 words. You can say what you want, auntie. I'll sit here and listen. I won't go until you finish talking."

"You have a poor mouth! When can you have a good shape for such a big man?" Mrs. Xie winked at the maid nearby and motioned her to make tea for the fourth childe.

"I'm afraid I'm too serious, but I'm not used to it." Xie Wanjin said seriously, "people can't laugh if they want to laugh. I can only be raised if my parents are happy and my family is prosperous. It's rare to have one in ten thousand miles. ”

Mrs. Xie was amused by him and couldn't hold her breath. "Drink two cups of tea to moisten her throat and talk to her. How did you know that girl Rong?"

The fourth childe was so urged by her that the tea at his mouth suddenly didn't smell.

Xie Yucheng, a piansheng, also warned: "you can speak clearly and reliably."

As a father, he seldom talks. In fact, he knows what kind of person the fourth childe is.

Xie Wanjin drank half a cup of tea and relaxed his mind. Then he said, "I've known her for several years. At first, I changed my acquaintance with Qianjin. At that time, the people who were changed by Qianjin were sold on the stage. I just passed by there and gave some money to let people set her free..."

"How many years?" Mrs. Xie couldn't hear him speak so vaguely. She immediately asked, "since you like other people's girls, why can't you even remember when you met them?"

Xie Wanjin tried to resist the impulse to help his forehead. "Four years ago, I remember. Aung, did you listen? I left."

Xie Sanfu humanitarian: "of course, listen, you go on."

Xie Wanjin sat and continued to make it up, pulling more and more like a real one. "There was nothing at that time, but I ran into it on the way to Xichu some time ago. It came and went, just... That's all."

The fourth childe looked at his aunt with an expression of "you all know".

Mrs. Xie thought about what he said, and she always felt something wrong. "How can you let her go when you bought her four years ago?"

How else do you know the mother letter !

Xie Wanjin sighed secretly, but his face was rarely serious. "Although I love beauty, he is different from others. I don't want to force him to stay, nor can he."

He secretly added: I dare not.

When Mrs. Xie heard the speech, she couldn't help looking at him a lot and asked with a smile, "our fourth childe still has such a time to be oppressed?"

"You are a real mother." Xie Wanjin said, "I've never seen a mother so happy to hear her own words."

Xie Yucheng cleared his throat, "Wanjin, how can you talk to your aunt."

"Well, well, can't I be wrong?" Xie Wanjin said helplessly: "anyway, I said everything I should say. What else does a Niang want to ask?"

Isn't it just making up stories?

Who can't!

Mrs. Xie said leisurely: "I've sent someone to check this Rong girl. It's really not from the brothel song shop. It's just that she has no father or mother. She has a low family background and can't even find out her origin..."

When Xie Wanjin heard her say this, his heart suddenly clicked.

Ah Niang is quick enough to send someone to check the origin of Rongsheng.

Fortunately, the national master has been used to missing for years. Even the best intelligence informants in the world can't find out his trace, let alone those under Mrs. Xie.

For a moment, he didn't know whether he should be glad that he was born to lie.

The fourth childe was stunned for a moment.

Mrs. Xie has said, "in fact, as long as people are good, these are nothing. If she is willing to live a good life with you, she will be the fourth young lady of the Xie family and the Hou lady of the royal house. She will also be worthy of a high patent. How high is this identity? We Xie family can't use it. We generally rely on our children's and women's in laws to get a foothold in the imperial capital."

As she spoke, she suddenly found that Xie Wanjin hadn't answered for a long time. She couldn't help frowning and shouting to him, "Wanjin? Wanjin, did you hear what Wei Niang said?"

"Yes, yes." the fourth childe suddenly came back to his senses. In fact, he didn't listen to anything. But he answered very quickly. He didn't forget to flatter: "what a Niang said is very true."

Mrs. Xie put down her hand that was going to twist his ear and said leisurely, "in that case, you can take Miss Rong home tomorrow and let Wei Niang and your grandmother have a good look."

"What?" Xie Wanjin was so frightened that he woke up completely, "it's good. How can I bring him back suddenly?"

Mrs. Xie looked at him and couldn't understand, "since Miss Rong is your favorite, now she lives in the same house with you. You are both like this!"

She stretched out the index finger of her left and right hands and made a gesture of "one for two." what are you thinking without taking her to see the elders at home? "

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

What a Niang said was so reasonable that she suddenly couldn't refute. What should I do?

Xie Yucheng explained slowly: "Originally, we should invite the matchmaker to come to the house to talk about the marriage, but I heard your aunt say that the girl's parents are dead, and there are no other elders in the family. It's hard to avoid some bad things for her to live alone in the imperial capital and live in the same house with you... Of course, our Xie family will not despise her, but since you two agree, you'd better bring her back to see her earlier Generation, it's good to have a wedding. "

"No..." Xie Wanjin seldom heard his father say so many words, and he couldn't refuse.

The difficulty is that Rongsheng is not a girl.

"It's nothing, it's not?" Mrs. Xie was angry when she saw his faltering appearance, and couldn't help saying, "did you say those words to deceive me?"

Xie Wanjin immediately said, "I can't cheat anyone!"

"Then you're just a big turnip eating in a bowl and watching in a pot!" Mrs. Xie was even more angry. "What's the reason why you like people and don't marry them?"

"I didn't say I wouldn't bring him..." Xie Wanjin looked at a Niang and said, "tomorrow, right? I'll bring her tomorrow."

Mrs. Xie didn't believe him, "really? ”

"Really, really." Xie Wanjin said, "what a Niang says is what she says."

Xie Sanfu said, "that's OK."

"Then I'll go and talk to him first." Xie Wanjin said and was about to get up.

Mrs. Xie said slowly: "if you don't bring people back tomorrow, you won't have to come back in the future."

Xie Wanjin almost didn't stand firm at his feet. He tried to maintain a smile on his face and said in a consultative tone: "just meet my aunt and grandmother tomorrow..."

As he spoke, Mrs. Xie suddenly glanced at him and immediately added, "I'm a little afraid of strangers with a smile..."

"Don't worry, no irrelevant person will disturb me to see my daughter-in-law tomorrow. ” Xie Sanfu said humanely, "just bring people here. I'll make arrangements for other things."

"Good, good..."

Xie Wanjin answered twice and said something to his father's mother. Only then did he leave Xie's house top heavy.

When the fourth childe returned to another courtyard, the whole person was absent-minded.

This lie is really hard to tell. There will be a second time after the first time, and countless times.

How would he say to Rong Sheng: my aunt and grandmother are waiting to see you, the new man. Why don't you go home with me and let them have a good look?

Just at this time, Rong Sheng came face to face.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the face of the fourth childe. Life is worse than death.

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