Rong Sheng stopped at the porch and shouted, "Xie Yu."

Xie Wanjin was immersed in the miserable thoughts. Suddenly he heard someone shouting. Then he looked up and looked ahead.

As soon as he saw Rong Sheng standing a few steps away, his heart became more and more messy. He could only harden his head and say with a smile: "brother Rong, have a rest? Where do you want to go today?"

Rongsheng didn't give him a chance to muddle through, and directly asked, "what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry?" Xie Wanjin was surprised when he heard this question. He quickly explained, "how can I be sorry for such an honest and kind man?"

The fourth childe said this, but he couldn't help saying: isn't this Rongsheng really able to read the mind and understand?

How can I be broken by him every time I feel guilty?

Rong Sheng listened to the fourth childe boasting like this, and the corners of his lips flashed a very shallow arc, "don't say it."

He turned and left.

"Brother Rong! Brother Rong, wait..." Xie Wanjin hurriedly caught up with him and stopped him. He was very tangled and said, "let me think about how to say this."

Rong Sheng's eyes are light, not tight, not slow: "it seems that it's not a good thing."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

Isn't that nonsense!

If it's a good thing, you still need to feel so bad?

However, the fourth childe's abdominal Fei belongs to the abdominal Fei, which still needs to be stable.

He smiled at Rong Sheng and said, "brother Rong, don't hurry to make a conclusion. Let's go in and talk slowly."

Before Rong Sheng spoke, Xie Wanjin grabbed his wrist first. For fear that people might run away, he pulled into the flower hall, "although it's a little troublesome, it will never hurt your life or let you lose a hair, really..."

The more Rong Sheng listened, the more he felt... A bad feeling.

The fourth childe finished with him, then turned back and told the maid, "you all go away. Don't come here when you hear anything!"

Not far away, the rich and powerful were confused. Some muddled chorus said "yes" and hurried back away.

Xie Wanjin took Rong Sheng into the flower hall, pressed the man on the chair, and handed him a cup of tea. He raised his eyes and said with a smile, "brother Rong, drink some water first."

Rong Sheng glanced at Xie Wanjin. The fourth childe is also a childe who is used to being served. His identity is higher and higher step by step. He doesn't have the habit of serving tea and water to people on weekdays.

When things happen, there must be demons.

He didn't answer. He said suspiciously, "did you poison the water?"

The smile on Xie Wanjin's face broke in half in an instant. He drank all the water in the cup by himself, turned the empty cup over to Rong Sheng, and said helplessly, "why should I poison you?"

Rong Sheng looked as usual and said, "I want to ask you."

Xie Wanjin choked on him. He put the cup aside, pulled a chair and sat down beside Rong Sheng. "I just have something to ask you for help, not your life. What do I do to poison you? Besides, what poison can put you down, master?"

The fourth childe said, rubbing his eyebrows with a headache, "you're the one who stirs up poison all day. Only then can you think that others like to do this like you. I'm not stupid. How can I play a big knife in front of Guan Gong?"

Rong Sheng smiled faintly in his eyes and said in his usual tone: "don't talk here. If you have something to say, shut up if you have nothing to do."

The fourth childe's heart is empty. This is more than usual.

He didn't feel it himself, but Rong Sheng had already seen it.

Xie Wanjin couldn't help sighing when he heard the speech: "my aunt wants to see Miss Rong..."

As soon as he said this, Rong Sheng got up and left.

"Hey..." the fourth childe quickly got up, stretched out his hand to pull him back and pressed him back into the chair. "Didn't you ask me to say? Why are you leaving before I finish?"

Rongsheng looked up at him, his eyes were faint, "who is Miss Rong?"

Xie Wanjin blurted out, "you."

Rongsheng raised his hand without saying a word.

The fourth childe quickly retreated a little and quickly changed his mind: "brother Rong, take it easy! My aunt... Isn't that a misunderstanding?"

He said, his eyes moved slightly, and an idea came out quietly under his heart. His smile was also sincere. He slowly said, "in the final analysis, it's not because you look too eye-catching. Otherwise, why don't my aunt misunderstand others and misunderstand you?"

Rongsheng was angry and smiled, "according to what you say, I'm to blame for this?"

"How can that be?" Xie Wanjin hurriedly said, "I just want to say that you look too pleasant. Just listen to what you say."

Rong Sheng was speechless for a moment, but his face became more and more alert.

Xie Yu's mouth is a deceitful ghost.

Every time he began to talk, he had secretly dug a pit and waited for him to jump.

Looking at Rong Sheng, Xie Wanjin couldn't help but "tut", came forward to hold the back of the young man's chair and said with a smile in his voice: "brother Rong, don't look at me like this. If you don't know, you think I'm going to tell you what to do."

Rong Sheng said in a cool tone, "take your hand away and say that again."

The fourth childe very obediently closed his hands and returned to his sleeves, smiling and revealing two small pear vortices on his lips.

He talked with the young man in front of him and said, "brother Rong, you are idle anyway. Just dress up and go home with me."

Rong Sheng had guessed what he was up to. Now he couldn't help laughing when he said it himself.

He thought it was an actor on the stage?

Dress up?

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin had a bad heart, but he was unwilling to give up. He had to have the courage to say, "you used to be a woman and a brother. It's not too troublesome to change your face every day. Why don't you do me a favor now?"

Rongsheng picked his eyes and looked at him, "do you know where I went for the first time, and then what happened?"

Xie Wanjin recalled the rumor and suddenly felt his back cool. He was stunned and didn't dare to answer.

"The whole house was destroyed, and there were no bones." Rong Sheng looked into the fourth childe's eyes and said slowly: "do you think the Xie family is living too comfortable now?"

Xie Wanjin thought a little and hurriedly said, "no, No."

The fourth childe was in a mess, but he didn't want to give up. He hardened his head and said to Rong Sheng, "it's someone else, not me. We're so familiar. How can we generalize with others."

Rongsheng didn't want to talk to him.

Xie Wanjin thought for a moment and directly lay on the table. He looked like he would roll on the spot if you didn't help me. "You should save me and go home with me tomorrow..."


Rongsheng interrupted him with a cold face.

"Are you really not going?" Xie Wanjin immediately sat up and looked at him.

The fourth childe's patience was obviously exhausted, and his face changed very quickly. He immediately said, "if you don't go, I'll find someone to look like you. Anyway, my aunt wants to see Miss Rong, I have to change one for her."

Rong Sheng's voice suddenly sank: "dare you!"

"How dare I?" Xie Wanjin sat down slowly. "Anyway, no one knows what the national master looks like. I just borrow your face and won't ruin your reputation."

The fourth childe is already a broken jar.

He glanced at Rong Sheng with the remaining light from the corner of his eye and continued: "I'll find a warm and soft girl Yi Rong to take home like you. I'll find someone who speaks light and soft and let her do whatever she wants..."

"Xie Yu." Rong Sheng interrupted him in a deep voice, "I think you're tired of living."

Xie Wanjin raised his eyebrows, He had the posture of being hard against him, "you have the ability to do it!"

Rong Sheng immediately: "

The fourth childe was not afraid of him. "Anyway, if my aunt can't see anyone, she will toss half of my life. It's better to die early and surpass life early."

He even urged Rong Sheng, "hurry up, or I'll go."

Rong Sheng suddenly stood up when he heard the speech. As soon as his hands were half raised, he saw Xie Wanjin holding his head in his hands and lying on the table.

The fourth childe confessed that he counseled faster than he said ruthlessly, "don't hit people in the face !”

When he finished this sentence, he suddenly thought of something general and added: "you can't beat for nothing. After beating, you have to dress up as a girl and go home with me!"

Rong Sheng laughed angrily at him.

Xie Wanjin was afraid that he had long thought of such a move, so he sent the maid away early and said that he would not come near if there was anything.

Even if I had planned early, I would do both soft and hard. I would do everything again, waiting for him to nod and go back to Xie's house with him.

Rong Sheng took back his sleeves, raised his legs and kicked him, "where's your backbone?"

Xie Wanjin pretended to eat pain and covered his legs. He directly skipped his sarcastic words and said to himself, "even if you have hit this foot."

When Rong Sheng heard the speech, he suddenly wanted to mend his feet.

Xie Wanjin turned his head and smiled at him, "I won't let you play for nothing. Can't I give you the silver? How much is OK. You can make a price!"

Rong Sheng was very angry and laughed back.

Xie Si really regarded him as a singer.

Return the silver.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the fourth childe suddenly felt something wrong. He quickly changed his mind and said, "if you don't want money, you can mention some conditions. If I can do it, I'll go through fire and water!"

He had to weave a net to cover Rongsheng.

But the master just doesn't buy it.

Xie Wanjin waited and waited. He didn't wait for Rong Sheng to speak.

He sighed in his heart:

If this doesn't work, he can only accept his life and go back tomorrow. Ren a Niang will pinch the circle and flatten it.

Just then, Rong Sheng said in a cool tone, "you can do anything?"

Xie Wanjin's eyes brightened when he heard this. He immediately said, "as long as it doesn't hurt my eldest brother and Dayan, everything else will be done."

Rongsheng's eyes narrowed slightly, "that's what you said."

"Yes, I said, what I told you must count." Xie Wanjin's legs didn't hurt and his head didn't faint. He smiled and said: "then you dress up as a girl and go home with me tomorrow. That's a deal. You can't go back!"

Rong Sheng didn't bother to pay attention, but asked, "who are there in the Xie family tomorrow?"

"Just my father, aunt and grandmother." Xie Wanjin said heartily: the national master still loves face.

Even if no one knows his true face, he doesn't want people to see his women's clothes.

The fourth childe thought and comforted with a smile: "don't worry, I've explained it specially. There won't be any irrelevant people present. You just have to walk in front of them."

Rongsheng glanced at him, "I hope so."

"It must be so." Xie Wanjin's heart fell to the ground, and his lips smiled more and more.

The fourth childe suddenly felt that ah Niang's misunderstanding was excellent.

Rong Sheng had such a beautiful face. What would it look like if he changed into his daughter's beautiful Luo skirt?

He suddenly couldn't wait to see what was going on?

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