When Xie Wanjin followed Xie Yu to the imperial study, his Majesty was already sitting behind the imperial case.

The folds were stacked several times, and Xie Heng was reviewing them.

"Good day, your majesty." Xie Wanjin hurried forward to say hello for fear of being beaten.

He glanced at his elder brother's face and thought about saying a few good words to ease up.

However, your majesty is very busy. He turns a deaf ear, as if he didn't see him at all.

He looked back at Xie Yu.

As usual, Lord Shoufu seemed to have expected it to be like this. He came up to his majesty and said, "I have mentioned with my elder brother about the young son of the former Emperor played by the courtiers today. This gossip will not come out of thin air in the noisy day..."

"The first assistant is not bad." Xie Heng raised his hand to the Qingyi guard who had been waiting for him for a long time.

The Qingyi guard, Xie Xuan, said, "Zhao Xi had been living with the seventh childe before. In case of chaos, he went to biezhuang together with the sixth young lady to take refuge. Later, when the chaos was settled, he suddenly lost his trace. My subordinates were ordered to track down the rumor a few days ago. After many twists and turns, he found traces of him and the former Emperor in Wuzhou..."

"Sure enough, someone is secretly trying to make a living." Xie Yu didn't feel strange when he heard the speech. His face was light and said, "nothing in the world has ever happened for no reason."

Xie Heng nodded and agreed with the third childe.

Xie Yu thought for a moment and disdained to say, "just rumors want to shake the foundation of my new dynasty. It's just fantastic."

"What the third brother said is true!" Xie Wanjin listened to the audience for a long time. At least he heard a reason. He quickly took the opportunity to insert, "if those remaining evils of the previous dynasty were really capable, they would not become homeless dogs and homeless, elder brother... Do you think so?"

Xie Heng deliberately didn't answer his words. His thin lips were light, and his voice said with a smile: "with our chief auxiliary adults, no matter how noisy they are, it's just a small trick, which is not worth mentioning."

Upon hearing this, the first auxiliary adult felt that his Majesty was too relaxed and vigilant. He frowned slightly and said, "although Zhao Xi is young, he is so wise and close to the demon. If he really wants to cause trouble, I'm afraid it's not a small trouble this time."

"If he really has that ability, just grab it." Xie Heng didn't care. He put down the memorials that had just been reviewed in his hand and said with a smile: "as long as he can afford the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, why don't I give him this seat?"

Your majesty seems to be eager for Zhao Xi to rush to grab the Dragon chair.

Wang Liang, a group of internal attendants and several Qingyi guards on the side bowed their heads and retreated, fearing that Shoufu University's anger would affect them later.

Even Xie Wanjin moved two steps to the side without any trace.

A moment later.

Xie Xuan frowned and said in a cold voice, "what did your majesty just say?"

Xie Heng stopped writing and looked up at him. The smile in Danfeng's eyes flowed, "my first auxiliary adult, why are you angry again?"

The first auxiliary adult's eyes looked at him like ink, but he didn't say a word.

Xie Heng got up with a smile, grabbed Xie Xuan's shoulder, pulled him aside and sat down, then pushed all the approved folds to him, and slowly said, "I didn't see you have such a big temper before. Why? After being the first auxiliary, the official prestige became heavier and heavier, and he wouldn't put it down in front of me?"

Xie Yu said unhappily, "know it clearly and ask it."

Xie Heng smiled, "OK, OK, I won't say such words next time."

At most, it's not in the face of the chief assistant.

However, Xie Yu still looked at him with an expressionless face.

Xie Heng was stunned for a moment and suddenly responded back. He quickly said with a straight face: "I, I won't say it again. Is it done?"

He lived a free and easy young man in his heart. Even if he sat on the supreme throne with an imperial crown and knelt down by thousands of people, he could protect the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and bear a heavy burden. Privately, he was still Xie Dongfeng who liked to talk and laugh with his brother.

Xie Xuan didn't answer, lowered his head, opened his approved fold and looked at it slowly.

Xie Heng smiled and continued to write and review the memorials.

These ministers don't know whether they get salaries or not. They are very nervous. If they don't write several memorials a day, it's like they don't work hard. They see the sky.

Your majesty can see ten lines at a glance and a batch of Zhu pens. He wants to use the pen as a long sword. This memorial is a man. One pen is one sword. If you cut it down, these individuals and things will stop.

From time to time, he and Shoufu said something about the court, always smiling and frowning, and gradually reviewed the accumulated memorials.

Xie Wanjin stood by and waited.

Although the eldest brother and the third brother are busy, they at least have to sit.

He's miserable.

I've been standing in the political hall for a long time. Now I'm tired and hungry. I can't stand.

The two were busy together, stunned as if there was no such person as him.

Xie Wanjin sighed deeply:

The elder brother really stayed with the third brother for a long time. Now he doesn't talk to him or beat him.

With one word, he called him over and stood in the imperial study.

There was no one else nearby. Xie Wanjin wanted to ask for help. No one could save him.

The fourth childe held on for a long time. He couldn't help shouting, "elder brother!"

Xie Heng just didn't hear anything.

Xie Wanjin went to the imperial case, stretched out his hand and pressed the fold Xie Heng was looking at, laughing like crying, "elder brother, I'm wrong."

Xie Heng took time out of his busy schedule and glanced up at him, "what's wrong with our fourth childe?"

Xie Wanjin whispered, "I'm wrong everywhere."

"There is no sincerity in admitting mistakes." Xie Heng looked at the back of the fourth childe's hand with a pen, and said slightly: "continue to stand on the side."

"I can't stand......" Xie Wanjin's hand was hurt and he quickly took it back. When he heard his eldest brother's words, he immediately felt bitter.

Most of them were lying on the table, with no face or skin, "I'm sincere. I know I'm wrong... You'd better beat me."

"Really?" Xie Heng put down his vermilion pen and rolled up his sleeves.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin quickly stood up straight, took an extremely serious attitude and said, "I really know my mistake. I shouldn't take Rongsheng back to fool a Niang and grandmother. I won't dare again next time, really."

The fourth childe is very sincere.

He doesn't have to say anything to his eldest brother and third brother. He doesn't dare to go back again.

If yesterday's battle were repeated, he would only be short-lived for 20 years.

"Fool?" Xie Heng pondered these two words for a moment. Danfeng's eyes were slightly picked and slowly asked him, "did you take Rongsheng back to fool your aunt?"

"Otherwise?" Xie Wanjin was stunned by his question. He glanced at Xie Yu and found that the third brother seemed to have this doubt, so he became more and more puzzled.

The fourth childe thought about it for a while before he realized that he didn't believe it. Generally, he asked them, "you... Don't you think I'm that?"

He didn't mean to say that.

Xie Yu said with a faint tone: "the good of Longyang is a hobby of breaking sleeves."

Xie Wanjin almost jumped up when he heard the speech and hurriedly said, "this... This is the third brother. Rong Sheng is very good-looking, um... Better than many beauties I've seen, but I don't."

As he spoke, he couldn't help looking up at them.

Xie Heng raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Xie Yu's eyes are dark.

Neither of them obviously believed him much.

"When I took him back, I really didn't think so much." the fourth childe was sweating anxiously and explained hard: "it wasn't a big deal. Why do you... Think so of me?"

The palace attendants in the imperial study have long been hiding clean.

There are only three Xie brothers left.

Even the door was closed. Wang Liang seemed to have thought of what their brother was going to say.

"Ten thousand gold." Xie Heng's rare Language Center said: "it's nothing to be young and romantic. It's not strange to be beautiful, but who gave you the courage to provoke Rongsheng?"

Xie Wanjin raised his hand, nodded his forehead and asked Xie Heng, "elder brother, do you see the words on my forehead?"

Xie Heng raised his eyes slightly, "too long?"

"Injustice!" the fourth childe's voice suddenly rose, full of grievances: "I'm really more unjust than Dou E. I met with Rong Sheng several times, said a few more words, and slept on the same couch..." I slept on the same couch so many times.

When he said the last sentence, he suddenly realized that it was bad and shut up.

In front of him, the two brothers were very clever. As soon as he said it, he heard it.

Xie Heng asked as usual, "how about sharing the same couch?"

Xie wanjinxin said: don't I paint darker and darker?

He wondered how he could make it clear.

Piansheng Xie Yu said again, "can't you say? It's hard to say? Or can't you say?"

The third brother asked three times.

Xie Wanjin almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood, forced himself to calm down and said to the two brothers, "I didn't go to the teacher's residence of the state of Western Chu for sake of ah Jiu. If you don't help me now, why do you still embarrass me?"

Seeing that it was useless to admit your mistake, the fourth childe immediately changed into a posture of "you're forcing me, I'll cry for you".

Xie Heng "tut" said, "you dare to let Rongsheng men dress up as women and go home with you. You are so bold and afraid of being asked?"

"I don't know what I thought at that time. Anyway, it's hard to ride a Tiger now." the fourth childe wrote "I regret it very much" all over his face. He raised his hand to hide his face and whispered for help to the two brothers, "elder brother and third brother! Help me find a way. I dreamed last night that my aunt wanted me to marry Rong Sheng..."

He said, all anxious broken voice.

Xie Heng interrupted with a smile: "look, it's all thinking every day and dreaming at night."

Xie Xuan stretched out his hand to sort out the memorials on the table, and a little invisible smile flashed in his dark eyes.

"Elder brother!" Xie Wanjin was very angry. Just about to say something about him, he was overwhelmed by the third brother's eyes. He could only whisper: "elder brother, help me!"

Xie Heng said with a smile, "if you knew today, you wouldn't have had it."

"It's hard to buy a thousand gold coins. I knew it early." Xie Wanjin said sadly, "I'm afraid that if Auntie asks me to take Miss Rong home again, I'll be short-lived... Elder brother, can you bear to see that you can make money and do things, handsome and handsome, and die young?"

Xie Heng's voice soared, "go away if you're wordy."

The fourth childe quickly shut his mouth, asked for help with his eyes, counted the words and said, "help, life... Ah."

Xie Heng raised his hand, threw a fold on Xie Wanjin's face and closed his mouth.

The fourth childe Committee was wronged and kept silent. He had to pick up the fold that fell on the ground and hand it back to Xie Heng.

Xie Yu said faintly, "go back as soon as possible and make it clear with your third aunt."

Xie Wanjin hesitated. "Is there really no other way?"

"Yes." Shoufu said expressionless, "you marry Rongsheng and let him pretend to be the fourth young lady all his life."

"That's not good." Xie Wanjin didn't think much, so he went on, "my aunt is looking forward to holding a fat grandson all day. Rong Sheng can't have children..."

Before he finished, he found that the eyes of his eldest brother and third brother fell on him. It was hard to say.

The fourth childe woke up with a start. He said something messy just now. He quickly explained: "no... I just said it casually..."

He felt that he had no face to continue to stay. No matter what Xie Heng and Xie Yu were thinking, he immediately turned around and grabbed the door and ran away

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