Xie Wanjin seems to have reached the palace.

Before the Chamberlain could open his mouth, he watched the Marquis rush away.

This time, the fourth childe was not beaten by his eldest brother or scolded by his third brother.

But somehow, I was more tired than ever before.

Xie Wanjin thought about it as he walked. It's really impossible to delay. Although the third brother looks cold, his ideas are useful every time.

He can't really let Rong Sheng play all the time, can he?

Not to mention that the national master will beat him so that even a Niang can't recognize him.

It's too difficult to make a child out of thin air for a Niang.

Xie Wanjin's thoughts were wandering in his mind and said:

Even if the child can really change, can I really raise it with Rongsheng?

Really cheat a Niang all her life?

Not to mention that he could cheat for a few days, he thought that the milk doll didn't know who to call his father, so he was shocked and sweated in the palm of his hand.

Xie Wanjin shook his head and murmured, "no, no, I'd better make it clear."

It's better to be beaten by a Niang or scolded for a few days.

It's better than being so nervous.

When the fourth childe came out of the palace, he had almost thought in his heart. When he got on the carriage, he said to the boy driving the carriage, "go home."

The young fellow hurriedly said, "young master, sit down."

It was midday and the long street was crowded.

Xie Wanjin had mixed thoughts. He picked up the curtain of the car and saw the scenery all the way. He relieved the tension that he was about to be scolded by a Niang.

When the carriage stopped in front of Xie's house after a few blocks, the fourth childe's face had returned to normal.

But he got out of the carriage and walked to the house with a slightly heavy step.

After saluting and greeting him, the guard asked with great concern, "what's wrong with the childe's leg? But he accidentally hurt it?"

"Nothing..." Xie Wanjin smiled and stepped into the door.

He wondered in his heart how to speak to Aung about it.

Do you kneel as soon as you go up, cry first, suppress ah Niang, and then mention that Rong Sheng is actually a man?

Or do you want to say more and give her a hint?

What if a Niang doesn't understand?

The fourth childe raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. He didn't think about how to speak. Just after the court, he heard people laughing in the flower hall.

He stopped, stood under the corridor and looked into the flower hall. He saw more than a dozen ladies sitting in the hall, talking and laughing with Mrs. Xie, who held the Lord.

"When the Marquis gets married, the cost of this specification is naturally excellent."

"Madam, if there's anything we can use, just say, we'll try our best!"

"Just don't know when we can meet Mrs. Hou in the future?"

When they spoke, their tone was full of envy.

Mrs. Xie said with a smile, "don't worry. Come back to the house in a few days. Just come and have a look. I'm afraid you're shocked and can't walk after seeing you."

When Xie Wanjin heard this, he was so hurt that he couldn't walk.

He wondered why Zhou Minghao and Qin Mo said he was getting married.

It turned out that it was the wind from my own aunt. I don't know how many layers of waves blew.

The fourth childe has a headache here. Mrs. Xie has a lot of joy and laughter.

Suddenly some sharp eyed little maids in the hall saw Xie Wanjin and immediately said, "madam, the fourth childe is back."

All the ladies in the hall looked up at the speech.

Even if Xie Wanjin couldn't move his legs, he could only come forward with a fake smile and greet the people.

These noble husbands don't have much chance to come to Xie's house to sit and drink tea. It's hard to talk to Mrs. Xie today, one by one He racked his brains to praise ten thousand gold. It was only a gust of wind that could blow the fourth childe to heaven.

"Where, where." Mrs. Xie was polite. She was very happy to hear others boast about her son, even if it was just polite.

Xie Wanjin's eyes saw that his a Niang was going to be happy. For fear that she would not stand the stimulation after she learned the truth, she quickly whispered to her, "a Niang, I have something..."

Mrs. Xie raised her hand as if she were careful and gentle. She stroked the folds on the skirt for the fourth childe, lowered her voice and said to him, "don't say anything except that you married with the same smile."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

What do you say?

At this time, a group of your ladies were still asking, "is there something urgent for the Marquis? Then we won't bother and leave first."

As they spoke, they were about to get up.

"What's urgent for him?" Mrs. Xie said with a smile. "You just sit. It doesn't matter."

Everyone looked at Xie Wanjin.

The fourth childe had to say with a smile, "it doesn't hurt."

Mrs. Xie talked with the people for a while. Then she suddenly remembered something. She whispered to Xie Wanjin, "what are you still doing standing here?"

"I......" the fourth childe just wanted to ask heaven without words.

God knows how much courage he used before he made up his mind to come back and tell a Niang the truth.

But she doesn't want to hear it at all.

"What are you doing?" Mrs. Xie glanced at him and suddenly asked him, "by the way, why did you come back alone? Smile? Why didn't you bring her back?"

She asked the fourth childe directly: Why did you come back without a smile?

Xie Wanjin only felt that his heart was stabbed several times, and his smile was slightly stiff. Even the small pear vortex on his lips collapsed. He said hard: "she..."

Mrs. Xie seldom saw the fourth childe talking so slowly. She couldn't help frowning and said, "you shouldn't be..."

Xie Wanjin closed his eyes and waited for her to ask.

I didn't think about it. Mrs. Xie turned around and asked him, "are you bullying and smiling?"

"I, I didn't." Xie Wanjin looked up and quickly explained, "I don't dare."

After these two or three words, the fourth childe's sweat came down.

Mrs. Xie looked at him for a moment and said with a smile, "I'm afraid you don't dare."

Everyone in the hall laughed.

Xie Wanjin could only pull his lips.

Xindao: what's all this?

Mrs. Xie drank two mouthfuls of tea and suddenly remembered that she was ordinary. She looked up and said to Xie Wanjin, "since you're back, choose which embroidered wedding dress to use first."

The fourth childe stepped back and quickly refused, "it's not urgent. It's not urgent."

Mrs. Xie frowned.

In the hall, all your ladies gently advised each other, "what you want, marquis, pick it."

"No, no," said Xie Wanjin, turning away.

Mrs. Xie frowned and said, "what are you doing so fast? Don't you have something to tell me?"

The fourth childe didn't have time to run. How dare he say it? He only said vaguely: "it's not important. Let's talk about it later. ”

He walked so fast that even the maid called him as if he didn't hear it, and he flew away.

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