In this day, Xie Wanjin ran twice.

Can be regarded as the word "run away", and I don't want to be so embarrassed in my life.

After the fourth childe left Xie's house, he went back to another courtyard.

He didn't know how, so he especially wanted to discuss it with Rong Sheng What to do next.

The eldest brother and the third brother are now people watching fire from the shore.

After calculation, only Rong Sheng and he were in the same boat.

Although the shipmate may not help him, the fourth childe is very eager to talk to someone now.

So as soon as Xie Wanjin entered the yard, he went to the room where Rong Sheng lived.

But when he got to the door, he found that the door was closed and couldn't open it.

The fourth childe was surprised. "Strange, brother Rong hasn't got up yet?"

He turned and asked the fast-moving rich and powerful, "is he there?"

The rich man said, "young master Rong didn't come out today. The maidservant asked him if he wanted to eat, but there was no echo."

Xie Wanjin looked up at the sky. It's past noon. Rong Sheng hasn't come out yet

Rong Sheng is not a sleepy person. He always got up early before. Now he doesn't know what's wrong.

"Brother Rong?" Xie Wanjin raised his hand, gently knocked on the door and shouted twice, "brother Rong, are you awake?"

"Are you hungry?"

The fourth childe stood in front of the door and waited for a while, but there was no echo from the man inside. He couldn't help raising his hand and touching his chin.

Rich and powerful whispered beside him, "I don't know what young master Rong is doing in it?"

Xie Wanjin pondered for a moment.

I can't help thinking: why don't you go in and have a look?

But as soon as he turned his head, he remembered that when Rong Sheng was in the capital of Western Chu, he always hid in a clean place to exercise his skills to heal his wounds. At that time, he bumped into Rong Sheng by mistake, and once slapped Rong Sheng into an internal injury.

It's not that the fourth childe suddenly had divine power.

Moreover, Rong Sheng can't stand the slightest disturbance.

Xie Wanjin thought of this. He couldn't help but close his hands and return his sleeves. He turned to the rich and noble and said, "it's all right. He often does this. You go and prepare some wine and vegetables first. I'm a little hungry."

He said, and unconsciously looked back at the closed door.

I couldn't help thinking that Rongsheng had been fine a few days ago. Why is it suddenly wrong today?

Is it difficult to feel that yesterday's dress up was seen by too many people, and my heart was angry and became an internal injury.

It's hard to cure.

The fourth childe thought in a mess. He sat in the yard and ate without knowing what to eat. He stared at Rong Sheng's house for nearly two hours. He didn't wait until the door opened. He was a little uneasy.

He forced down this emotion and got up to take a bath in Tangquan. When he came back, the twilight had fallen quietly.

Rongsheng still didn't come out.

Xie Wanjin went to his door and shouted twice, "brother Rong, what are you doing in there?"

The fourth childe was a little tangled and said, "if you're angry, you'd better give it directly to me. Holding it like this is not a way. If you're angry, don't you want to cut me off like Yeli? ”

He talked in front of the door for a while, but there was still no echo.

He was not at ease, so he walked away and sat down directly against the door.

In this case, he can hear anything in the room as soon as possible.

Seeing this, the rich and noble and the two boys hurried forward and advised: "it's cold at night. You'd better go back to the house and have a rest first. We'll watch here. If there's anything in the house, we'll tell you right away."

"Yes, yes, if you catch cold, it's not good."

Xie Wanjin didn't want to talk very much. He waved to everyone to step down.

Dagui wants to persuade again. Dafu has eyes and pulls her away.

There was a sudden silence in front of the door.

The peonies and peonies in the flower garden are slightly bent down by the wind. They are beautiful, but no one appreciates them at the moment.

Xie Wanjin leaned against the door and looked up at the night sky.

The moon is hidden, the stars are sparse, and the cool wind comes. It looks like it's going to rain. It's cold at night.

The fourth childe has been tossing about so much these two days that he is too lazy to get up and add clothes. It's not easy to be quiet for a while. He's worried about Rong Sheng. He can't calm down.

He didn't know if the man inside could hear him. He thought to himself, "I'm going home today. I wanted to tell my aunt the truth, but there are a lot of people nearby. My aunt is always blocking my words. I'm stunned... I can't say it."

The night wind in front of the court was fierce and slow, and the lights under the eaves were shaky by the wind.

A little halo passed over Xie Wanjin, adding some light and shade Trouble.

The fourth childe raised his hand, gently rubbed the lines on the door and whispered, "Rong Sheng, you must not have an accident at this time. If you have an accident, I will really..."

In fact, he doesn't know what's really going on.

It's just that I have known Rong Sheng for so long. Even when I first met, Rong Sheng pretended to be a little five and tricked him into serving tea and water for several days. When Xie Wanjin knew that he was a fake, he didn't want to kill the boy.

After several fights, the fourth childe didn't want to live or die.

Maybe when Rong Sheng installed Xiao Wu, he installed it too much.

Or... A good-looking person always makes people a little reluctant to let him die.

Xie Wanjin said, his voice getting lighter and lighter.

The night was getting darker and deeper, and he was getting sleepier and sleepier.

I had a dream last night and didn't sleep well. I ran a lot today. I was exhausted.

Before long, the fourth childe fell asleep leaning against the door. The rich and powerful came to cover him lightly.

Before he touched his hand, Xie Wanjin suddenly opened his eyes.

Dagui was surprised and hurriedly whispered, "young master, either go in directly or go back to your room. You've been blowing here and can't stand the cold!"

It gradually entered autumn, and the weather has turned cold.

In the middle of the night, the frost is thick in front of the steps.

Xie Wanjin whispered, "you might as well go and have a rest first."

He was afraid that he would disturb Rong Sheng's healing and that no one knew what had happened to him.

The little maid couldn't understand what was on her mind.

The rich and powerful stood on the side for a long time. They didn't go back to the house until they were too sleepy to open their eyes.

Xie Wanjin tightened his cloak and looked up at the flickering lights under the eaves.

In the boundless night, the breeze brushed the branches and leaves.

The flowers in the garden are half closed and quietly around.

The fourth childe closed his eyes and wanted to continue to squint for a while. Suddenly, he heard a dull hum in the room.

He thought he had heard wrong, but he didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly got up and went to check.

As a result, before his hand touched the door panel, he heard a "pa" sound, and the porcelain broke to the ground.

"Rong Sheng? Are you all right?" Xie Wanjin was surprised and immediately raised his hand and kicked the door.

The fourth childe didn't kick the family. He didn't care about the pain. He immediately made up another kick. He couldn't kick it. He only hit it with the weight of the whole person.

Xie Wanjin strode into the room and asked, "brother Rong, you..."

Before he finished saying this, he saw Rong Sheng frown and lean against the bed column. His long hair and waist were all white. The lotus seal on his forehead was dim and faded, and the blood on his lips was scarlet

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