Xie Wanjin looked at Rong Sheng, closed his eyes and went to sleep before turning out of the house. It was almost noon.

He called rich and noble to come and help wrap his wrist, changed his clothes, and told the people: "brother Rong just went to bed, you should be quiet. He was noisy. The door... When he wakes up, find someone to change it."

Rich and powerful people have full stomach to ask. However, Xie Wanjin is anxious to go out. They can only press down their words and send the childe out of the house.

As Xie Wanjin walked out, he explained to the two little maids, "cook some Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng for brother Rong..."

As he said, he felt something wrong. "He can't mend his body. Forget it. You'd better prepare some porridge and dishes first. When he wakes up, advise him to eat some anyway."

The two little maids should say yes.

Xie Wanjin got on the carriage and went into the palace.

He had heard the third brother and the eldest brother mention the cold river, but he didn't care much because he thought it was too ethereal and unimportant. Last night, Rong Sheng mentioned that place again. He thought there was such a place in the world.

The fourth childe didn't know himself, so he asked the third brother directly.

Lord Shoufu knows a lot. The ministers under him are all book bags. Together, they know a thousand years and know the world. How can they know some useful news.

At this time, the early days of the palace of political discussion had ended, and Xie Wanjin went directly to the cabinet.

Lord Shoufu is always busy with business and can't stay at home. When he passed by, he saw Xie Yu talking to the officials at the bottom of the hall about important things in the court.

As soon as the rich people outside the door saw him coming and said hello, they would go in and report.

"Wait." Xie Wanjin stretched out his hand and stopped them. "Don't disturb them first. I'll wait here."

Although he was very worried, he could not interrupt them, so he stood under the magnolia tree outside the door and waited.

Everyone in the door deliberated on important matters for a long time. Xie Wanjin thought disorderly to get Rongsheng some good medicine to relieve the pain. Even if he really found a way to go to Hanchuan, he couldn't bear it because it was a long way.

How can you resist it?

Rich clothes and food stood aside with the fourth childe for a long time. Looking at him talking to himself, I didn't know what he was thinking, so I had to retreat quietly.

I don't know how long it took, the people inside finally finished their business and came out.

Xie Xuan walked in front. As soon as he stepped out of the threshold, he saw the fourth childe standing under the magnolia tree.

"Hou ye, are you counting the fallen flowers?" Zhou Minghao couldn't help laughing and said, "it's really elegant."

Xie Wanjin had no time to pay attention to the joke and hurriedly walked up to Xie Yu. "Third brother, you're finished. I've been waiting for you for a while."

"What's the matter?" Xie Yi asked simply in horror.

This man won't come to him if he's okay, let alone waiting outside the door.

It can be seen that this matter is very important today.

"I want to ask about Hanchuan." Xie Wanjin also asked his third brother straightforwardly, "I remember that the third brother once sent someone to investigate the matter over there. Do you know where Hanchuan is? How to get there?"

When Xie Yu heard the speech, he frowned and said, "are you full?"

"No..." Xie Wan Jin responded that three brother was saying he was too idle. Quite helpless.

But who let him ask for the third brother? He can't care about anything, so he can only laugh it off. "I haven't drunk a mouthful of water today. Let's not say this first. Please tell me how much the third brother knows about the land of Hanchuan. It's really life-threatening and can't be delayed."

Xie Xuan glanced at him and asked faintly, "whose life?"

When the first auxiliary adult spoke, his footsteps paused slightly, and more than a dozen young ministers followed him, and their eyes fell on Xie Wanjin.

The fourth childe originally said it was quite natural. Suddenly, he was looked at by the public. It was inexplicably strange.

He leaned over to Xie Yu's ear and whispered, "his identity is a little special. It's not good to say it in front of so many people..."

"Rong Sheng?" Xie Xuan's expressionless opening interrupted him.

Xie Wanjin immediately swallowed all the words that came to his mouth and said with a smile, "sure enough, nothing can be hidden from the third brother."

Lord Shoufu always doesn't take the compliments of the fourth childe seriously. He just looks at him like ink, "you're too abnormal."

Although Mr. Xie seems to have a good relationship with everyone, most of them are willing to do it only if they can help others. Only their eldest brother and parents are qualified if they really make him work hard.

Now the Xie family is fine. Naturally, there is no need for the fourth childe to worry about it. He is allowed to be lazy on weekdays.

But Xie Wanjin, such a delicate young master who occasionally goes to the court and cries hard and tired all the time, today stood outside the cabinet and waited for a long time, just to ask how to go to a place where he can't fight with him.

Not to mention Xie Yu, the young ministers behind him felt extremely strange.

"Yes?" Xie Wanjin smiled awkwardly when he heard the speech. "If you don't say this first, the third brother should tell me where Hanchuan is."

Xie Yu said in a cool tone: "it is said that in the north of Wuzhou, the end of thousands of miles of iceberg and snow is Hanchuan."

"Legend?" Xie Wanjin thought for a moment and couldn't help but say, "how can I feel unreliable?"

Lord Shoufu glanced at him without expression. He didn't talk nonsense. He turned and left.

"Hey... Third brother! Don't go!" Xie Wanjin was afraid that Xie Yu had misunderstood him. He remembered him in his heart and hurriedly caught up with him to explain: "I don't think the legend is very reliable. I don't mean you're unreliable!"

Xie Yu was cold and indifferent to him.

Zhou Minghao on the side looked at it and couldn't help laughing and said, "I seem to have heard some of the cold river that Lord Hou said. Didn't the fake heavenly daughter offered by the unlucky man Wan Yan Hao say she came from the cold river?"

"Yes!" Xie Wanjin said to Zhou Minghao, "how much does brother Zhou know about this cold river?"

"I don't know how to get to Hanchuan." Zhou Minghao tracked down the fake heavenly daughter for many days. He really knew more than ordinary people. He immediately said, "but I heard that people in the place of Hanchuan come out in troubled times, know the destiny of heaven, know life and death, and seek longevity. They can determine the world. It's very mysterious..."

"I've heard a little about this..." the people behind me answered one after another and told Xie Wanjin what they knew.

It's a pity that all of them are just hearsay, and they don't know how to get to Hanchuan.

Qin Mo then said, "the last one that appeared was 300 years ago? It seems that it was the first national teacher of Western Chu who assisted the founding lady to create the century old foundation of Western Chu. It is a legend of a generation."

"Yes." Zhou Minghao turned his head and said to Xie Wanjin, "in this way, the division house of the state of Western Chu has a deep origin with the land of Hanchuan."

Xie Wanjin was tired and said, "no matter how thick the origin is, there is no record of how to go to Hanchuan in the national division house."

Everyone paused when they heard the speech.

Only Zhou Minghao asked, "how do you know?"

Xie Wangang wanted to say "what Rong Sheng said". Zhou Minghao suddenly realized it and said, "I forgot. Lord Hou has a deep friendship with the National Teacher Rong Sheng."

Fourth childe: "

Is this man on purpose?

Ask and answer yourself, and laugh so hard!

Everyone followed and smiled.

Only the last person whispered, "but I heard that after the people who came out of Hanchuan were stained with vulgar dust, I can't go back in my life. People there should only come out and have no way back, so no one in the world should know how to go to Hanchuan."

Xie Wanjin's smile faded when he heard the speech.

He was silent and did not speak again.

Xie Xuan couldn't help looking back at Xie Wanjin and said faintly, "my elder brother asked people to collect some books about Hanchuan records, which are now included in the library."

When the fourth childe heard the speech, his mood suddenly changed from cloudy to sunny. "I knew it was right to ask the third brother about it!"

He said, as soon as he was happy, he stretched out his hand to hug and thank him.

"Hmm?" Shoufu gave him an expressionless look.

Xie Wanjin quickly stopped his hand and said with a smile: "it's impolite, impolite... Don't blame the chief assistant."

The young official on the side had sharp eyes. In this moment, he saw Xie Wanjin wrapped gauze around his wrist and asked strangely, "what's the matter with Lord Hou's hand?"

Xie Wanjin looked down at his wrist and suddenly remembered the unbearable pain when he was bitten by Rongsheng last night.

He didn't dare to think about it more. He casually replied, "nothing. He was bitten by a dog."

Qin Mo then said, "when did the Marquis keep a dog? Even his owner bit it. The dog is a little wild and difficult to tame. We have to teach it well."

Zhou Minghao said with a smile, "Lord Qin really believes that Hou ye can keep a dog?"

Qin Mo was slightly stunned, then smiled, looked at Xie Wanjin and said, "what the LORD said, I'll take it as what it is. When we are free, we'll go to his house to see what kind of dog it is."

Xie Wanjin listened to them and thought: if Rong Sheng knew I said he was a dog, he wouldn't kill me?

He raised his sleeve and wiped his forehead. At the moment, he didn't gossip with them. He arched his hands and said, "I'll go to the library first. Third brother and you... Goodbye."

They quickly returned the gift, "please help yourself, marquis."

Xie Xuan gave him a deep look, waved and let him go.

Xie Wanjin turned and went to the library.

All the rules in the palace are useless to the fourth childe. He casually called a little waiter from the side, asked him to lead the way, walked through the long palace road, passed through several palace gates, and then came to the place.

As soon as the old Chamberlain who guarded the pavilion saw that he was the Royal Marquis, he didn't stop much. He opened the door and invited him in.

Xie Wanjin said, "please look it up. Where are the books recording the land of Hanchuan?"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Hou." the old waiter took out a thick booklet and turned it for a while before opening his mouth and said to him, "the books on the two shelves on the far left of the second floor record the land of Hanchuan."

"Thank you." Xie Wanjin nodded slightly and immediately turned to the second floor.

As a result, as soon as he took two steps, he saw the white haired boy standing by the window

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