The sun hid into the clouds, and a little golden light fell on the boy through the window, which covered his face with a little more warm, completely different from last night.

Xie Wanjin looked at Rong Sheng for a moment, then came back and asked him, "Why are you here?"

The fourth childe said and looked out of the window. There were so many patrolling bodyguards in the palace in the daytime, and there were many people staring in the dark. This man was as good as entering a deserted place.

Rong Sheng looked as usual and said, "wait for you."

"Wait for me?" Xie Wanjin thought for a moment, and suddenly felt something wrong. "You knew I would come here? No, I just asked my third brother to know that the books recording the land of cold Sichuan have been received here. How did you know I would come here? Can you really calculate?"

Rong Sheng said, "I heard it."

Xie Wanjin was shocked and speechless for a moment: "...."

He thought: when did Rong Sheng become so honest?

It might as well be calculated?

At least it's not that scary.

The fourth childe quickly recalled what he had just said with the third brother and the ministers of the cabinet. The more he thought about it, the more flustered he became, and his heart was cold.

He secretly looked at Rong Sheng's face.

The young man looked as usual and couldn't see anything.

Xie Wanjin thought that he might not have heard the dog bite those words in the night of his birth. He held his face and asked tentatively, "when did you come? What did you hear?"

Rong Sheng said slowly, "not long."

Xie Wanjin breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "that's good."

As soon as he finished saying this, before his voice fell, he heard Rong Sheng continue without salt: "that's when you said you were bitten by a dog."

Xie Wanjin's heart clicked, and his conditioned reflex took two steps back.

Rong Sheng stepped forward and approached him step by step.

Before the boy's hands were lifted, the fourth childe directly ran behind the bookshelf and hid, holding his head in his hands to block his face. He said in a quick tone: "brother Rong, let's have a good talk. A gentleman will not do anything! Don't forget who saved you last night! If you beat the benefactor, you will be punished by heaven!"

Brother Rong looked at him condescensively for a moment and said in a low voice, "if you say I'm a dog in front of outsiders, now you say that a gentleman will move his mouth or not, do you want me to move my mouth or do it?"

Xie Wanjin covered his head and thought for a moment. Then he palmed his fingers and looked at Rong Sheng through his fingers. "Brother Rong, you're not a gentleman or a dog, so... Don't move your mouth or do anything."

Brother Rong smiled coldly and was about to stop Xie Wanjin's words when he saw his wrists wrapped in white gauze. His eyes were dim and didn't say anything for a while.

As soon as he raised his hand, Xie Wanjin shrank back, "I didn't want to save face for you? If those people know that you bit the wound on my wrist, they don't know how to make up a script. You are a great national teacher, I, the great Yan Royal Marquis..."

Before the fourth childe finished his words, he found that Rong Sheng didn't beat himself at all.

He slowly put down his hand, looked up at Rong Sheng, and saw the boy's hand reach out to the bookshelf behind his ear, draw a book down, take it in his hand and look through it.

Rong Sheng looked very carefully and didn't pay attention to him at all.

Xie Wanjin raised his sleeve and wiped a handful of fine sweat on his forehead. He was quite helpless and said, "if you want to take the book, you told me... It scared me to death."

I blame him for being too guilty.

As soon as he ran, he ran to the bookshelf on the far left and hid. Rong Sheng came to read the books about the land of Hanchuan, which almost scared him into a sweat.

And now.

Rong Sheng looked down at the page and said, "where did you just say?"

Xie Wanjin heard the speech: "..."

What he said just now was just to avoid being beaten. He blurted out words of moderation. Now he relaxed and forgot all about it. God knows where he said it.

That's what a strange person would ask.

The fourth childe couldn't answer, so he had to look through a book to ease the embarrassment at the moment.

He couldn't help looking up at Rong Sheng and asked, "you hurt like that last night. Why don't you sleep a little longer and come to the palace to do something?"

When Rongsheng heard the speech, he couldn't help looking up at him, "if he survives once, he can't die for the time being."

"It's quite humane. It's not painful every day, but also painful to have a rest every day." Xie Wanjin said and asked him, "how long is it before the next time?"

Rongsheng said faintly, "more than a month."

Xie Wanjin said, "it hurts once a month?"

He felt that it was really miserable for Rong Sheng to survive until now, and he didn't know how to do it before, so that people couldn't see any pain.

"HMM." after Rong Sheng answered, he didn't speak again and turned the book wholeheartedly.

Xie Wanjin was silent for a long time. He suddenly asked him, "isn't it like a girl with cold body coming to sunflower water? The pain was dead and alive in those days, and he ran around again after he survived."

The fourth childe felt that the metaphor was quite similar, but he couldn't help laughing. As soon as the corner of his lips raised, the book in Rong Sheng's hand suddenly hit him in the face.

"Xie Yu!" the young man's voice was slightly cool. "Do you itch without being beaten all day?"

Xie Wanjin shouted with pain. He reached out to catch the book and rubbed his forehead with one hand. "I'm just making an analogy. What's your annoyance? What's more..."

He said, his voice suddenly lightened, "it's really similar."

"Like?" Rongsheng was suddenly not angry. He looked at him with a smile and rolled his sleeves slowly.

If Xie Wanjin can't see what the young man is going to do, he will live in vain these years.

The fourth childe quickly turned around and drilled out of the shelf gap on the other side. As he flew down the stairs, he said, "no! I was talking nonsense just now. Don't be angry. You're so angry that you're ahead of time. It's still you who suffer."

Rong Sheng walked slowly through the bookshelf. When he came to the window, he flew downstairs and stood in front of the library.

When Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng finished saying this, they had already run downstairs.

Seeing that he was out of breath when he ran, the old Chamberlain guarding the library suddenly wondered, "what is this, Lord?"

"It's all right." Xie Wanjin couldn't even slow down. He directly said to the old waiter: "there are too many books about Hanchuan. I can't finish reading them all at once. Please find some little waiters to move directly to my house and return them when I finish reading them."

The old waitress paused and quickly replied, "yes."

If other people had changed, they would not dare to regard the library Pavilion in the palace as their own home, but who let the Royal Marquis be his Majesty's brothers and sisters. They just follow suit.

Xie Wanjin said "thank you", then turned and went out of the door. As soon as he looked up, he saw Rong Sheng standing not far away.

It was too late for him to run back. He simply welcomed him directly and pretended that nothing had happened just now. He stretched out his hand to hold the boy's shoulder and said with a smile: "I didn't rest last night. I went out in a hurry today. I didn't even have time to drink a mouthful of water. Now I'm hungry."

While the fourth childe was talking, he secretly looked up at the young man, "have you eaten brother Rong? Are you hungry now? I'll take you to eat something good to make up for it?"

This time he made a series of phone calls, but Tong Rongsheng said plainly: I'm not busy for you. What's wrong with making fun of you?

Piansheng is extremely wronged. The Royal Marquis wants to run here and there hungry.

Rongsheng glanced at Xie Wanjin and really couldn't argue with the cheeky man.

The fourth childe can turn black into white and wrong into right with a clever mouth.

The young man brushed Xie Wanjin's hand away and was about to fly to the eaves with a slight tip of his foot. As a result, the fourth childe grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him down again.

"You have a good way not to go. Why are you flying? How long have you forgotten the pain of last night?" Xie Wanjin pulled him and frowned once. "It's not too tired to toss all day!"

Rong Sheng has a delicate complexion: "

Master Guoshi has not been taught such a lesson for many years. For a moment, he forgot how to refute.

Only for a moment.

The patrolling bodyguard came this way. Because he had never seen Rong Sheng, he looked more strangely. He was about to cross examine thousands of people. As soon as he saw that the young man was accompanied by the marquis in royal clothes, his suspicious face dissipated. He greeted him with a smile and said hello, "see you, marquis! This is..."

"He's from my family." Xie Wanjin said, "I'll take it back."

The bodyguard who took the lead quickly changed his mouth and said, "Marquis, are you going inside?"

How dare they ask about the royal guards? Let alone Xie Wanjin's change in the palace. Even if it's more bizarre, they can only act as if they didn't see anything.

"Back to the house." Xie Wanjin said, exchanged greetings with the leader, raised his hand and went out of the palace with Rongsheng's shoulder.

As he walked, he whispered to Rong Sheng, "these have become human spirits. It doesn't matter whether I bring people or..." he brought a dog.

Half way through what the fourth childe said, he stopped himself.

that was close.

I almost slipped my tongue.

Rongsheng glanced at him coolly and knew that there was nothing good behind him without thinking.

The young man said in his usual tone, "the palace guard is so loose that Xie Heng is not afraid of being assassinated in the middle of the night."

"Who dares?" Xie Wanjin slightly raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "not to mention, who in the world goes in and out of the palace like me? The third brother doesn't count... No more."

Rong Sheng said, "they really trust you."

If Xie Wanjin has such a little ambition, the Dayan court will turn upside down in an instant.

But the fourth childe is the first person in the world who is greedy for comfort. He is stunned that he has no ambition.

Xie Wanjin didn't think he was harming others. He said with a smile: "that's your majesty today - my eldest brother, chief Fu is my third brother, my own brother and right-hand man. If they can't even rest assured of me, it's too boring to live."

If the Tianjia brothers in previous dynasties heard this, they were afraid that the coffin plate would not be able to hold down.

Rongsheng didn't answer his words, just slightly hooked his lips.

"I'm so hungry that I can't walk." Xie Wanjin walked along, and suddenly the conversation changed: "I'm popular now, or..."

Before he even asked, Rong Sheng picked him up and flew onto the eaves. The wind swept over the heavy palace walls and cornices.

Xie Wanjin was afraid of being tall. His handsome face turned white in a moment. His voice trembled and said, "you are so fucking inhuman! You put me down!"

Rongsheng ignored him and continued to fly over the eaves and walls.

The fourth childe scolded and scolded for a while, but he didn't see the young man's intention to let him go again. He could only accept his life and said with hatred: "I'm not finished with you!"

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