Rongsheng looked inward and his face changed slightly.

"Brother Rong, what's the matter with you?" Xie Wanjin wondered why the boy suddenly reacted so strangely, so he turned and looked down his eyes.

As a result, as soon as I looked back, I saw my aunt sitting on the couch, looking at him with a blue face, and there seemed to be a surge of anger on her head.

It was too dark in the room just now. Mrs. Xie sat in the inner room again and didn't say a word. The fourth childe was stunned and noticed that there was someone inside.

At the moment, I suddenly saw Mrs. Xie's face. I was so frightened that I was confused and a little silly.

"A Niang?" the fourth childe asked nervously as he opened the bead curtain and went to the inner room, "Why are you here?"

"Why am I here? If I hadn't heard it tonight, I don't know how long you would lie to me!" Mrs. Xie was as blue as thunder. She got up and walked quickly to the fourth childe. She raised her hand to slap him.

Xie Wanjin felt guilty and did not hide when he saw that he was going to be beaten.

Seeing this, Rong Sheng couldn't help stepping forward, frowning slightly and shouting : "Thank you, madam."

The young man's tone was cool and his voice was low. It was completely different from the voice he spoke in Xie's house that day.

When Mrs. Xie heard the sound, she couldn't help but close her hands and return her sleeves. She turned and looked at Rong Sheng, "are you really a man?"

Rongsheng looked at Xie Wanjin and gave a low "um".

Mrs. Xie only felt that the world was spinning in front of her. She stood firm and looked at Rong Sheng several times. The young man was slender and a little higher than Xie Wanjin. Last time she saw him, his hair was as black as ink, and his face was as white as snow tonight. Although the Adam's apple on his neck was not obvious, it really existed.

"You, you..." Mrs. Xie looked at Rong Sheng for a long time, and then turned her eyes to Xie Wanjin.

"Aung, sit down first. Let's talk slowly if you have anything..." Xie Wanjin was afraid that she would be angry, so he hurried forward and reached out to help her.

As a result, his hand was brushed away before he touched his aunt.

Mrs. Xie looked at Rong Sheng. Her face was a rare positive color at ordinary times, "but his clever words made her tongue deceive you?"

She can't imagine why a good boy should dress up as a girl.

The only thing I can think of is that Xie Wanjin, who has always been out of tune, has harmed others.

Rong Sheng was speechless at the moment.

Mrs. Xie was surprised when she saw the young man. She immediately understood most of it and said, "just go first..."

She was so angry that she trembled and almost said to herself, "it's because I can't teach my son. No wonder others."

Rongsheng wants to speak for Xie Wanjin, but what he says now seems to add fuel to the fire.

Xie Wanjin was also afraid that a Niang would faint when she was unhappy. He quickly opened his mouth and said, "go first."

Ah Niang obviously resisted it and didn't attack on the spot.

At present, it is really inappropriate for Rong Sheng to continue to stay here.

Rong Sheng looked at Xie Wanjin for a moment, turned and left with a slightly stiff face.

In his life, master Guoshi can be calm and calm in the face of any big scene, but he doesn't know how others get along with their parents and relatives.

He didn't know anything, so he had to leave quietly.

In the twinkling of an eye, only Mrs. Xie San and Xie Wan were left in the room.

The former looked very ugly and didn't speak for a moment.

"Ah Niang..." Xie Wanjin shouted.

Before the sound fell, Mrs. Xie raised her hand and slapped the fourth childe, "is the girl dead in the world? You want to find a man and a man to pretend to be a girl and deceive me like this?"

Xie Wanjin was beaten by her and didn't turn his head. His cheek was burning, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Who let him deceive Aung first.

What he said with Rong Sheng just before he entered the door was clear and clear. At the moment, he just wanted to deny it, but he couldn't deny it.

A Niang was sitting in this room. When she heard it, she must be angry.

It's rare for the fourth childe to be speechless.

Mrs. Xie was more and more angry. "Aren't you eloquent? You talk! You continue to lie to me! Why don't you talk?"

"Xie Wanjin, make it clear to me today. Why? Why?"

"Ah Niang..." Xie Wanjin was so upset that he couldn't use any fancy words. He had to answer honestly: "I told you earlier that I don't want to get a wife..."

His words were very light, but the silence of the night was very clear to Mrs. Xie.

"Don't you want to marry? Men should marry women! You're 20 years old this year. The sons of ordinary people have already married and taken concubines, and there are many children. What do you want to do if you don't want to marry?" Xie Sanfu's popular liver hurts. "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

There are many little maids around the fourth childe. Since he was a teenager, he likes to laugh and flirt with beautiful women.

But it's not so. At the age of getting a wife, I don't want to get a wife.

Mrs. Xie can't understand.

Xie Wanjin was silent.

He has always talked a lot. Now he keeps silent, which makes Mrs. Xie more and more angry.

She said angrily, "I didn't force you to marry any young lady Isn't it? My family wants you to look at each other, just to let you choose one you like, such a big imperial capital, so many beauties, can't one enter your eyes? "

Xie Wanjin: "Although there are many imperial beauties, they are not well matched by me."

Mrs. Xie angrily said, "the imperial capital doesn't have your good match, so where is it?"

The fourth childe whispered, "I haven't found it yet."

"Where are you going?" Mrs. Xie looked at him and said, "I just want you to marry a wife who can have children for you and accompany you to grow old together. Is it really so difficult?"

Xie Wanjin didn't answer for the moment.

Mrs. Xie looked at him with tears in her eyes. "My father and I will be old. Who knows we can stay with you for a few years. If we can't see you marry and have children, we can't close our eyes even if we die!"

"Ah Niang!" Xie Wanjin had to interrupt her. "You and your father are fine. You will certainly live a long life."

"I don't expect to live a long life. I just want to see you get married, ten thousand gold..." Mrs. Xie's voice was slightly hoarse. "Tell me the truth, why don't you want to get a wife? Why?"

Xie Wanjin opened his mouth and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Mrs. Xie waited for a long time, but she didn't wait.

She closed her eyes and pushed Wan Jin away.

It was dark outside. Mrs. Xie was angry again. For fear that something might happen to her, Xie Wanjin hurriedly chased her, "ah Niang! Ah Niang... Slow down."

Xie Wanjin was in a mess. He chased Mrs. Xie three back to Xie's house and wanted to comfort her. However, a Niang was angry and didn't listen to him at all.

After Mrs. Xie returned to Donghe hospital, she closed the door and sat in the room sulking.

The maids in the yard didn't know what had happened. They gathered together and whispered. Then mammy Zhang quickly sent them out.

The fourth childe was shut out by a Niang. He simply lifted his robe and knelt down. He sincerely admitted his mistake: "a Niang, I'm wrong. I shouldn't let brother Rong dress up as a girl to make you happy..."

"It's all my son's fault. If you're angry, just come out to me. Hit me and scold me. Just don't be angry!"

"Ah Niang!"

Mrs. Xie in the room didn't seem to see it and didn't answer at all.

Xie Yucheng looked at his angry wife and his son kneeling outside. He couldn't help asking, "what's the matter?"

Mrs. Xie said differently. She just threw down one sentence, "ask your good son!"

Xie Yucheng went to her side, rubbed her shoulder, comforted her with a warm voice for a long time, and then said, "madam, don't be angry. I'll teach him a good lesson now."

Mrs. Xie, don't turn your head and don't talk.

Xie Yucheng accepted it. She opened the door and went out. Standing in front of Xie Wanjin's face, she said, "what good have you done to make your aunt so angry?"

After autumn, the ground was very cold. The fourth childe didn't kneel for long, and his knee hurt badly.

But Mrs. Xie in the room never spoke. He had to kneel until a Niang calmed down.

At this moment, hearing his father's question, he could only tell Rong Sheng that he was a man.

After hearing this, Xie Yucheng's face was quite delicate. "Do you know how happy your aunt was after seeing Miss Rong? What did she say in her sleep after you got married? What's wrong with you lying to her? You want to make her so happy?"

Xie Wanjin's head is getting lower and lower.

It is true that he did wrong.

Previously, he was urged by a Niang to come up with such a bad idea. He just regretted it these days. He didn't know how many times he regretted it.

Xie Yucheng said, "I want to slap you!"

But when he saw that his son's right cheek was swollen, it was obvious that his wife had beaten him, and his hand was not small, and he was a little distressed.

"Father!" Xie Wanjin whispered, "go and persuade a Niang."

"Yes." Xie Yucheng lowered his voice and said, "can't you persuade me? You stinky boy, make trouble all day! If you don't learn, learn from others what Longyang is good for! And bring people back to annoy your aunt. It's not wrong to break your leg this time!"

The fourth childe was shocked when he heard the speech and hurriedly said, "I'm wronged! Father... What's the mess you just said ? Brother Rong and I are just close friends. I brought him back and asked him to dress up as a girl just to Ann a Niang's heart. I'm not... "

"You're still lying to me!" in fact, Mrs. Xie has been listening to the two people. Hearing Xie Wanjin's sophistry, she immediately angrily picked up the cup and threw it out directly.

The porcelain cup fell on the ground in front of Xie Wanjin, breaking into pieces and splashing porcelain chips.

Xie Yucheng was surprised and hurriedly avoided to the side.

Kneeling on the ground, the fourth childe remained motionless and continued to explain: "brother Rong and I are not what you think, we are..."

Xie Wanjin said, suddenly pausing.

What kind of relationship does he have with Rong Sheng?

He used to be an enemy, but now he is a friend. When he talks and laughs, he is also a close friend.

"What is it? You said it!" Xie Yucheng couldn't help urging.

Mrs. Xie couldn't help but get up and walk out. "What kind of best friend can you accompany you to travel thousands of miles, leaving even your parents and elders at home?"

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