Xie Wanjin opened his mouth and couldn't speak for a moment.

It's just that he was too quick at that time. What tongrongsheng said was listened to by a Niang. Now he really has no words to argue.

Xie Sanfu's popularity is somewhat untenable.

Xie Yucheng, who was on his side, hurried to help her and winked at Xie Wanjin, who was kneeling on the ground, "what do you want? Answer quickly!"

Xie Wanjin said, "brother Rong, he's dying soon. I just want to help him."

Xie Yucheng quickly took over the conversation and said to Xie Sanfu, "yes, yes, Wanjin has been kind since he was a child. It makes sense."

Xie Sanfu said humanely, "give him a hand? Do you need not to get a wife?"

"If I ask you, hurry back!" Xie Yucheng loves his wife and his son. He is in a dilemma between the two sides. He can only try his best to round it up and go again.

Xie Wanjin knelt on the ground and whispered, "I started a few years ago and suddenly had the same dream over and over again. I dreamed that I married a dignified and virtuous wife, but I didn't like her and she didn't like me. I respected each other like guests. Within a few years... She ended up depressed. Her mother's family recognized that I was responsible for her and regarded our Xie family as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh, making everyone not peaceful..."

"Listen! Listen... Xie Wanjin! If your ability to lie and make up lies is used in the right way, why can you achieve so little?" Mrs. Xie didn't believe him, but she became more and more angry.

Xie Yu Chengdu can't stop her.

Xie Wanjin's eyes were serious and said, "it's true. I didn't deceive you, a Niang... The woman I married in my dream is real. You forced me to see each other a few days ago."

"Well, you said there was someone, didn't you?" Mrs. Xie held back her anger and said to him, "then tell me who that person is?"

The fourth childe opened his mouth and said, "if I say her name, I'm afraid I'll delay her."

"Delay? If you say at this time, how can others know?" Xie Sanfu seemed to have expected that he would say such fooling words, "you If you don't cheat people for a day, you won't feel comfortable, will you? "

She was a little dejected and said, "if you don't teach your son, it's the fault of your parents. In the past, I indulged you too much, which will make you full of lies and no truth!"

"A Niang!" Xie Wanjin explained helplessly, "what I just said, there is no empty word."

Unfortunately, his words are always half true and half false. Mrs. Xie doesn't believe him at all. She only asks him, "I don't care whether what you say is true or false. I only ask you whether you marry or not?"

"Don't marry for the time being." Xie Wanjin looked up and said, "if you don't have the love of this life, just for the sake of extending the offspring, you can marry a woman to make do with your life. It will hurt yourself and repay others. I don't want to."

"OK... OK!" Mrs. Xie covered her heart and said to Xie Wanjin, "if you don't want to, let's go! Don't be my son or surname Xie. Take off all your royal clothes and don't take away any valuable things. In the future, whether you marry or not, the people you like are men or women. Go wherever you like. I don't care about you any more!"

"Ah Niang!"


The voices of Xie Wanjin and Xie Wanjin almost overlap.

Mrs. Xie is very stubborn tonight, which is not negotiable at all. "I'll give you a day. You kneel here and think about it. Whether to stay here and have a wife and children or go out of this door!"

Then she turned and entered the room.

Xie Yucheng glanced at Xie Wanjin and hurriedly turned to follow him in, "Madam... Madam, do you think this matter can be discussed again..."

Then the door closed, and Xie Wanjin couldn't hear the words behind him.

He knelt on the ground, his head aching with the night wind.

I don't know why a Niang must force him to get a wife or leave the Xie family.

The night was getting deeper and deeper. The cool wind hit people. Xie Wanjin's limbs were cold.

A little maid came up and asked in a low voice, "do you want to invite the old lady?"

The fourth childe just smiled, "don't bother her, old man."

The little maid couldn't say anything, so she had to bow her head and step back.

Xie Wanjin knelt for a long time. Until it was about dawn, he got up and said to his father a Niang in the room, "my child is unfilial. If I can't get a wife and have children immediately as a Niang wishes, I won't stay here to annoy you. When I find my sweetheart or your anger subsides, I'll come back to you to be filial."

As he spoke, he took off his robe, took off his Yujue purse and put it on the ground.

Rarely in his life was he so honest that he left nothing valuable on his body. He only wore a white robe and went outside the house.

At the moment, it was still early, the old lady had not got up, and the little six and seven were still sleeping. He didn't disturb anyone, so he went out of the house quietly.

The servant girl in Donghe yard watched the fourth childe go away, but she didn't feel good at all.

Originally, this family is harmonious and beautiful. Why is this?

Mrs. Xie San and Xie Yucheng in the room have never moved.

The waitresses whispered for a long time, hesitating whether to come forward and tell the lady and the master.

The door suddenly opened from inside.

Xie Yucheng came over in his outer shirt and looked at it for a moment. He didn't see Xie Wanjin. He only saw the brocade and jade belt on the ground. He couldn't help but change his face and turned back to the house. "Madam, madam, come quickly, Wan Jin has gone."

"What?" Mrs. Xie hurried out in a big sleeved shirt. There was no trace of Xie Wanjin in front of the door. She couldn't help being stunned and murmured, "is he really gone?"

"The boy... He wasn't so tough before." Xie Yucheng looked at Mrs. Xie's face and asked tentatively, "he shouldn't have gone far. I'll let someone find him back?"

Mrs. Xie calmed down and said, "what are you looking for him to do? Let him go if you want to go. It's really fascinating!"

As she spoke, she turned and went back to the house. Her words were very hard, but her nose was suddenly sour and her eyes were red.

Mrs. Xie has only one son, Xie Wanjin. She has been looking forward to and doting on him since she was a child.

Although he always said he was lazy and greedy for pleasure, he never really disliked him.

Mrs. Xie brought him up day by day and watched him grow up. Although she has no amazing ambition, she is happy to be content.

She has long thought about it. If Wanjin has a happy life, there is nothing wrong with having no ambition. It's good to marry and have children when she's old, and live a life with Meimei.

But Mrs. Xie never thought that Xie Wanjin would not want to get a wife.

How can we have children without a wife?

Those beautiful maidservants are young and charming, but there is no one around who can share white heads. How can they live well in the second half of their life?

The more Mrs. Xie thought, the more tears in her eyes.

When Xie Yucheng came in, he saw her secretly wiping her tears. He couldn't help but Wensheng advised: "madam, don't be angry. Wanjin is spoiled as a child. He hasn't eaten anything. He must come back and admit his mistake in two days."

On the other side, the spoiled fourth childe Xie left the house, crossed a few blocks and went out of the city directly facing the rising sun.

The imperial capital is a little bad.

It's just that the news spreads too fast. If someone has something wrong, it can be spread all over the city in half a day.

Their Xie family is now the most concerned of all people. Xie Wanjin knelt in Donghe courtyard in the middle of the night. If he still stayed in Dijing, he was afraid that he would be greeted by all kinds of people next.

The fourth childe was a little tired and didn't want to deal with those people. He simply left the city.

It was just when the city gate was just opened. The morning light was faint. The generals guarding the city knew the royal guards. They were stunned when they saw him passing by. When they reacted and prepared to salute and greet, he had left leisurely.

There was only one person left who looked at his back in a daze. No one knew what the Royal Marquis was singing.

They did not expect that Xie Wanjin's departure would be a lot of time. Without this funny and noisy Royal guest, this emperor capital with so many flowers seems to have lost some interest.

Xie Wanjin thought about where Rong Sheng would be now. As a result, when he reached the moat, he saw the young man in purple standing on the Bank of the clear water.

Xie Wanjin was stunned. He walked to Rong Sheng calmly and said in his usual tone: "how did you know I would come here?"

Before Rongsheng could speak, he suddenly thought of something. He asked him subtly, "didn't you go to my house last night?"

Xie Wanjin thought: that would be embarrassing.

I was scolded by my aunt last night.

And my father said something messy. If Rongsheng heard it, it would be OK.

The boy looked at him for a moment and said faintly, "I can count."

Xie Wanjin couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech, "that's good."

The fourth childe looked very open. He just knelt. His knee hurt in the middle of the night. He couldn't help taking a breath of air conditioning when he moved a little.

It's just dawn. It's windy and cold outside the city.

Xie Wanjin rubbed his hands and couldn't help saying, "it's just autumn. Why is it so cold?"

While he was talking, he suddenly saw Rong Sheng take off his outer shirt and hand it over.

The fourth childe was a little surprised. He paused for a moment and put Rongsheng's outer shirt on without hesitation.

It seems that there is still some body temperature of the boy on the clothes. He felt much warmer as soon as he put it on. He smiled and said, "I made our affairs clear with my father's mother last night. In the future, I don't have to wrong you to pretend to be a woman."

The fourth childe said, and suddenly said, "I'm sorry, brother Rong, it's bothering you."

He didn't forget to say good words for his wife, "my wife was very angry last night, not for you. When her anger disappears, I'll make it clear with her."

Rongsheng's eyes looked at him quietly and didn't speak.

That is to say, the fourth childe Xie can be so happy. After being beaten by a Niang, he even left his clothes and articles. When he left the city alone, he couldn't laugh back.

Xie Wanjin touched his swollen cheek and suddenly thought of something. He couldn't help laughing. He looked up at the boy and said, "don't say it. It's like we're going to elope."

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