Emperor capital, Xiefu back garden.

Xie Xiaoliu and Xie Xiaoqi are sitting in the pavilion with their grandmother and Mrs. Xie San. The two little ones are making fun of each other. However, Mrs. Xie San has been in a trance and didn't hear anything.

The old lady reached out and touched Xiao Liu's head. "Well, Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi are very good. Go and play."

"Yes, grandma." the two little ones looked at Mrs. Xie for a moment, and then got up and walked aside.

Since the fourth childe left home, Mrs. Xie didn't laugh very much. She used to be the most cheerful and talkative person. She often sat in a daze and had a poor appetite. When she asked her anything, she just said it was all right.

Old lady Xie took a sip of tea?, Asked in a low voice, "why don't... Send someone to find Wanjin?"

Mrs. Xie suddenly recovered when she heard "Wanjin", looked up at the old lady, "what did mother just say?"

"I said, I'd better get the ten thousand gold back." old lady Xie repeated again, "he is surrounded by servants when he is young, and a group of maid boys take care of his clothes, food, housing and transportation. He doesn't know how much he will suffer when he goes away."

"What mother said is very true." Xie Yucheng heard the speech and immediately answered, "you feel bad when Wanjin leaves, and he also suffers. It's better to..."

Before he finished, he was stopped by Mrs. Xie's eyes.

Xie Yucheng immediately stopped.

Mrs. Xie immediately said: "What do you want him to do? Tell him to lie and lie to deceive himself? He's so spoiled that he hasn't suffered any hardships. It's time to experience... I spoiled him so much that he became so quick to admit his mistakes and never repent. This time, if he always knows his mistakes and doesn't change, he won't come back at all. I'll just take care of him Without him! "

Old lady Xie and Xie Yucheng didn't speak at the moment.

Yeli and Xie Qi, who just came to the pavilion, heard what Mrs. Xie said and immediately had different thoughts.

The third lady Xie Wanjin was very worried. She was afraid that he would encounter something outside. She had no money on her. She could not eat or sleep. She had only worked for three or four days. The man looked thin and haggard. However, her mouth was very hard. Everyone advised her to let Xie Wanjin go home. The steps were set up. She was stunned and refused to come down.

"Grandma, three uncles and three aunts are all right." Xie Qi came forward and said hello.

Old man Xie looked up and saw him and Yeli. He quickly smiled, "Xiao Wu and Lili are coming. Sit down quickly."

"OK." Xie Qiwen answered and immediately sat down beside the old lady.

But the night behind him didn't know what to think. He stood in the distance without moving or talking.

Seeing this, old lady Xie couldn't help looking at her more for a moment and called out amiably, "Miss Li?"

The little girl is still in a trance and doesn't respond.

"Li Li." Xie Qi called softly. She just reacted and looked up at him.

Xie Qi smiled faintly and said in a warm voice, "come and sit here."

Yeli came over and sat down on his side. In the past, she was used to talking with old lady Xie and third lady Xie. Now she couldn't laugh.

She didn't laugh, but her little face was a little more violent and looked a little fierce.

"What's the matter with Li Li?" Mrs. Xie asked involuntarily, "did Xiao Wu annoy you?"

Xie Qi's classical Chinese can't help but turn his head and look at Ye Li. His eyes are full of confusion.

"Xiao Wu, you're wrong." Xie Yucheng said, "Li Li is a little girl. You can buy her what you like. Take her wherever you want to play. What's the matter with her staying in the house all day? Wait, I'll get you some silver and you can take her out."

As he spoke, he got up and went back to Donghe court to get the silver.

Yeli hurriedly said, "no, it has nothing to do with Xie Qi..."

Several people were stunned and didn't listen.

Mrs. Xie took a sip of tea and said slowly, "our little five is good at everything, but it's too gentle. The gentleman has to coax his sweetheart to be happy again, isn't he?"

Xie Qi said reluctantly, "I..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was robbed by Yeli, "it really has nothing to do with him, I just have some..."

She said, suddenly silent.

Several people in the pavilion are still waiting for her below. At first glance, they are gone. They all ponder in their hearts.

Old lady Xie smiled and kindly asked, "Li Li is a little homesick?"

Night from the heart: I have no home.

But this can't be said with old lady Xie. Rao is that she has never cared about other people's views for so many years, and she knows how abrupt it is for a person without a family to exist in this world.

So she can only be silent.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xie thought she was really homesick. It's not easy to say it to her face. She immediately said, "if you're homesick, go back and have a look. Let Xiao Wu go back with you."

Xie Qi wanted to explain to her grandmother. For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

"Little five." old man Xie shouted to him first, implying that there was a very beautiful flower hairpin in grandma's mouth. "You follow me to get it and send it away to make her happy."

Night from smell speech, even busy way: "no need."

Last time senior brother came to Xie's house to bring their gifts, Xie Wanjin was driven out of the house.

She really didn't dare to take anything more.

"Yes, yes," said Mr. Xie, and he got up.

Xie Qi got up and held her. "Grandma, slow down."

Old lady Xie looked at the beautiful little girl with a smile. Her voice was full of kindness. "Just sit and go back."

Xie Qi's words were all spoken by her grandmother. She could only smile gently and help her grandmother back to the Songhe hall.

The night left and watched them go away. It was hard to know what it was like for a moment.

Mrs. Xie looked at the gorgeous little girl. For a moment, she thought of her son who didn't want to get a wife. At present, she couldn't help sighing, "if Wanjin had the blessing of Xiao Wu, she would like to be around a beautiful and delicate girl. He doesn't know where his heart flies all day and night. Now she still learns from others..."

Later, she thought of blocking her heart. She couldn't say it. She could only sigh.

Yeli sat next to her. After listening to her for a while, she couldn't help asking, "does the third lady really hate the man Xie Wanjin brought back?"

"It's not disgusting." Mrs. Xie has never said the most important thing these days. Hearing Yeli's question, she immediately opened the chatterbox. "But if Wanjin brings back a girl, no matter what her family background, beautiful or ugly... These things are OK? As long as she is a woman, her family background is clean and her hands are clean, how can I say more?"

The night left silent a lot and muttered to himself, "do you have to have a clean family background and clean hands?"

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