"Of course." Mrs. Xie raised her eyes and looked at the clever little girl in front of her, and said, "I don't expect him to find someone who can earn money as much as ah wine, and doesn't need a girl's life. If he can't even make the simplest two, then he's looking for someone who is three religions, nine streams and no three no four?"

Yeli opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

She didn't know what a person like herself should be.

There are many orphans without parents in the world, but Yeli not only has no parents, but her origin is unknown. She has also killed many people and stained countless blood on her hands. It is more acceptable than what Mrs. Xie said.

"Li Li?" Mrs. Xie had been waiting for the night to leave the echo. After waiting for a long time, there was no echo. Suddenly, she found the little girl in a daze.

She couldn't help but shout, and asked strangely, "what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing..." Yeli looked down at his hand, his eyes were dark, and his voice was a little stuffy.

Mrs. Xie was also a little absent-minded. She didn't think much when she heard that Yeli was all right. She just sighed and said, "if Wan Jin could find such a clever little girl like Lili, I wouldn't have to worry about him anymore."

The night left to smell the speech and whispered, "I'm not a good man."

However, what she said was too light. Mrs. Xie was stunned and couldn't hear clearly. She could only ask her again: "what did you just say?"


The night left her eyes and her mood became more and more complex. She talked with Mrs. Xie for a while. Without waiting for Xie Qi to come back, she got up and left first.

Mrs. Xie was a little strange, but she didn't stop her. She just said, "come back early and have dinner together."

"HMM." night left bowed his head and walked away without looking back.

As she walked, she thought:

Have you been at Xie's house too long?

So I feel that the words "come back early", "have dinner together" and "we" become so common and natural. It's like a wandering soul who suddenly has a place to return. Even if it's not her root, it unconsciously gives birth to some greed.

Yeli was a little confused. She remembered that when the Imperial College was just destroyed, only she and her senior brother escaped death. At that time, she was young and not sensible. Although she is not very sensible now, she hid with her senior brother at that time and often didn't continue to eat three meals. She didn't even have a shelter from the wind and rain. What the senior brother had to eat and wear was first close to her, But Rong Sheng is only a teenager after all. It's not easy to protect her to survive.

The so-called family affection and warmth, even if he hasn't tasted it himself, how can he give it to her.

Xiaoyeli and young Rongsheng depend on each other. They grow up in countless pursuits and anti killing enemies. They are getting farther and farther away from ordinary and warm ordinary families. Only those who want to kill them can live. Therefore, the ruthless blade in their hands takes people's lives and is stained with blood.

Before Yeli, she didn't think that others called her "little witch of Western Chu". When she heard the sound, she was scared. What's the matter, and even felt that she was powerful.

But since she left the Xie family, she gradually found that it was too comfortable to be an ordinary girl who was spoiled and liked by others. When the sky fell, she didn't have to rush to the front to fight. Someone had to worry about food and clothing. She didn't do anything. Just smile and look clever, but she would be more nice.

But Yeli knows that these are illusions.

She is not a clever little girl.

Not Xie Qi's sweetheart.

She's just a redundant person who didn't go and was thrown to the imperial capital by her senior brother to eat, drink and live.

When Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie saw that she often stayed with Xie Qi, they thought they were a couple. They always joked and asked "what's the matter with Li Li?"

Xie Qi always smiles and doesn't talk.

Night away from himself, do not know how to explain, simply don't say anything.

The blame is on the Xie family. All these people think they are extremely smart and considerate. They always like to take others as the default when they don't speak. They always feel that the little girl is shy and embarrassed to say.

Where is she like those awkward, pretentious boudoir ladies?

She just... Wants to look more like an ordinary person.

And she really doesn't know how to explain her relationship with Xie Qi.

Master and servant?

Who do you like?

Or... Even if Xie Qi doesn't like her, she will tie the boy around all her life?

When Yeli first came to the imperial capital, he was well received by the Xie family. How hard it is to tell the truth.

She originally thought that as long as no one broke the casserole and asked to the end, such days could last longer. Perhaps when she had stayed in Dijing enough and left with Xie Qi, old lady Xie and third lady Xie didn't notice the subtleties at all.

It happened that Xie Wanjin wanted her senior brother to come to Xie's house disguised as a woman.

Mrs. Xie drove Xie Wanjin out of the house.

Yeli suddenly couldn't help thinking, if the old man of the Xie family and Mrs. Xie knew that she was not as simple and clever as they thought, would they... Drive her away?

In fact, she didn't want to think so much, but her mind was mixed, and several possibilities had flashed in a moment.

There was even a scene in which Xie Qi knelt in front of old lady Xie and wanted to explain but couldn't explain.

When Yeli walked to the gate, she suddenly felt that she would not come back if she walked out of the door of Xie's house. She suddenly felt reluctant to give up and didn't want to go like this.

So she stood there, looked back at the flowers in front of the court for a long time, quietly flew on the eaves, skimmed over the heavy walls and tiles, then picked a place with few personal tracks to stop and sat directly on the eaves.

Night left to sit for a long time, watching the sky gradually darken.

The maids in the mansion lit lights and began to set meals in the flower hall. All the people who still lived in Xie mansion came together, sat at a table and said something from time to time.

She even heard old lady Xie ask, "where are you leaving?"

Xie Sanfu said humanely, "I have something to do. I want to go out."

Everyone on the seat was a little strange. Old lady Xie asked, "what's so urgent? You don't have to go to dinner..." she said, and suddenly thought of something. She said to Xie Qi: "a little girl from Li doesn't know her place in the emperor's capital. Don't be bullied. Take some boys to find her first and eat when you come back."

Xie Qi seemed to be the most docile and obedient. Even when she said, "grandson, go now."

Yeli sat on the high eaves, listened to them and watched Xie Qi go out of the flower hall to find her

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