The young man in white stretched out his hand to block the way, but turned his back to her. His black hair and sleeves were flying gracefully by the night wind. He looked like he had expected to be waiting for you here.

Seeing in Yeli's eyes, he found that the man deserved to be beaten.

She was thinking about what to say to Xie Qi just now, so as to make him less tangled. Seeing Wen Wen coming out on the way, she directly stretched out her hand to pull out the soft sword around her waist.

Wen Wen, who had been turning his back to her, noticed the inexplicably surging murderous spirit and anger in the air. He quickly turned and said, "if you have something to say, don't do it if you can speak. I'll send you silver!"

The boy speaks very fast.

He wasn't afraid of leaving at night, but now look at her sad appearance. If he started fighting with her again, wouldn't he still be suspected of taking advantage of others?

Night left frowned at him and said, "are you so kind?"

Young master Wen was unhappy when he heard this, "what are you talking about?"

Yeli, regardless of whether he was happy or not, immediately asked, "are you full?"

Wen Wen was about to speak when he choked again.

In fact, it's no wonder that Yeli will have such a reaction. It's really because Wen Wen and she didn't say a few words well on the way to the emperor's capital. They often start fighting when they don't agree.

In addition to the feeling of "sympathizing with each other in the same disease" when the Xie family took great care of the Xie family, they are not friends.

Yeli didn't have a good way: "you can go back and forth quickly if you're free. What's the fun if you're free? Don't think your life is too comfortable. Come out and beat it?"

Wen Wen originally wanted to talk to her well. As soon as he heard this, he suddenly got angry, "I think you don't go to the house and uncover the tiles all day!"

When ye Li heard the speech, he immediately raised his eyebrows, suddenly took out the soft sword from his waist and flew vertically. The silver sword blade stabbed the boy in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Wen Wen immediately turned aside and took out a few silver tickets from his sleeve. He spread the brush to Yeli. When she attacked again, he slipped them into her sleeve.

The boy turned and jumped onto the eaves on the other side, far away, and said to the night, "these silver tickets are for you by my sister, not me, so don't think too much."

He stood in the wind and said it clearly, "even if I am full and die, I won't give you a silver ticket in vain."

"You..." Yeli was almost angry.

However, Wen Wen can only retreat tonight and can't attack. He runs faster than a rabbit.

She touched the messy silver note in her sleeve and didn't chase it anymore.

The girl stood on the eaves, facing the boy more than ten steps away, and couldn't help asking, "why do you give me a silver ticket for warm wine?"

"How do I know?" Wen Wen said casually, "she said you might sneak away these days. Let me stare at Xie's house more. Sure enough, she guessed it."

In fact, he was called into the palace by elder sister. After listening to her instructions for a long time, he really felt that elder sister wanted more.

Yeli and Xie Qi stay in Xie's house well. Why do they suddenly want to leave, but elder sister is as predictable as she is.

Ye Li wiped the sword edge with the other sleeve and said angrily, "warm wine, why so many things!"

"Hey!" Wen Wen Wen heard the speech, immediately flew forward and said unhappily, "why don't you know good or bad?"

The night left and immediately gave him a sword.

Wen Wen's eyebrows jumped slightly, immediately pointed his feet, flew up, folded a branch from the tree next to him, tangled with him at night, and said in a deep voice, "I see you are so sad after tonight. Don't go too far!"

When the girl heard this, she was even more angry, "who wants you to let me go?"

She asked, cutting the branch in Wen Wen's hand with a sword, and said angrily, "who is sad?"

Wen Wen stepped back several steps to avoid the sword edge. He didn't want to understand why the girl's family always likes duplicity. Obviously, they all left sadly and didn't allow people to tell the truth.

The boy didn't understand, but he had retreated to the edge of the eaves. Two tiles fell off and fell to the ground.

He suddenly looked back and found that there was no way behind him. He retreated and fell down.

And the night left the anger was full, and he caught up with him.

Wen Wen had an idea. He took off the purse around his waist and used it as a concealed weapon to hit the girl's sword edge. He stopped her for a moment and took the opportunity to sweep away the eaves in the direction of Xie's house.

Yeli picked it with the sword edge, reached out and caught the money bag. He couldn't help mocking: "just now, I don't know who said he would rather eat and die than send me silver flowers."

The young man took seven or eight steps away and made sure the distance was safe. Then he stopped and looked back at Yeli. "This is silver, not silver."

As he spoke, he also felt some strong arguments, and immediately said, "I'll buy you sugar. Some people in the province don't know the number and buy a string of sugar gourd with hundreds of Liang and thousands of liang of silver tickets. Before they go far, they have to kill people and goods and be robbers to get enough to eat. At that time, they will add trouble to my sister-in-law and brother-in-law."

"Wen Wen!" Yeli said angrily, "do you want to die?"

The young man tried to go to Xie's house again. When he saw that Yeli had chased for two steps and stopped, he was relieved. He looked back and asked with a smile, "I'm living well now. Why do I want to die?"

Yeli was too lazy to talk to him.

Wen Wen stood far away, looked at the girl for a moment, saw that she was really angry, and then restrained a little. He said solemnly to her, "just now my elder sister gave you large silver notes. You remember to find them and spend them slowly. When you go outside, don't draw your sword to cut people. How many people can carry you this day? Do you think others are like me..."

As he spoke, he suddenly realized that the night left looked at him and his eyes became a little subtle. He couldn't help pausing.

A moment later.

The young man continued: "in short, the past is over. People should look forward and move forward. No matter how much blood they have stained in their hands in the past, they don't have to live in the past as long as they don't indiscriminately kill innocent people, as long as they later... As long as they are different from the past."

This is what elder sister said to him.

Now he said and heard from Yeli, even if he didn't have the tongue trembling lotus like elder sister, but the victory was sincere. With so much, it was the resonance of the fallen people in the old sea of blood.

Yeli was more and more sad when he listened, but he didn't show it on his face. He only clenched his teeth and said, "are you so wordy today?"

Wen Wen was speechless for a moment: "...."

He has seen many girls with bad temper, but it is rare in the world that they are as bad as Yeli.

White blind him so many heartfelt words.

The boy raised his hand to his forehead with a headache and couldn't help saying, "forget it. If you understand, just listen. If you don't understand, it's like you didn't hear."

The night left, "Oh," then I didn't hear anything just now. "

Wen Wen was so angry with her that he almost fell off the eaves.

Seeing this, Yeli was suddenly amused. "If you have nothing to do, go home and sleep. Don't meddle in your own business!"

She said, turning back to the young man, "I'm leaving."

"HMM." Wen Wen replied, not salty but not light: "if you can't find a place for the time being, come to me. Anyway, there are many houses, and you don't live in many."

"Bah!" Yeli bah him without thinking about it. "Who has no place to go? Who wants to live where you are? It's so unpleasant to speak and so wordy. No wonder no beautiful woman likes you."

Wen Wen suddenly: "..."

It's rare for him to be kind and despised.

I don't know what to say.

The boy held it for a long time and said, "you have such a bad mouth. What's the meaning to say about me? If I were Xie Qi, I wouldn't keep you!"

Night from the gas and want to cut him, just walked two steps, and trampled on the tiles to the ground, making a big noise.

The people in the lower room put their heads out by the window and said angrily, "what do you do when you step on the roof of our house in the middle of the night? How many tiles have you broken in one night? This is the imperial capital! At the foot of the world! Is there any royal law!"

Night from suddenly stopped, some at a loss.

Wen Wen stood not far away and looked at her stunned. He couldn't help laughing.

The girl returned to her senses and immediately waved her sword, picked up a tile from the eaves and hit Wen Wen.

Without saying anything, she turned and disappeared into the night and flew away.

The boy stood on the eaves, raised his hand and caught the tile shot at the door, shouting, "leave at night!"

The girl did not echo, nor did she stay at all.

Wen Wen said to himself, "no matter where you go or how far you go, remember to come back!"

The boy's voice scattered into the night wind and disappeared in a moment.

Wen Wen stood there, raised his hand and touched his chin. He said to himself, "am I very wordy?"

After falling behind, he immediately denied: "it must be night leave nonsense."

It must be because Xie Wanjin left and no one in the family kept talking all day, so it seemed that he was a little wordy.

Good people are hard to do.

It's hard to please.

The boy stood in the night wind and took a deep breath.

Anyway, he has already said what should be said. Who can bear the temper of Yeli?

Thinking like this, he couldn't help looking back at Xie's house. In the vast moonlight, the young master in blue sat on the eaves, with heavy flying tiles on the Zhu eaves behind him. The moonlight fell all over his body like frost, making him more and more bright as a gentleman and jade.

Xie Qi has been sitting on the eaves since she left at night.

After sitting for a long time, he took out the small box in his sleeve. Inside it was a purple sun flower hairpin with overlapping blue and purple. It was decorated with pearls and jade, which was lifelike.

Xie Qi still remembers that in the afternoon, when her grandmother handed the flower hairpin to him, she smiled and said, "you have to learn to coax Li Li to be happy, send something the girl likes and say something nice..."

The boy listened to it and left before he had time to do it.

Many things, he thought needless to say, as long as he was always with her.

And many things, he also did not understand, could not distinguish, so he felt that accompanying each other was the most rare and beautiful thing in the world.

However, the world is so complicated that the people who are in it are always subjected to hardships. They can't escape and can't avoid it.

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