Xie Qi sat on the eaves in a daze. A young man in white quietly skimmed over the eaves, stepping on the warm color of moonlight and slight candle fire and riding the wind.

The fifth childe raised his eyes and saw Wen Wen come to his eyes. He couldn't help being surprised and said, "ah Wen? Why are you coming out so late?"

"Let me see the excitement." Wen Wen said and sat down directly next to him. "Some people are good at fighting and swearing. They know how to be rude and unreasonable to the people they like, so if they don't speak clearly, they can go."

So he sent a name and said clearly that the night was gone.

How could Xie Qi not understand, and immediately looked serious and shouted, "ah Wen."

"OK, OK." Wen Wen asked him with an expression that I know everything on his face, "she can be rude and angry. I can't say, can I?"

Xie Qi couldn't help pausing and asked, "do you also think Li Li likes me?"

Wen Wen looked at the five childe in front of him. His eyes were full of incredible colors. "What do you mean? She just likes you!"

The young man completely forgot his fear of being wordy, and immediately said: "If she doesn't like you, why does she stay with you all day? If she doesn't like you, why does she only beat me instead of you? What's more?... although Yeli has a bad temper, she never gets angry with you. When I'm here, she fights with me or takes it out on others. I say five CHILDES..."

He said with emotion: "as long as you are not blind, you can see that she is completely different from others."

Xie Qi listened to him quietly and became more and more puzzled, "but if you like someone, don't you want to be together all the time?"

He has said many times that he will stay with Li forever and never leave her no matter what happens.


She still thinks he is not sincere and voluntary?

"Yes." Wen Wen immediately replied. After thinking for a moment, he felt something wrong. He immediately said, "it's not all. The word like is simple, but it's very clear. Many people who love each other can't stay together. Many people have stayed together all their life but never loved each other. Only those who have tasted it can understand it. They can't understand this sentence or two."

In fact, he is two years younger than Xie Qi, and he has never loved anyone. He just sees a lot. He used to think about warm wine and Xie Heng. He understands it for no reason. Now he seems to be an old hand in love in front of Xie Qi.

The young man thought for a moment and asked Xie Qi, "don't worry about anything else. I just ask you, do you like leaving at night?"

There was a night wind blowing gently in the face. The young man's clear voice sneaked into his ears and echoed again and again: do you like leaving at night?

Xie Qi didn't think about cableway: "I like it."

Wen Wen looked at him for a long time and suddenly asked, "what kind of love do you like without even thinking about it?"

Xie Qi didn't speak for a moment.

After a while, he asked, "are there many kinds of likes?"

"Of course." Wen Wen raised his hand and touched his chin. He looked like he was going to talk about it in detail. He continued: "like I like my sister because she is my sister and treats me very well. When I first learned that she was not my own sister when I was a child, I even thought of marrying her in the future, so that we won't be separated all our lives..."

The teenager said and smiled first, "but my sister is just a sister. I can bear hardships and grow up with her, but one day I will send her to others and watch her raise children for others. She is still very good to me, but... There is a more important person in my heart."

The smile on his face gradually faded away, for fear that Xie Qi couldn't understand, "just like you like Xiao Liu. If Xiao Liu marries one day, you won't be angry and jealous, because you expect her to grow up and marry a woman. This is the love between relatives, but your love for your sweetheart is completely different."

"How different?" Xie Qi continued to ask.

Wen Wen himself is a man who has never been in love. Piansheng has already talked about this, and he can't say he doesn't know. He can only continue to say in combination with what he has seen and what is written in the book: "in ancient times, people who value love are more crazy. They live for love and die for love. There are more and more people who hate because of love."

The young man speaks like that.

Xie Qi listened very carefully.

Wen Wen said more and more, "I've been in Xichu for many years. You should know that women in Xichu can have more than one husband. But most of them still love one person all their life. If they only love one person, they want that person to have only her in their heart. They can't share the slightest bit of love with other women. It's a love between men and women. Can you listen to me, five childe Understand? "

In fact, the young man is really not a talkative person. In recent years, no one can sit down with him and say so much.

But Wen Wen always felt that Xie Qi was different from others.

For him, the fifth childe is a warm spring breeze, which is worth being treated gently by all people in the world.

Xie Qi nodded. "I seem to understand something."

Wen Wen said with a smile, "although the night is strange and awkward, like most girls in Western Chu, she wants all her sweetheart's likes. But you don't understand anything."

"But..." Xie Qi said blankly, "but she never said it."

"Who can say such words?" Wen Wen couldn't help turning his head to look at him. He suddenly thought of the general, and said gently in his voice: "not to mention, you had a period with my elder sister. If I left at night, I'm afraid I'd have to bear it."

When Xie Qi heard the speech, he couldn't help but explain: "your sister and I have already made it clear..."

"But the mind of the girl's family is different from ours." Wen Wen couldn't help interrupting him. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to laugh and said slowly, "if Yeli can talk to you so much like me, how can it be used to go all night?"

Xie Qi has been speechless.

I thought what the teenager said was quite reasonable.

The fifth childe didn't speak all the time, and Wen Wen couldn't help calming down.

The young man looked at Xie Qi for a long time and thought in his heart. Suddenly he couldn't help asking, "five childe, in fact, I've always wanted to ask you something. If... I said if, if you hadn't been taken to Xichu by Yeli, but had been with my elder sister all the time..."


Xie Qi said these two words directly without waiting for the boy to finish this time.

Wen Wen was stunned immediately. After a while, he said, "I haven't finished asking. Why don't you say no?"

"In fact, I'm just as fond of warm wine as you are of elder sister." Xie Qi said slowly: "It's not exactly the same. I was young and lonely at that time. I always wanted to be accompanied, and I was afraid of delaying others. She was the only person who came to me voluntarily, so it was particularly different, but in fact... I know I can't stay with her for long, and I always want to find a future for her... It's not what you said, and I can't allow others to be infected with half the feelings of men and women."

Wen Wen nodded, "barely understood."

The young man thought: everything in the world will change. Only the fifth childe is the same as before.

It's not good to leave that little witch at night. She has excellent eyes.

He thought this way and looked at Xie Qi for a long time. He couldn't help saying, "I always thought that elder sister wanted you to live better than anyone in the world because she thought she owed you."

Xie Qi raised her eyes to the young man's line of sight and said in a warm voice, "I know."

"In fact, it's not," said Wen Wen slowly, "because I don't owe you anything, and I really want you to live better and better."

Xie Qi gradually had a smile in her eyes, and a warm color was born for a moment.

The young man suddenly approached him and said slowly, "if only the fifth childe were a girl, I will marry you home and protect your freedom and happiness all your life."

Xie Qi was stunned and couldn't help laughing.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious. If you were a woman, I would marry you. It's hard to find a person with such a good temper as you in the world." Wen Wen said seriously, "there will be no night leave or other girls at that time."

When he first came to Xie's house, he thought that the most outstanding childe in the world was just like this when he saw Xie Heng.

Until later, Wen Wen met Xie Qi.

The fifth childe is thin and weak. It seems that he will fall when the wind blows. However, with a faint smile, he seems to be able to eliminate all the sorrows in the world.

It is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words. The so-called most handsome and beautiful person can not be compared with Xie Qi.

There are many strange children in the world. One in ten thousand is a dragon and a Phoenix.

He is the only one in the world.

Originally, Xie Qi was very sad and unknowingly amused by Wen Wen.

Seeing this, the boy coaxed him for a long time.

When the fifth childe's eyes darkened, he could not help yawning.

Xie Qi said slowly, "it's late at night. Go back quickly."

"Well, I'll go back now." Wen Wen said, then got up and left. He only took two steps. Suddenly he remembered something. He turned back and said, "don't worry too much about the night. There are few people in all the countries who can take advantage of her."

Xie Qi nodded in response.

Wen Wen looked at him for a while and couldn't help but say, "why don't you go back to the house to sleep? Can't you go down? Do you want me to take you down?"

"Don't bother." Xie Qi smiled and said, "I can go down by myself."

"All right."

Wen Wen heard him say this. He could not say more. He immediately crossed the eaves and went back to his house.

Not long.

Xie Qi was the only one left on the roof.

In fact, in the past, he often saw a person sitting on a high place at night. He didn't know whether it was to enjoy the moon and the scenery or what to look at in the distance.

He always accompanied her quietly, but never asked her why she sat so high?

Xie Qi's thoughts were mixed. He sat all night unconsciously thinking about the differences he liked.

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