On the other hand, Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng kept going to the north. The fourth childe had only 150 liang of silver in his hand. The top-notch Inn asked for money to buy carriages, buy luggage, dry food and water, and even feed hay to horses.

The fourth childe is used to spending money like water again. He spent all the 150 Liang in a few days.

On this day, in Beiyang City, Xie Wanjin was penniless.

In the past, Mr. Xie, who was full of beautiful and romantic, drove the carriage himself. Sitting beside him was a white haired boy in purple. He slowly entered the city gate.

"Brother Rong, wake up." Xie Wanjin smiled in his voice, "we're in Beiyang city."

Rong Sheng leaned against the carriage and didn't even bother to open his eyes. "I have no silver or valuable objects on me. I have nothing."

Xie Wanjin listened to him patiently, angry and funny, "I didn't ask you this."

In fact, the fourth childe is always thinking about Rongsheng along the way.

However, no matter what he said, Rong Sheng had only one answer: No, nothing.

Rao is as cheeky as Xie Wanjin. He can't help Rongsheng.

Rongsheng slowly opened his eyes and looked at him, "what do you call me to do?"

Xie Wanjin asked with a smile, "it's all in town. What would you like to eat?"

They haven't had a good rest after driving for several days. It's natural for them to have a good rest and make up when they finally get to this slightly rich place.

The fourth childe thinks very well.

But as soon as Rong Sheng opened his mouth, he asked him, "how much money do you have on you?"

As soon as Xie Wanjin heard this, he felt a little overwhelmed.

However, the fourth childe was optimistic, and now he didn't care about Rong Sheng. He just smiled with him, "can't you eat and drink spicy food without money?"

He smiled, and the two pear vortices on his lips were shallow and quite proud.

Seeing him like this, Rong Sheng suddenly had a bad feeling and immediately asked, "what do you want to do?"

Xie Wanjin doesn't have much skill, but he has dug holes for himself many times.

When the master looks at him now, he always feels that he will jump into the pit with him.

"Brother Rong... Why are you so nervous?" Xie Wanjin turned to look at the boy beside him while driving the carriage and said with a smile: "I don't have any money on me. I haven't made you hungry and cold all the way. What are you afraid of? Take it easy. The fourth brother will take you to eat well."

Rong Sheng said, "don't send it to the door and let others chew it so that there are no bones left."

Xie Wanjin was not angry, but Pretending to sigh, he said, "when can brother Rong's mouth say something happy?"

Rongsheng ignored him and took a nap.

Fortunately, the fourth childe got used to the temperament of his peers and didn't say anything more. He just drove the carriage through the main street, smiled at the prosperity of the whole city, and slowly stopped in front of an extremely gorgeous and extravagant gate.

As soon as Xie Wanjin looked up, he saw the word "Qian Fu" made of pure gold on the plaque. He immediately jumped out of the carriage and came forward with a smile: "please inform me, thank you for your visit."

As soon as the doorkeepers heard the word "Xie Si", their faces changed slightly. They immediately saluted and said hello, "it's the Lord's presence. Our master often talks about you. Please come in quickly. ”

"No hurry." Xie Wanjin said, looking back at Rong Sheng who was still taking a nap with his eyes closed.

The national master is still sitting there waiting for him to "please". How can he hurry in.

The boy on the side hurriedly said, "the little one should go ahead and report to the master."

"You go." Xie Wanjin said casually and turned around Back in front of the carriage, he stretched out a hand to Rong Sheng and said with a helpless smile, "come down, brother Rong."

Rongsheng opened his eyes slowly, then got up slowly, put one hand on Xie Wanjin's hand and got off the carriage.

He really looks like a gentle and weak childe.

Now that he is like this, who will think of him with the ruthless and strange Western Chu master.

Xie Wanjin shook his head with a smile and slowly closed his hand back to his sleeve.

When the two men walked up the steps in front of the gate of Qian's house, the host Qian Liang hurried out with a group of servants and maidens. There was a lot of sweat on his forehead. It can be seen that he ran in a hurry.

This man is only twenty-four or five years old, with a square face He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, is not fat or thin, and looks medium to upper. He looks like a decent person.

"I don't know if the Marquis is coming, it's really far away!" Qian Liang smiled and bowed his hands. As soon as he bowed down halfway, Xie Wanjin stopped him.

The fourth childe smiled and said, "come on, brother Qian, you and I have known each other for so many years. Why stick to these false gifts?"

A group of maids and boys have knelt down and saluted.

Qian Liang said with a smile, "should I worship or should I worship."

Xie Wanjin slightly raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "brother Qian has to worship. If he doesn't want me to eat less later?"

"How dare you!" Qian Liang didn't dare to say anything more. He just smiled and let him in. Suddenly, he saw Rong Sheng on Xie Wan's golden side. He couldn't help asking, "who is this?"

This time, Xie Wanjin suddenly came to Beiyang city. He never brought any maid with him. It's really strange that he is surrounded by such a man who is as white as snow and looks like a teenager.

"This is my brother Rong." Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "this time we passed Beiyang city with me."

When Qian Liang heard the speech, he quickly nodded to Rongsheng and said hello: "brother Rong, you are really good-looking."

Rong Sheng ignored him.

Qian Liang looked at Xie Wanjin in embarrassment.

The fourth childe clapped his hands on Qian Liang's shoulder, laughed and said, "brother Qian, don't boast about his good health. He's tired of boasting."

Qian Liang was quite envious and said, "I want to be praised, but like me, others can't boast against their heart with their eyes closed."

Xie Wanjin felt a stronger smile on his lips when he heard the speech. While greeting people, he walked in slowly.

Qian Liang said two flattering words and suddenly couldn't help asking, "Lord Hou has been well in the imperial capital. Why did he suddenly come to Beiyang city?"

Xie Wanjin flashed a strange look in his eyes. He covered up the past for only a moment and said with a smile: "I'm just passing by here. I'll see brother Qian by the way."

Qian Liang didn't believe it. "Is it just after?"

Xie Wanjin said again, "borrow some more silver by the way."

"Borrow or borrow silver?" Qian Liang was more and more surprised when he heard the speech. "You, the Marquis of royal clothes and the fourth childe Xie asked me to borrow silver?"

His expression was like hearing the most incredible thing in his life.

Xie Wanjin himself still looked as usual and said, "you heard me right."

Qian Liang was speechless for a moment.

Not long ago, the fourth childe himself added, "commonly known as the autumn wind."

As soon as he said this, Rong Sheng on his side couldn't help glancing at Xie Wanjin.

It's natural for Xie Si to say something like autumn wind.

When Qian Liang heard the speech, he stood still and looked up and down at Xie Wanjin for several times. He couldn't help asking, "Lord Hou, are you kidding me?"

The fourth childe also stood still. His eyes looked at him seriously and asked, "do you think I'm kidding?"

Xie Wanjin was dressed in plain clothes and had nothing of value.

That is, he was born like a rich childe. No matter what he wore, he couldn't hide his noble spirit. If he wore such clothes as usual, he was afraid that he couldn't get into the eyes of high-ranking and large doormen at all, and he would be blown away as soon as he came to the door.

Qian Liang looked at him for a moment and said, "it's hard to say."

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and patted him, "who has time to deliberately dress up like this to tease you?"

"Whether it's true or not, just tell me how much money the Marquis wants." Qian Liang said and looked back at Rong Sheng. "Look, you two are dusty and must have worked hard all the way. In this way... You go to the West Wing room to have a rest, bathe and change clothes. Later, I'll have a banquet in the snow pavilion to receive you and wash your dust."

"OK." Xie Wanjin immediately smiled.

Qian Liang quickly ordered the maid to lead the way.

"Thank you, brother Qian." Xie Wanjin said with a smile, turned around, took his place and followed the maid to the west wing.

The fourth childe smiled, but he didn't speak all the way.

Rongsheng felt a little strange and couldn't help looking at him more.

The smile on Xie Si's face became more and more fake. It was obvious that there was something wrong in the money house.

He didn't speak at the moment and walked all the way to the west wing.

A group of waitresses went forward to salute. They were busy. They were ready to serve the two distinguished guests to bathe and change clothes.

Xie Wanjin suddenly said, "I've been driving for several days. I'm a little sleepy. I'll sleep first and take a bath later."

Naturally, the little maids dared not speak more in front of the distinguished guests, and immediately said, "the Marquis and Mr. Rong should have a rest first. These two rooms..."

"Don't use two." Xie Wanjin said as he pulled Rongsheng into the house, "let's sleep in one."

When the sound fell, he closed the door directly.

Leaving a group of maidens who almost petrified on the spot standing outside.

Xie Wanjin pulled Rong Sheng all the way to the separation, sat in a chair and said, "brother Rong, I think you may be right this time."

Rong Sheng's eyes were half narrowed, and his tone was slightly heavy. "Who do you say is crow's mouth?"

"This is not the point." Xie Wanjin lowered his voice and said, "I think this Qian Liang is a little strange."

Rong Sheng's eyes moved slightly, "how do you say?"

The fourth childe said, "when I came here before, I always lived in the east wing. This time, he suddenly let us live in the west wing. Then it is likely that there are people living in the east wing."

Rong Sheng said, "it's not surprising that there are other guests in such a big money house."

"It's not surprising that there are other guests." Xie Wanjin leaned close to him, as if he was afraid that the wall had ears, and was heard by others, pressing his voice lower, "What's strange is that he just said that he would give a banquet in tingxue pavilion to welcome us! Brother Rong, you may not know that the most proud thing of the money house in Beiyang city is the star watching building in their house. It's where distinguished guests are entertained. I used to be a banquet guest in the star watching building when I was only the fourth childe Xie. Now I'm still the Royal Marquis of Dayan, but I'm not worthy to be your guest Are you a guest? "

Rong Sheng was silent for a moment.

Xie Wanjin whispered, "how many people in this whole Dayan can be more distinguished than me?"

Without waiting for Rongsheng to speak, he immediately asked, "you think about it. What's the origin of the guests who came to Qian's house before us?"

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