Rongsheng's eyes looked at him like ink, and he didn't speak for a moment.

In my heart, I thought that Xie Si was most greedy for comfort and unreliable. He was very alert when he really encountered something.

"Brother Rong, don't just think about it in your heart." Xie Wanjin didn't respond when he saw the boy's light complexion. He couldn't help shouting to him, "if I ask you, you should answer."

Rong Sheng said, "you are penniless and have nothing to worry about. What are you afraid of?"

Xie Wanjin choked at the speech.

I have to say that what Rongsheng said is the truth, but even the truth can't be so direct.

The fourth childe is so big that he has never been stuck with the word "poor" on his forehead.

My heart was immediately unhappy.

He thought about it and retorted, "you can't say that. Although we don't have money, my life is still very valuable, and you, the life of the national master..."

Xie Wanjin said, deliberately pausing, "there are still many people thinking about it, aren't they?"

When Rong Sheng heard the speech, he couldn't help laughing. The corners of his lips unconsciously rose slightly, "the Marquis said, are they coming for you or for me?"

"Well..." Xie Wanjin thought seriously.

After a while, he said:“ I think it should be a coincidence. "

When Rongsheng heard this, he glanced at him coolly. He didn't want to hear his nonsense, so he got up and went.

"Hey... Brother Rong, where are you going?" Xie Wanjin quickly stretched out his hand and pulled him back. After pulling the man back, he directly pressed back to the chair and said with a positive face: "it's dangerous outside."

The boy raised his eyes and looked at him with disapproval on his face.

The fourth childe had a headache and was a little worried. He immediately said, "I'm serious. The people who came to Qian's house before us may not come to us, but they may have another plot."

In the imperial capital, these troublesome things were always done by the eldest brother and the third brother.

Xie Wanjin just wants to do what they have told him, but the national master doesn't care about everything now. There is no one else around him when he goes out. On the contrary, all these things have to be carried by the fourth childe.

no kidding.

He's not used to it.

But I can't put it down.

After all, Rong Sheng is more casual than him. Maybe this is the so-called idle people have their own mill?

The fourth childe sighed several times in his heart, but he became more and more patient when talking to Rong Sheng.

He said slowly: "after all, no one knew that we would suddenly come to Qian's house to catch the autumn wind. Seriously... I also thought temporarily. I think no one in the world can really touch my mind so thoroughly. As for brother Rong, how many people in the world can know your trace? How can we come here first?"

Rong Sheng raised his eyes and said faintly, "what do those people do in Qian Fu?"

"Just like us." Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "it's autumn wind."

Rongsheng's eyes twitched slightly. For a moment, he didn't want to talk to him at all.

Seeing that he left without getting up, Xie Wanjin was a little relieved. He sat down again, lowered his voice and said to him: "Brother Rong doesn't know. The Qian family has a deep family background and is second to none in Beiyang city. As long as there are guests, they must come for money..."

The fourth childe was absolutely sure of what he said. He was not afraid of being beaten in the face, "no matter what You are noble, but you are still poor and humble. This silver is of great use. "

Rong Sheng cannot deny his remarks.

Xie Wanjin said, thinking a lot in his heart.

The boy waited for a long time, but he couldn't wait for him to say what to do. He couldn't help asking, "now, is it going or staying?"

"Naturally, it's to stay." Xie Wanjin replied without thinking, "we've all entered the money house. Don't we have to be suspected if we don't eat or drink or take the silver? What's more... What's terrible about me with brother Rong?"

Rongsheng wanted to say 'you have a big heart', but when the words came to his mouth, they somehow became: "what are you talking about?"

Xie Wanjin heard the speech and immediately: "

The fourth childe suddenly realized that it was wrong to say more, less, or no in front of Rong Sheng.

Anyway, if the national master wants to scold you, he will scold you.

Just listen.

Come on.

Xie Wanjin sighed helplessly in his heart, got up and walked to the bedside, "then I won't say anything. I'll go to sleep first. I'll talk about anything when I wake up."

However, before the sound fell, he heard Rong Sheng's quiet way behind him: "I want to sleep on the couch."

Xie Wanjin turned to look at him, "so I'm sleeping on the ground again today?"

The fourth childe thinks he has an excellent temper.

But since I met the national master, I can't hold my temper.

When he stayed in the inn the first night before, he thought that anyway, the bed was big enough and it was nothing to squeeze two big men. Unexpectedly, when he slept until midnight, he was suddenly kicked to the ground by Rong Sheng.

He woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, but the boy was sleeping soundly.

The first time, the fourth childe thought it was an accident.

Then the second time, the third time... And I don't know how many times.

Xie Wanjin understood.

But he didn't care about Rongsheng and made his own floor.

I didn't know that when I entered Qian's house today, I had to make a floor shop in the house of his old acquaintance!

If this is known, it will be spread everywhere again. Where will he put his face to thank the fourth childe?

Rongsheng raised his eyes and looked at the roof beam, "you can also sleep on it."

"I......" Xie Wanjin almost began to greet his 18th generation ancestors. Thinking that he couldn't beat him, he stubbornly endured it and went back, "you sleep on the couch, you sleep on the couch, I'll go outside to make do."

The fourth childe said and opened the bead curtain and went out.

Rongsheng's thin lips gently hooked, got up and went to the couch, lay on the soft pillow of the high bed and had a rest. Soon he heard Xie Wanjin's gentle snoring.

I fell asleep so soon.

Who has been saying that Qian Fu is unusual just now?

Seeing the crisis so clearly, Xie Si is really a strange person who can sleep upside down.

Rongsheng thought like this and closed his eyes.

They each slept.

When Xie Wanjin woke up, it was dark. He got up, tidied up his clothes with one hand, opened the bead curtain with the other hand and walked to the couch. "Brother Rong, it's time to get up... I was having a good dream and was awakened by hunger."

While talking, Rong Sheng sat up slowly, "I thought you were going to sleep until dawn."

Xie Wanjin was about to reach out and pull him. Suddenly, he heard the wind and grass outside the window and immediately looked back.

Only in this moment, someone suddenly turned over the window and came straight over

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