Xie Wanjin was shocked and immediately raised his hand to put the sleeve arrow.

As a result, as soon as his hand was raised to half, he was stopped by Rong Sheng. He could only watch the wind sweep in front of him.

The fourth childe said, "did you sleep silly?" just about to ask, someone came faster than him and asked, "elder martial brother, why are you in the same room with him again?"

"Night away?" Xie Wanjin was very blocked by her question before he had time to rejoice that he was Rongsheng's younger martial sister.

The little girl asked what that meant?

Will he still take advantage of Rongsheng?

Obviously, he is letting Rongsheng take care of Rongsheng and let Rongsheng take advantage of him all the way!

The fourth childe thought like this, looked back at Rong Sheng and gave him a look of "you know what to say".

Rongsheng ignored him, took it easy to close his hands and return to his sleeves, and then asked Yeli, "Why are you here?"

"That's it again!" Yeli was obviously not happy to hear this. "Elder martial brother always asked me why I came! If I didn't come to find you, would you forget me?"

Rongsheng smelled the speech and just smiled faintly, "I didn't know who had forgotten who first."

"Elder martial brother!" when Yeli heard this, he couldn't help stamping his feet, "where are you going? I'll go with you. We won't mix with Xie family in the future, OK?"

"No... you lose your temper. You can't talk nonsense. What do you mean you won't mix with our Xie family in the future?"

Xie Wanjin had been watching the excitement on the side. It was interesting to see Yeli making trouble in front of Rong Sheng, but he couldn't sit still when he heard this.

The little girl didn't know what happened. She even said that she wouldn't mix with the Xie family in the future.

Don't you have trouble with Xiao Wu?

Night left only glanced at Xie Wanjin. The boss looked unhappy and didn't answer his words.

Thinking like this, the fourth childe couldn't help asking, "are you with Xiao Wu..."

Unexpectedly, before he finished asking, he was interrupted by Yeli's opening.

The little girl didn't have a good way: "what do you ask? Wordy!"

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

He turned around and silently recited "don't quarrel with the little girl" and "don't reason with the awkward little girl" for several times. When his mood calmed down, he looked back at the night.

Just then, Rong Sheng knocked a chestnut on his forehead at night.

The little girl's sore eyebrows and eyes wrinkled together, and she didn't dare to fight with him. She could only raise her hand to cover her forehead and shout angrily, "senior brother!"

"Well done!" Xie Wanjin clapped his hands gently, smiled and said slowly, "the little girl is so bad tempered that she owes someone to clean up."

"You!" the night was very angry, and raised his hand to give him a slap.

Seeing this, the fourth childe rushed to Rong Sheng's back, grabbed the young man's waist and hid behind him. After Ye Li stopped, he showed his head from the young man's shoulder and made faces at the little girl, "come and hit me!"

Ye Li hasn't seen anyone more brazen than Xie Si. He immediately got angry and flew up. He stretched out his hand to beat Xie Wanjin who was hiding behind Rong Sheng.

The fourth childe was so frightened that he shrank his head and hid behind Rongsheng.

"OK." the boy had to raise his hand to stop the attack of Yeli, and said faintly: "don't make trouble."

Yeli's hands were held, and he couldn't do anything else. He had to stamp his feet angrily.

Xie Wanjin secretly looked up and saw that the girl had no more lethality to herself. He immediately looked up and said with a smile: "right, don't make a fuss. Leave the night."

Yeli was so angry with him, "elder martial brother, look at him..."

Rongsheng had to look back and glanced at Xie Wanjin coldly.

The fourth childe raised his eyebrows and smiled back. He pretended to be serious and said, "well, don't make trouble. Do business first."

Night away disdained to say, "what can you do?"

"You... You just look down on people." Xie Wanjin said and ran to the window.

Yeli immediately chased after him and hit him. As a result, Rong Sheng stopped him with a look and could only press his fist irritably.

In a moment, Xie Wanjin turned over the window and waved to Rong Sheng, "brother Rong, come quickly."

Rongsheng flew over, turned over the window and came out, directly carrying Xie Wanjin to the eaves.

The fourth childe took a deep breath and closed his eyes immediately.

The night left, standing not far away, had a panoramic view of the scene.

Somehow, the mood suddenly became a little complicated.

She doesn't know when elder martial brother was so familiar with Xie Wanjin?

I don't understand. It's as cunning as Xie Si. Why do you trust senior brother so much?

Night left and stood in place for a moment. She didn't understand for a while. She simply didn't think about it. She directly followed the window and swept up the eaves.

As soon as Yeli flew onto the roof, he saw Xie Wanjin almost hanging on Rong Sheng. The night wind was so crazy that their sleeves flew over, and their messy hair was almost entangled together.

The fourth childe was afraid of returning, but he kept gnashing his teeth and looking at the people below. Trembling tongrongsheng said, "it's me... I'm a royal marquis. They all ran away when I and I came."

Rongsheng glanced at him and said faintly, "Lord Hou, can you stand by yourself?"

"No!" Xie Wanjin said without thinking, "my feet are soft and I can't stand..."

Thank you for taking it for granted.

Rong Sheng was speechless immediately: "...."

Night left came forward softly and said, "don't be afraid of heights. Don't be afraid of being like this. What Marquis are you!"

"What do you know?" Xie Wanjin looked at a group of people who hurried away not far away, and said to Yeli without looking back: "the more afraid of one thing, the more powerful you have to say yourself, so..."

"So you're not afraid?" said Ye Li, looking Xie Wanjin up and down for several eyes. "Don't you see your courage getting bigger?"

"No, not..." Xie Wanjin said, narrowing his eyes to see those people not far away.

His voice still trembled, but he said very naturally, "so he's not so afraid."

Although this method doesn't work so well, it's better than not.

"I can really find a reason for myself."

Yeli despised Xie Wanjin's words very much. He wanted to raise his hand and pull people off Rong Sheng, but at the moment of reaching out, he heard Xie Wanjin exclaim, "he! He... He looks so familiar!"

Night away looked down Xie Wanjin's eyes. He only met a teenager like white jade. He turned and disappeared into the night. He only had time to catch a glimpse of half of his side face. He could not help frowning and asked, "who?"

"I......" Xie Wanjin stood high. He was afraid. At this moment, he was in a hurry. He couldn't remember where he had seen the young man.

When Rong Sheng saw this, he flew down the eaves with him and pushed the man against the wall, "think quickly."

Xie Wanjin leaned against the wall and stepped on the ground. Suddenly, the whole person was much better.

Yeli came forward and looked at him curiously, "elder martial brother, he usually looks timid?"

He closed his eyes and thought for a long time, but there was no result after all. He could only open his eyes and leave his big eyes and stare at his small eyes at the same night. "If the little girl can't speak, don't talk. What do you have to do to attract people's dislike here?"

Night left raised his feet and would kick him.

Xie Wanjin turned and grabbed the window, turned over the window and entered the house.

Yeli kicked the air. Looking at Mr. Xie's proficiency in turning the window, he couldn't help wondering, "does he never go through the front door when he's at home?"

Rongsheng raised his eyebrows slightly and didn't speak.

Yeli just looked at Rong Sheng at this moment and saw Rong Sheng's eyebrow. For a while, he was in a very complicated mood. After a long time, he said, "senior brother... Have you been with Xie Si for too long? How can you even be infected with his frivolous strength?"

Rong Sheng was slightly stunned, and the back color was as usual: "it's too dark."

"What?" night from suddenly didn't understand, can't help asking: "what day is too dark?"

Rong Sheng said slowly, "it's too dark. You're wrong."

The night leaves to smell speech, immediately: "...."


What elder martial brother says is what he says.

As they talked, they turned the window back and forth and entered the house. As soon as they came behind the curtain, they heard someone knocking at the door.

Xie Wanjin stood a few steps away, put his index finger to his lips and gently "hissed" to signal them not to make a sound.

The man outside the door knocked on the door again twice. "Hou Ye! Hou ye? Brother Rong? Are you awake? Do you want to eat?"

It's Qian Liang.

Xie Wanjin turned back, raised his hand and signaled to leave for the night. Then he came forward and opened the door, smiled at the visitor and said, "it's brother Qian. When is it dark? Why did I sleep so long?"

Rongsheng and Yeli stood not far away, quietly watching Xie Si perform.

Qian Liang believed it. He said with a smile, "maybe you're tired on the road. Is the Marquis hungry? Let's go. I've asked people to have a banquet in the star watching building. The Marquis must have two more drinks with me tonight."

"OK, OK." Xie Wanjin looked back and shouted, "brother Rong! Brother Rong, are you up? Go together."

Rongsheng came out slowly.

Yeli originally wanted to follow her, but seeing that the elder martial brother didn't mean to take her, he had to stay in the dark and watched them go to the star watching building together.

Along the way, Xie Wanjin and Qian Liang talked and laughed as if they hadn't seen anything on the roof just now. Nothing unusual happened in the Qian house.

Rong Sheng's face was as usual. He couldn't help looking up at Xie Wanjin when he occasionally heard Xie Wanjin laughing.

Qian Liang is also a man who can hide things.

The two people who can act together only suffer and become spectators. They are in the play, but they can't point it out. They have to play together.

Until several people went to the star watching building, the table was full of delicacies and wine.

As soon as Xie Wangang sat down, Qian Liang poured the wine and handed it to him, "Lord Hou, taste the golden drunkenness of Beiyang city!"

In the past, Xie Wanjin must have drunk without saying a word. Now he is holding a wine glass and looking at Rong Sheng

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