"Think." Xie Qi's eyes were as clear as ever, and said, "think."

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin couldn't help raising his hand and touching his chin. He said strangely, "you want to stay with Yeli, and she also likes to stay with you. What are you doing now?"

Four the childe really wanted to do not understand, almost to leave the night is not too idle, nothing to ask for an exit, just when the corner of the eye glimpsed that he was still sitting on the side of the table, only when he got to his lips, he swallowed back.

Xie Qi drooped her eyes and looked a little complicated. After holding it for a while, she said, "she felt that I was not willing to be with her."

"This, this is not simple?" Xie Wanjin slapped Xie Qi on the shoulder and wished he could teach him how to coax the little girl back. He smiled slowly: "you like a person and can't hide it. You have to tell her that you have to say it clearly , So that she can know your mind. "

The fourth childe has never taken that girl to heart. He talks like this one by one.

He took Xie Qi's shoulder. "Xiao Wu, do you know how difficult it is to meet a person you like in this world and want to be with her all your life?"

"I like it so much that I want to be with her all my life..."

Xie Qi didn't answer for a moment, only pondering over what his fourth brother said.

After a long time.

The fifth childe said again, "fourth brother, I'm right to leave..."

"You have to figure out how you feel about Yeli." Xie Wanjin interrupted him with a smile, "The fourth brother can only tell you that I have loved so many beautiful women over the past 20 years, but none of them can make me want to spend the rest of my life with her alone. The joy of good color is really shallow, but I know very well in my heart that I love beautiful people, good color, and beauty loves my wealth. Of course... There are many pictures of me. I am good-looking and handsome It's interesting to see trees facing the wind. "

The fourth childe said, and boasted himself.

Rong Sheng on the side glanced at him coolly. Xie Wanjin didn't feel anything. He smiled at him happily.

The bright moon hid into the clouds, the night became deeper and deeper, and the maple leaves fell quietly around, floating to the feet of several people with the wind.

Several night owls on the edge jumped up and down by the flying leaves, busy chasing the shadow of fallen leaves on the edge.

There are few people in the wilderness. The dew is very heavy and the ground is covered with frost. Looking at it, it is crystal clear.

"Fourth brother." Xie Qi shouted to him helplessly.

When Xie Wanjin heard the sound, he stopped boasting and continued to say to his younger brother who had not been enlightened: "Xiao Wu, you can't learn from the third brother. You're stuck in your heart and don't say anything. Who can guess?"

Leng Buding, the chief assistant in the imperial capital, was pulled out to speak again.

Xie Qi's face was slightly stiff. "How about that?"

"Learn from me." Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "it's all right to talk more. Whether what you say is useful or not, you can talk more. After listening to Yeli, you will feel happy to be with her. At least half of this matter has been solved."

"Really?" Xie Qi heard this and looked a little unconvinced.

"Naturally, it's true." Xie Wanjin said, raising his hand and patting Rongsheng on the shoulder. "You see, brother Rong and I didn't deal with each other before. Haven't we become close friends now?"

Xie Qi looked at his fourth brother and Rongsheng on the side.

I always think what he said seems a little strange.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin immediately said, "there is no friendship between me and him. It all depends on my words."

Rong Sheng smelled the speech, his eyes half narrowed, reached out and stuffed a roasted fish into Xie Wanjin's hand, "eat."

The fourth childe picked his eyebrows slightly, and the smile in his eyes became thicker and thicker, "brother Rong, why are you so good tonight?"

Rong Sheng said in his usual tone, "if you have fish to eat, you can't stop your mouth?"

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

Brother ganqingrong hates me for talking too much?

Damn it.

Little five is still sitting here. He doesn't know how to save face.

The fourth childe lowered his head and bit the fish. After biting, he suddenly remembered that Xie Qi was also dusty all the way. He was afraid he was still hungry.

"Xiao Wu, have you eaten yet?" he said and handed the fish to Xie Qi.

"I'm not hungry." Xie Qi didn't answer, and looked rather gloomy. "I don't know where Li Li is. Have you had a good meal."

When Xie Wanjin heard the speech, he immediately felt that the fish in his mouth was not fragrant, and his teeth were sour.

When the brother grew up, he became someone else's.

He was speechless for a moment.

Rong Sheng's tone on his side was slightly cool and said, "if you don't have the same intention with her, you don't have to find her, and you don't need to be so good to her."

When Xie Qi heard the speech, he suddenly looked up at the national master.

"What are you talking about?" Xie Wanjin stabbed Rong Sheng with his elbow. "What's the hurry of Xiao Wu? You still say such words to him."

Rong Sheng pressed the fourth childe's arm and said as usual, "the joy of the world is only for a moment. Yeli likes a person who has a heart. If she wants to spend her life with him, she is looking for a sad thing. Now she can see that it's better to have a long pain than a short pain. Separation is a good thing."

"Hello..." Xie Wanjin felt more and more flustered. He couldn't help coming up to Rong Sheng's ear and whispered, "brother Rong, what's the matter with you? What's the mess?"

Rong Sheng looked at Xie Qi not far away and didn't take his words.

The fourth childe was sweating on his anxious forehead, wondering how to open his mouth to make a round.

At this time, Xie Qi asked with some difficulty, "do you say Li likes me?"

"Can I say it?" Rong Sheng asked, "as long as she is not blind, she can see that she likes you. If she doesn't like you, why bother to save you and use Shuangsheng Gu?"

Love at first sight, life and death.

Such a thing is too strange. If Rong Sheng had not seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that someone would risk his life for a person who caught a glimpse.

But it happened that Yeli did so.

"I......" Xie Qi was speechless for a moment, and his heart was in a mess. After a long time of meditation, he stood up and said again: "but Li Li said that she saved me at the beginning, just coincidentally... Just wanted to test the medicine..."

He said, his voice getting softer and softer.

Yeli lied to him.

In order to let him return to his original life with peace of mind, he put aside the past years like falling into a strange dream and made up such a clumsy lie.

But Xie Qi Believing it, she left alone.

"The so-called twin Gu, two lives are tied in a line. If you hurt one minute, she will hurt very much. If you die, she will die too. You say she doesn't like you?" Rong Sheng interrupted him directly, with a slightly cold face: "Xie Qi, if she doesn't like it, you can take it as if she thinks she has lived too long and wants to die."

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