Xie Qi was stunned.

There was silence around, and only what Rong Sheng said echoed in his ears. He suddenly remembered the night he left, with slightly red eyes.

For a moment, my heart hurts like a twist.

Xie Wanjin on the edge saw this and quickly stood up to make a round, but before he could speak, he saw Xie Qi turn and get on the horse.

The five childe, who has always been gentle, looks anxious. He reined in his horse and turned his head while saying to Xie Wanjin, "fourth brother, I'll leave."

"Xiao Wu!" Xie Wanjin felt anxious. "Where are you going to find her now?"

Xie Qi looked back at him, "where did the fourth brother and she separate?"

Xie Wanjin thought, "it's three or five miles away from the fork outside Beiyang City, you..."

"Fourth brother, take care." Xie Qi clapped his horse immediately before he finished.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin couldn't help but say in a loud voice, "it's so dark that it's hard to hurry. You can go again at dawn. It's not urgent to find her at this time!"

But Xie Qi galloped away with his horse. He didn't hear what he said behind him. In a twinkling of an eye, he didn't go into the night.

Several night owls that had been rolling on the edge jumped into the grass to hide their tracks.

The night wind blew down countless maple leaves. Xie Wanjin stood by the fire for a while before looking back at Rong Sheng. "You didn't say this early or late. Why do you say it at this time?"

Rong Sheng has never been a talkative person. Previously, no matter what he did at night, he always looked like he loved to care.

Just now, he stabbed Xiaowu into people's hearts word by word.

Rong Sheng is a senior brother, and Xie Wanjin is also a brother. I'm inevitably a little unhappy.

However, the master's face was still light, "he asked me."

Xie Wanjin was speechless when he heard the speech: "

After a while, he calmed down and said again, "then you... Can speak a little more implicitly. There are some things you don't have to say so..."

Before he finished, Rong Sheng interrupted, "if I kill him directly, I don't have to say so much nonsense."

The boy's eyes looked at him like ink.

Between the lines, there is a clear meaning of "if I don't kill him, I'll give you face. What do you want if you're not satisfied?".


With a moment's effort, I recalled my master's previous style of behavior. I suddenly felt that it was nothing to talk to my heart. At least Xiao Wu is still alive now, thanks to others.

Thinking like this, the fourth childe quickly put out his hand to hold a bowl of fish soup and handed it to Rong Sheng, "well, well, anyway, they make trouble by themselves. You drink the fish soup first, sleep for a while, and start on your way tomorrow morning."

Rongsheng looked at him, reached out and took the bowl, gently blew the hot air, and then drank slowly.

Xie Wanjin is a big hearted man. He has been busy for so long and is very hungry. At that time, he eats and worries about whether Xiao Wu can find Yeli.

How tired it is to ride a horse.

So day and night, don't be tired and sick.

On one side, the fourth childe is worried about the fifth younger brother. On the other side, Xie Qi flies across the wilderness and seems to have to rush back.

He had seen puppet people before when he was in the imperial master's residence. They had been hidden in the dark room without seeing the sun for many years. They had no joys and sorrows, and did not eat. They were like iron cast wood carvings. They would move and face each other with swords and swords only when the master ordered to kill them.

In addition, there is no consciousness.

Yeli said he was a puppet, and Xie Qi never doubted it.

Because he can't feel the pain, he can't grow up any longer. Even if he is different from those real puppets, he just feels different.

He never thought that the so-called difference was bought by night's pressure on his own life.

He never knew that the little girl who smiled and asked him to call her master always said to him, "Xie Qi, don't be afraid. My senior brother said, I can live to 99. Let's even our fate, and we can live to gray hair, can't we?"

Xie Qi at that time didn't understand why she said such words.

Until now, I didn't know what she meant.

Yeli always likes his "fool", but she doesn't know that she is the most stupid person.

What is it worth to catch a glimpse and fall in love at first sight?

Xie Qi never thought that in those years, on the Changning River, which was full of murders, the weak and incompetent himself who had no power to bind chickens would become a startling glimpse of another person and would not hesitate to save him with his life.

He was so lucky.

How... Deserve it.

Xie Qi's heart was full of waves. He hurried to the outskirts of Beiyang city without stopping. The horse's hoof walked through the hazy night and ran to the girl in his heart.

Xie Qi arrived near the place Xie Wanjin said. It was the next morning.

The horse threw its hooves tired. The sunrise rose in the sky. The morning light passed through the clouds and fell on the earth.

Xie Qi Lema walked slowly along the path and carefully observed the traces on the path.

Not far away, several passers-by exclaimed, "why is there so much blood on the ground?"

The people in the same trade heard the speech and walked around one after another. While reading Amitabha, they felt it and said, "it's a sin. I don't know how many people died yesterday with so much blood."

"It's really strange. Why did the murderer in the wilderness take the body away?"

"Don't talk too much." the old man walking behind said, "this place is not peaceful. Let's go quickly."

Several people responded and stepped away.

However, all the way was bloodstained and spread for a long time. Everyone was shocked.

When Xie Qi heard the speech, he immediately called immediately and wanted to check it.

When several vendors saw that he was a handsome rich childe, they hurriedly said, "childe! Childe, don't go forward. People have just died there. It's not clean."

When Xie Qi heard the speech, he suddenly clicked in his heart.

His face was steady, and Wen said, "thank you for your kind reminder, but how can someone dare to kill outside Beiyang city? The officials in the city don't care?"

The old man said, "you don't know. Beiyang city is not peaceful recently. There are a group of extremely ferocious robbers nearby who specially occupy the road and kill passers-by. They come and go quickly, and the government can't help them."

The young humanitarian in the back: "previously, I just tied people for ransom. This time, I don't know why... Looking at the blood on the ground, I'm afraid many people died."

"I think the childe is gentle and delicate. I'd better leave or enter the city quickly. Don't delay here." the old man said repeatedly, "we have to hurry and go first."

Xie Qi thanked her and said goodbye.

When he lowered his head, the corner of his eye suddenly caught a glimpse of a purple gauze hanging on the grass not far away. Xie Qi immediately turned over and dismounted and picked up the purple gauze. After a closer look, his heart became more and more restless.

It was scraped from Li Li's clothes and splashed with blood.

What happened here last night?

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