Rao is Xie Qi. She knows that few people can hurt Yeli at the end of the day. At the moment, when she sees blood everywhere, her heart is still full of worry.

This is in the wilderness outside Beiyang city. She's not familiar with her place of life and has a strong temper. It's inevitable to start a dispute with her. At present, she doesn't even have a living person, and she doesn't know if she's hurt. Now where is she going.

Xie Qi thought like this and became more and more anxious. He directly sent a signal to call the Qingyi guard nearby.

The red flame rushed into the air and burst into gorgeous fireworks.

Xie Qi tightly pulled the cloth from Yeli in his hand, and whispered: "Lili..."

On the other side, the girl in purple with beautiful eyebrows and eyes sat on the ox cart. She whipped the robber in front of the ox cart with a whip, "hurry up! No one has eaten. No one is walking fast in the ox cart!"

There are more than a dozen robbers on both sides. Either their hands are broken or their legs are lame. They can't fall too far behind. Otherwise, the aunt will reward you with a whip when she turns back.

Everyone was afraid of being beaten and gritted their teeth to follow the ox cart.

But who ever thought that they managed to keep up, but the eldest brother of the robber who drove the car was smoked several times in a row.

The reason is that the aunt thinks the ox cart is too slow.

"Ouch... Aunt, stop beating!" the driver is the leader of these robbers. In the past, the ox cart was always used to tie meat tickets, and the whip was also used to whip those restless people.

But now, the beating and being beaten are completely reversed.

The robber's clothes were torn by the whip, and his back was covered with blood marks. It hurt to move.

The girl in purple looks like a young lady pampered by a rich family, but every sword will see blood, even playing with a whip.

It's strange that they didn't wear eyes when they went out yesterday.

I've been robbing money and color in the wilderness for a long time. I love one or two people who are alone. When I see such a delicate girl, my brothers have bright eyes. They rush up and surround people. The two pants and belts that are the most urgent have been untied.

Never thought, the girl in purple just smiled when she saw their posture.

A gang of robber brothers have lived for so many years and have never seen such a good-looking girl. They are immediately fascinated by seven meat and eight vegetables. They say, "little lady, you serve the great man well, and the great man will not hurt your life."

Jump on it.

Before the sound fell, the girl in purple pulled out the soft sword around her waist and unloaded the arm of the man who first jumped on her.

Before they could react, the girl kicked off the man who broke his arm, raised and lowered the long sword in her hand, and cleaned up the people around her in an instant.

It was a wonderful day yesterday. When the sunset set, there were sunset clouds all over the sky.

The girl in purple stood in the blood on the ground. Behind her was the gorgeous scenery. She hit more than 20 robbers with a sword. She had no power to fight back and could only be slaughtered by her.

But just when everyone thought she was dead, suddenly, although she was cruel, her eyes didn't blink when she broke people's arms and legs, but when she killed someone, she thought of something, frowned slightly, stopped, kicked people away with one foot, and didn't take their lives.

Seeing this, the robbers knelt down and begged for mercy in order to save their lives.

But the girl asked, "where is your nest? Take me."

How dare they disobey her? They quickly put all the meat tickets they had tied up and made room for the aunt to sit in. They went back to the nest with injuries.

These robbers' nests were hidden in the high mountains. The mountain roads were difficult and far away. After walking all night, they saw the smoke of cooking in the small villages in the mountains.

The ox cart walked for a long time before stepping on the entrance of the village. There were reclaimed fields and many vegetables. The village was poor and looked at the head at a glance. The robbers looked aggressive before. In fact, they didn't even have a decent cottage.

As soon as the ox cart stopped at the entrance of the village, several robbers in animal skin clothes who were not far away met it, "brother, why are you driving today?"

"Why did you come back so late today? What happened?"

The robber's eldest brother tried his best to wink at several people. They were stunned and looked behind him. They asked strangely, "why do you bring only one back? But this looks better than the little lady tied earlier..."

Before the sound fell, the robber was whipped on his face by the girl in purple. In a moment, a blood mark appeared from his forehead to his chin.

"You..." the robber was beaten, staggered back, fell to the ground and said unbelievably, "who are you?"

The girl in purple jumped down from the carriage lightly, "come and beat your man."

Suddenly, dozens of robbers left in the village happened to come out. When they saw this battle, they copied guys and rushed to the girl in purple.

The leader of the cattle cart robber quickly stopped the crowd with a wink. While stopping the brothers' knives and axes, he said, "aunt, we're here. Are you hungry and want to eat? Or take a break first?"

What he said was like a waiter standing on the street. All the robbers left behind in the village were stunned.

"Big brother!" someone couldn't help shouting, "what's the matter with you today?"

This man The voice of his voice was not completely down. The girl in purple kicked him lightly, and kicked people out more than a dozen steps away.

The crowd suddenly froze.

The girl in purple played with the whip in her hand, "do you understand what's going on?"

The robbers didn't dare to answer her. They didn't dare to speak out.

The girl said slowly: "I'll stay here. Whoever dares to talk nonsense again will die!"

She took it for granted.

The crowd immediately: "

I haven't seen anyone stay in the bandit's nest.

The girl is good-looking, but is there something wrong with her brain?

The robbers thought in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say anything, and quietly retreated away.

The leader of the robber nearest to her quickly nodded and bowed, "please stay inside, aunt. You can stay here as long as you like. We have absolutely nothing to say. Please come inside."

The girl in purple took back her eyes and walked inside.

The leader of the robber led the way in front of her, followed by a group of younger brothers at the bottom. I didn't know that it was the female king who came back.

But Yeli didn't take a few steps. Suddenly, he heard a scream from a dilapidated earth house and a messy "what are you hiding? I think you are your blessing. Can you hide?"

The girl in purple stopped at the sound. The robber leader immediately felt bad, but he didn't have time to stop.

The girl in purple walked over there and kicked open the shaky wooden door

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