Ji Ling said and quickly stepped out of the threshold. He didn't care how Xie Qi and Yeli looked in the house. He turned around and hurriedly brought the door back.

The night was now deep.

It was quiet all around, only the wind and the shadow of the tree moved slowly.

Ji Ling went to the yard, looked up at the stars and the moon in the sky, and breathed a heavy sigh of relief, "fortunately, my legs and feet were not hurt..."

He muttered to himself, "as long as I walk fast enough, Mr. Xie and miss engong can treat me as if I didn't show up."

you 're right.

Ji Ling looked at them just now. It seemed that after making trouble, he made up with Hershey with deep love. It was difficult for him.

He shook his head and couldn't help laughing. He stood in the yard for a while before returning to his house.

As everyone knows, Ji Ling is outside thinking about Xie Qi and Yeli.

The green guards on the roof were thinking about him.

Soon after, the secret report of Beiyang city was sent back to the imperial capital. The Qingyi guard said "childe Ji Ling has great eyesight" on the left and "childe Ji is talented and rare in the world" on the right. People praised him very much. In fact, it was for himself and his brothers to marry a beautiful girl as soon as possible.

Ji Ling didn't know anything about it.

He and Xie Qi had been injured for more than ten days. After getting well, he took Xie Qi and Yeli to visit the beautiful scenery of Beiyang City, visit Fanhua street, taste delicious food and make a local friendship.

Ji Ling sometimes sees interesting scripts and unofficial history notes and pulls Xie Qi to read them together. The fifth childe has listened to his eldest brother's strange stories since childhood and is very interested in these ghosts. There are thousands of worlds in the book. The Xiake Jianghu, whom he yearns for but has never been with, often talk about it Half a day.

With plum serving tea and two plates of cakes, the two can stay in the study all the time.

This day, again.

Yeli got up early in the morning and went to the market alone. When he came back, he found that Xie Qi was alone. He went to Ji Ling's house and saw plum sitting on the threshold dozing off.

She came up and asked, "are they in there again?"

The plum was still a little confused. He rubbed his eyes and said, "in, in."

Yeli pushed open the door and saw that the two people gathered together to read the same book, almost sticking their foreheads. They couldn't help being angry and funny. "What are you two doing together every day?"

"Leave." Xie Qi couldn't help but put down his book and got up. Wen Sheng called her, "it's not like glue."

"I don't care how to use it! I see you are..."

Yeli was half killed by his anger, and suddenly he was speechless.

Ji Ling next to the book case also stood up and lowered her voice to remind Xie Qi, "childe Xie, is this the time to tell the girl how to use words..."

Xie Qi smiled and walked to Yeli's face. He stretched out his hand to pull away the purple hair band wrapped around her hair and whispered to her, "brother Ji is teaching me how to please you."

"Who wants you to please me?" Yeli said very quickly, but her little face was slightly red and hot quietly, which made it difficult for her to ignore. She had to stop looking too far and said, "it's better for you to stick with him less than anything!"

Xie Qi was speechless: "

He was afraid that as soon as he was angry, he ran away again. He reached out and grabbed her wrist and looked back at her Ji Ling asks for help with her eyes.

"Miss ungong said this..." Ji Ling understood and quickly opened his mouth to make things right. "I share the same interests with Childe Xie, and most of them are to think about how to make miss ungong happy... I'm not a gentle and beautiful girl. I can't do anything with Childe Xie. You're jealous..."

"Who do you say is jealous?" night left immediately turned back and stared at him with a cold eyebrow.

The cold sweat behind Ji Ling almost came down. He hurriedly said, "I! I'm eating! I love to be jealous!"

Night left to see him so wise that he didn't continue to embarrass him. He just snorted coldly and took Xie Qi out.

It is the crisp autumn season, when the wind blows and leaves fall, and the red leaves fly all over the courtyard.

Night left originally dragged Xie Qi's hand, slipped quietly, and became linked with his fingers.

She glanced at Xie Qi with the rest of her eyes and found that his ears were slightly red. Suddenly, she couldn't help laughing.

Plum stood in front of the door and looked at the enraged girl who rushed into the door. He smiled and went out again. Suddenly, he couldn't react. He unconsciously raised his hand and touched his head.

Behind him, Ji Ling quickly chased out, "eunuch, where are you going to thank childe?"

"I won't tell you! It's a place without you anyway!" the night left the corridor without looking back, and unconsciously smiled in his voice.

"This..." Ji Ling smelled the speech and suddenly had some helplessness. He smiled and asked, "do you still come back for dinner today?"

Ye Li said, "if you don't come back, you won't come back in the future!"

Ji Ling was slightly stunned and wanted to say something more, but he could only watch the young man in blue with picturesque eyebrows being pulled through the light and shadow floating corridor by the beautiful girl in purple.

The breeze blew slowly, and the two people's clothes overlapped. The black silk flew, and the ribbon of their hair danced with it.

Suddenly, people went away.

Ji Ling stood and looked at it for a while before he reacted, "I'm leaving now?"

He murmured in a low voice, "I won't stay for a few more days. I haven't reported this life-saving kindness."

The plum on the side was about to speak when he saw a group of green guards falling from the sky.

The leading green four said, "young master, relax. You have plenty of opportunities to repay. ”

Ji Ling was startled by them, but she also recognized that these were the people who had followed Mr. Xie before. She forced herself to settle down and asked, "what do you mean?"

Qing Si didn't answer him either, but said with a smile, "childe Ji will know when I wait for the imperial capital."

"Go to Dijing?" Ji Ling was more confused. "I'm fine in Beiyang city. What do you do in Dijing? I..."

Before he finished saying this, Qing Si took out a decree from his sleeve. After unfolding it, he read aloud: "follow the emperor's edict..."

Ji Ling lived so long that the biggest official he had ever seen was the governor of Beiyang city. Suddenly, he heard the emperor's edict and knelt down.

Then he heard the most praise in his life. What brilliant and gifted words hit him on the head without money.

He was worried and terrified for fear that he would lose his head in the next moment.

As a result, after hearing the decree, what he heard was that his majesty personally ordered him to become an official media in the imperial capital. He immediately became dizzy and asked unbelievably, "Your Majesty... How did your majesty call me to become an official media in the imperial capital?"

Qing Si smiled and reached out to help Ji Ling up from the ground. "You're gone, sir Ji."

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