"I, I've left the noble fortune..." Rao Shiling was dazed by the sudden rise of the official hat after reading the countless legendary encounters in the script.

He was stunned for a long time before he tried to open his mouth and asked, "are you miss engong and childe Xie..."

Qing Si didn't wait for Ji Ling to finish, so he put the imperial edict in his hand and asked with a smile, "who else in the world can be more valuable than Xie's?"

"Yes, Mr. Xie's surname is Xie, and the emperor's capital is Xie's family..." Ji Ling heard this and almost couldn't stand steady. He threw himself on the ground. Fortunately, the left and right Qingyi guards reacted very quickly and reached out to help him.

Everyone looked forward to Ji Ling's early arrival in Dijing to pull the fiber for their media. Therefore, they were particularly kind to him and whispered, "be careful, Mr. Ji."

"Well, well, I'm careful. I'm careful." Ji Ling slowed down for a while before he calmed down. He asked in a low voice, "childe Xie belongs to your majesty today..."

"The fifth childe." Qing Si looked at his funny appearance. He couldn't help joking and said with an interesting smile: "it's the heart of our majesty. Lord Ji and the fifth childe have become friends. It's going up in the world."

Although he was joking.

But those who have been with your majesty know how much he values the fifth childe, and other brothers may not be so kind.

"Sweetheart... Treasure?"

Ji Ling feels that things in the world are really more outrageous than words.

No matter who your majesty is, it's true that Mr. Xie is lucky.


Ji Ling was very tangled and asked, "I've been exposed to the light of noble people's transportation. I understand these, but why is it the official media?"

Since the founding of the Dayan Dynasty, there has been no such official post. It has to be turned forward for at least three or five hundred years. One page of the history book of a certain year says that men of school age do not marry women, that they do not marry at school age, that they have no country for old people, that it is extremely difficult to recruit soldiers, and so on. At that time, the imperial court issued a decree, set up the post of orthodox official media, and married men and women of school age, leaving a lot of jokes.

Ji Ling was very happy when he saw those interesting things, but it's not very funny when it falls on him today.

The green guards looked at Ji Ling's delicate face and couldn't help laughing more and more.

Qing Si coughed twice. "The position of official media is not under the jurisdiction of the chief assistant. You can skip all parts of the court and report to your majesty, the queen and Lord Ji. This is a great grace."

Ji Ling was even more puzzled. "Not under the jurisdiction of chief Fu? Why does it sound more and more difficult?"

The Qingyi guard on one side said with a smile: "Your Majesty must have deep meaning. Lord Ji will know when he goes to Dijing."

At the moment, Ji Ling doesn't know what it's like for all the civil and military officials in the court to just "not under the jurisdiction of the chief auxiliary".

He was still in the clouds and dizzy. He only knew that he was going to be an official.

An official who matches up insurance media for others.

And now, at the door of Ji house.

Yeli pulled Xie Qi out of the door quickly, raised his head and motioned him to look aside, "ah, I bought these two horses at the market early, one black and one white, which looks very suitable..."

She said, suddenly paused, and then immediately released Xie Qi's hand and pretended that nothing had happened just now to untie the reins tied to the stone lion.

Yeli tried to make herself look as if nothing had happened, and said casually, "I mean, it's rare for this horse to be snow-white. It's very suitable for you."

"Yes." Xie Qi smiled and said, "match me."

Yeli couldn't bear his picture of "what you say is what". His face was slightly red. He turned back and threw the white horse's rope to Xie Qi, but he didn't want to lose the wind at all. "If you yearn for the Jianghu, you should drive your horse to see the vast rivers and lakes. What's the meaning of reading the script with Ji all day?"

As she spoke, she turned over and rode on the back of the black horse, looking down at Xie Qi.

At the moment, when the sun is shining brightly, the light golden light penetrates the clouds and spreads all over the world, shrouding the girl in purple. For a time, it is very bright and beautiful.

Xie Qi looked up at her with light in her dark eyes.

Who didn't have a chivalrous dream when he was young?

He was weak since childhood. The boys and girls around him were afraid that he would fall down when the wind blew, and they couldn't even get out of the house. When his peers went to school, his mother invited him to teach at home. His brothers loved him and never forgot to bring some good things. When they were free, they came to tell him what they had seen and heard outside.

Xie Qi felt that she was already very lucky and shouldn't ask for anything more.

But who knows that the weak young master Xie also has a dream in the Jianghu.

I have also dreamed of fresh clothes and angry horses, happy gratitude and hatred.

But today, Yeli bought a horse and brought the gust of wind he wanted most when he was young. With a bright light, he raised his elegant clothes.

"Mount the horse!" Yeli smiled, turned his horse's head, ran forward for two steps, then stopped and looked back at him, "I'll take you to see the real Jianghu!"

With a smile in Xie Qi's eyes, he immediately turned over on his horse's back, slowly drove his horse to the side of the night, and said in a warm voice, "thank you, miss night."

Yeli smiled and raised her hand slightly, "thank you, young Xia, please!"

Xie Qi was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "night girl, please!"

"Then I won't let you." Yeli said so, immediately rode his horse and whipped his whip and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this, Xie Qi also whipped his flying horse, through the autumn wind and fallen leaves, chasing the night away, chasing the most distant dream of his youth.

The white horse treads on the flying dust, and his clothes are like riding the wind.

The night left, riding a horse across the long street, smiling brightly. Looking back at him, the flying green silk and hair band were entangled together, valiant and valiant, and a little girl's tenderness.

Xie Qi laughed and came forward with a flying horse, keeping pace with her.

They walked together through the autumn of Beiyang, through the depression and the busy streets. When they were close to the gate of the city, the red leaves fell with the wind, fluttering and unrestrained.

Yeli couldn't help looking at Xie Qi frequently. Seeing that he was so happy, she couldn't help smiling.

She knew what kind of person she was. She was cruel and unreasonable, but she was bad everywhere. Only this tenderness gave it all to Xie Qi.

Xie Qi can't swear. She helps him.

Xie Qi can't fight. She fights for him.

Xie Qi yearns for the Jianghu, so she will take him to see the Jianghu.

As for those dangerous and unknown things, let her solve them all.

Yeli looked at Xie Qi's side face and smiled brightly.

She just wants Xie Qi to be happy.

Young people are not old, and the Jianghu is proud.

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