Xie Xuan forcibly stood still and breathed deeply twice. Then he stepped out of the door. For example, he walked faster and his clothes were flying.

Wang Liang, who personally went to the gate of the palace to lead Ji Ling into the palace, walked back. He happened to meet the chief auxiliary who quickly stepped out of the palace. He quickly stopped to salute and say hello, "chief auxiliary is going back to the house now?"

Ji Ling, who was behind Wang Liang, only felt the cold around him, and did not dare to look directly at Xie Xuan. He immediately bowed his head and bowed his hands, "see chief Fu."

"HMM." Xie Yu only answered faintly, glanced down at Ji Ling, didn't say anything, and went out of the palace for a moment.

Ji Ling was inexplicably frozen and shivered.

When Shoufu adult went away, he felt that the surroundings were a little warmer.

Seeing this, Wang Liang on his side couldn't help showing sympathy and asked tentatively, "is Lord Ji an old acquaintance with Lord Shoufu?"

"No, I don't know. I've admired Lord Shoufu for a long time. Today is the first time to see him." Ji lingleng's upper and lower teeth fought. He couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing his face. He whispered to Wang Liang, "father-in-law Wang, is it so cold in autumn in imperial capital?"

Wang Liang smiled. "It's late autumn now. Lord Ji should wear more. You still have a chance to meet Lord Shoufu in the future."

Ji Ling nodded and retracted her hand into her sleeve.

After a while, he realized that he was wearing quadruple clothes, which was thick enough for this season.


What does it mean to have opportunities to meet with chief Fu in the future?

Ji lingbai couldn't understand it, but the walls of the imperial palace were deep, and the palace attendants who came and went were light and silent. He didn't ask much, so he closed his mouth and walked forward.

After several zigzag corridors, through the door, and around many palace roads, we came to the imperial library.

Wang Liang said, "Lord Ji, wait here. Let's go first and give a briefing."

Ji Ling quickly saluted, "thank you, father-in-law Wang."

Wang Liang went in with a smile and announced that Ji Ling was the only one left standing under the banyan tree in front of the hall, watching the wind blow the fallen leaves.

After a while, he heard the call of the inner waiter.

Ji Ling hurriedly tidied up his skirt, took a deep breath and stepped into the imperial study.

He didn't dare to lift it, and immediately knelt down and gave a big gift, "long live my emperor, long live my emperor!"

The man on the Dragon chair smiled and said, "Ji Aiqing is exempt from gifts and flat."

Ji Ling just stood up and secretly glanced at his majesty. His eyes were full of surprise.

Then he lowered his head like flying.

Now his majesty is so young and beautiful that he can't look directly at him. He wrote and wrote a memorial.

Ji Ling has heard countless rumors about his majesty. Good, bad, romantic and murderous are not as legendary as the man he saw with his own eyes.

"You don't have to look at me so carefully." Xie Heng said with a smile, "I already have If you have this strength, you'd better use it on the chief assistant. "

When Ji Ling heard him laugh, most of the panic in her heart immediately went away, but when she heard him say, Lord Shoufu, her heart immediately hung up again, bowed her head and said, "I don't dare to offend Lord Shoufu..."

"You are a man of insight. You know that Shoufu adult can't offend." Xie Heng smiled more and more. "Don't worry, I won't let you go to pull fiber for Shoufu adult's media as soon as you come up. The civil and military officials are people of the right age. It's not too late to take two hands at first, and then find a pillow for Shoufu adult."

Hearing this, Ji Ling couldn't help saying:

How dare your majesty speak so directly?

I also tried two of the civil and military officials. If they knew about it, how could I stay in the imperial capital?

He thought a lot, but he didn't say a word.

Xie Heng said slowly: "it's OK. They are happy to try."

"Your Majesty..."

Ji Ling was shocked when he heard the speech: how can your majesty read the mind?

He struggled for a long time and couldn't help asking, "why did your majesty personally order me to be this media officer?"

"I have a great collection of Chinese in Dayan Dynasty. If you are only talented and famous, it's nothing strange." Xie Heng said with a smile, "the beauty is that your words are full of happy lovers. Ji Aiqing, it's best for you to be a media official."

He said, raising his hand and motioning Wang Liang to explain Ji Ling.

Most of the young ministers in Dayan Dynasty said they wanted to marry a wife, but most of them didn't even touch the girl's hand. They spoke like a river in the court hall, but they blushed at the sight of a beautiful lady and wouldn't speak well.

However, these individuals are very troublesome. They need to match their looks and be literary. They can't mess up the mandarin duck spectrum like ordinary matchmakers. They have to be romantic and have trouble. In short, it's not easy to be an official media.

But fortunately, there are no restrictions, and you don't have to look at the Secretary's face.

Ji Ling understood after listening to it.

His majesty called him to Beijing mainly for the life and death of Lord Shoufu. Secondly, there are too many single young ministers in the imperial capital. The latter can be used to practice. The former must be safe and must be very troublesome.

Anyway, when he comes to Dijing, he won't be idle.

Half an hour later.

Ji Ling left with a top heavy salute and was led out of the palace by the waiter. He walked in a wandering way.

As a result, as soon as he came out of the palace, he was surrounded by a group of ministers in red and purple robes. At first, the man was Zhou Minghao. He was very familiar. When he came up, he took Ji Ling's shoulder and walked out, "Lord Ji? Can you tell us to wait. I heard you are good at matchmaking? When will you help me marry a beautiful girl?"

The rest of the crowd followed: "Lord Ji has come to the imperial capital. Since I knew that you, the official media, were coming, I looked forward to it, and my neck was long!"

"Did your majesty secretly ask you to find the right person for Lord Shoufu? I tell you, it's too difficult. You'd better help us find it first!"

This group of young ministers went outside. They were all powerful figures. When they surrounded Ji Ling, they were quite airtight.

He was held by Zhou Minghao. Some of them were unstable. He hurriedly said, "don't worry, don't worry, adults. If you want to find a good marriage, please post your birthday to the official media Yamen. Ji will do his best for you."

When they heard the speech, they laughed and teased him, and each one was not polite to him.

Zhou Minghao was nearest to him and immediately said, "that's a first come, first served. I came the earliest, so you have to find it for me first!"

Qin Mo said, "everything can be done. It can't be done!"

The rest of the young ministers followed and said that they could not let him go.

Ji Ling was so noisy by them that he even said in a loud voice, "you! You! Fate is not urgent. You have to follow fate, you know..."

Only then did he know why his majesty called him.

The emperor's capital has more wolves and less meat... No, there are more young talents and fewer beauties.

Some are busy here.

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