When Ji Ling, the media official, was surrounded as soon as he arrived in the imperial capital, the news immediately reached the harem.

A few of them came to Wenjiu to report happily. They said it as if they had seen it with their own eyes, which made ordinary palace maids laugh again and again.

Wen Jiu sat in the octagonal pavilion of the imperial garden and tasted a mouthful of tea. He couldn't help laughing and said, "they are well-informed. They block people at the gate of the palace so grandly that they are not afraid to be seen by the chief auxiliary."

According to Xie Xun's nature, if you see people acting like this, you must be severely punished.

"Lord Shoufu went back to his house." Huan Tian said, "they must have seen the right time to dare to do this. It seems that Lord Ji must be busy."

Wenjiu said with a smile, "that's for sure."

"I don't know what kind of person that media officer is. I also want to have a look."

Xie Xiaoliu came to the palace from time to time to warm wine, enjoy flowers and drink tea. Today, Mrs. Xie asked him to embroider a handkerchief and take it back.

She sat patiently for a long time. It was the time she wanted to play most. She wanted to throw away the embroidery needle when she found a chance.

"What's your hurry?" Wen jiuxiao's eyebrows bent. "Then, he will naturally come to see you."

Since Ji Ling is a media official, he will naturally come to see the childe and young lady of his age.

It's equivalent to seeing Lord Ji. It's not far from finding a lover.

Xie Xiaoliu understood almost for a moment, blushing and whispering, "sister-in-law!"

"What do you want me to do?" Wen Jiu pretended to be puzzled and said, "you're still anxious to see Lord Ji. Why don't you want to see him now?"

"I... I'm not what my sister-in-law thinks..."

Xie Xiaoliu said, and his voice lightened unconsciously.

Her mandarin duck was embroidered into a duck again. She simply didn't embroider. She threw it aside and shouted softly with her warm wine arm, "sister-in-law, I don't want to get married."

Wen Jiu raised his hand, pinched Xie Xiaoliu's chin and joked, "no one said he wanted you to marry."

She raised her eyes and asked them with a smile, "who of you heard?"

A group of little maids quickly replied in unison, "no! We didn't hear it!"

"I'm afraid miss liu didn't think so in her heart," she said in a happy whisper

Xie Xiaoliu stood up and said with a red face, "sister-in-law, I should get married only when I look happy!"

Hearing the speech happily, he quickly came forward with a smile, admitted his mistake with Miss Liu and asked her to let him go.

Wen Jiu looked at Xie Xiaoliu and the maids laughing, and his eyes became more and more gentle.

The six most precious young ladies of the Xie family have gradually grown up, graceful and charming.

Every hand and every pitch is a beautiful scene, and every smile and anger is picturesque.

While they were laughing, Xie Heng, dressed in a Black Dragon Robe, came wearing flowers. He walked to the side of Wen wine and whispered, "thirsty."

When the maid on the side heard the speech, she just came forward to spy for her majesty. She saw him bow his head and gather in front of the warm wine to drink the tea in her cup.

Seeing this, all the maids blushed and bowed their heads.

Xie Xiaoliu didn't mean to stay much. He made a face at Xie Heng, "elder brother, you are really more and more..."

"What's more?" Xie Heng drank all the tea in the cup, put the tea lamp aside, took advantage of the situation and sat beside Wen wine. He naturally stretched out his hand and hugged her with a smile between his eyebrows and eyes.

"The elder brother is more and more handsome and unmarried!"

Xie Xiaoliu quickly turned to compliment.

Xie Heng glanced at the duck on the table. The bird didn't have a bird like embroidery job. His thin lips gently hooked and said, "it's no use flattering. You still have to embroider what you should embroider."

"Elder brother!" Xie Xiaoliu couldn't help stamping his feet as soon as he heard this. "I don't want you to help me embroider. Just find a palace maid who can embroider in the palace. Good elder brother! I eat fast and chant Buddha with my grandmother every day these days. Please bless you and your sister-in-law to have a noble son early. You can't do this to me..."

As she spoke, she was suddenly glanced at by her eldest brother. She suddenly realized that the atmosphere was wrong and quickly changed her mouth: "no, that..."

No! My sister-in-law was so depressed that she didn't conceive children because of her poor health. How can I say it in front of her!

Xie Xiaoliu wanted to give himself a mouth. Seeing that it was too late to round the scene, he had to put his hand over his mouth. "I suddenly remembered that my grandmother was still waiting for me at home. I went back first."

Before the sound fell, the man had run away like a rabbit.

For a time, only Wen Jiu and Xie Heng were left in the pavilion.

Although it is autumn, the imperial garden is still full of flowers, the fragrance in the air floats, and the tea is brewed all over the garden.

Xie Heng held warm wine in his arms, held it tighter, bowed his head and kissed her earlobe, "ah wine, I'm not in a hurry, really... You can keep your body, we'll have it."

Warm wine leaned in his arms, felt the warmth, gently sighed and whispered, "in fact, I'm in a hurry."

Xie Heng heard the speech and couldn't help shaking his chest.

Before he could speak, he heard warm wine say, "but it's not urgent."

She was poisoned too deeply and for a long time, which hurt her body.

Now the medicine is not stopped, the remaining poison is not clear, and it's OK not to be pregnant. If you are pregnant, the child will suffer in vain.

Only Qingqi and his close attendants knew about this. A group of old ministers didn't know the inside story. They always talked about the king without a queen, and there was only one warm wine in the palace. Although Xie Heng repeatedly ordered not to accept the imperial concubine, someone always wondered whether it could change.

"Ah Jiu." Xie Heng called her in a low voice and said in ah Jiu's ear, "grandma, they always ask God to worship Buddha. They also hope you can recover faster. There's no other meaning."

Warm wine "um" and said slowly, "I know."

She nestled in Xie Heng's arms and whispered for a long time: "I didn't like children very much before. Recently, I suddenly wanted to know what you looked like when you were a child. The old people all said that your son Xiao Qifu. I thought if I gave you a son and raised him well, it would be the same as watching you grow up."

In fact, this is somewhat inexplicable.

Xie Heng understood.

She wants to meet him early.

Look at each other when they are young and ignorant. Even if they stumble, they should reach out and protect each other when they grow up. They should protect each other's heart from being hurt by their hands and knives and not be separated for a moment.

Xie Heng gently rubbed her side face with his chin and said with a low smile, "then you have to give me a daughter. I also want to see what you looked like when you were a child."

He would hold her in the palm of his hand and let her be the charming in his palm and the Pearl of Dayan.

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech. "Maybe we are too greedy, so they don't come."

"I'm not greedy."

Xie Heng bowed his head and kissed her.

The garden is full of beautiful scenery, the palace walls are deep, the palace que is towering, and his eyes are only his wine.

The nine heavenly gods and Buddha are on the top. Listen carefully and clearly:

I just want my wine to be safe and old.

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