As for Ji Ling, since he arrived in the imperial capital, he received birthday Posts everywhere, from top-ranking officials to small officials. Everyone was eager for him to show his magic power and quickly help them hold the beauty back.

But Lord Ji almost broke his leg just by running to various houses to sort out the list of school-age men and women.

On this day, he sat in the official media Yamen to sort out everyone's birthday stickers. He turned them over several times and didn't see the birthday stickers of the first auxiliary Lord that his majesty specially told him.

Ji Ling asked the left and right officials, "why don't you have a chief assistant?"

When the people around heard the speech, their faces became very delicate.

After a long time, someone said, "my Lord has just come to Dijing. I'm afraid he doesn't know our chief auxiliary..."

This man was just about to tell Lord Ji what he knew.

But Ji Ling said, "I know."

When they heard this, they couldn't help looking at Lord Ji with admiration and asked, "do you really know?"

"Clearly, there is nothing more clear than me." Ji Ling folded the birthday notes at hand, pushed them to the upper right corner of the table, picked up the folding fan, and said slowly: "it is rumored that Lord Shoufu once fell in love with the queen and turned against his Majesty's brothers and brothers in order to fight for his love..."

"My Lord!" the little official standing on the right exclaimed, "speak carefully."

Ji Ling nodded and said with a straight face: "there are also rumors that Lord Shoufu has an ulterior mind for his majesty. Other rumors are to cover up the truth."

"Sir, keep your voice down a little." the little official standing on the left looked back at the door, for fear that the wall would have ears, and that someone would suddenly pass by at this time, and then spread this word to the ears of Shoufu.

How many lives are there for these people?

Ji Ling saw that their faces changed greatly one by one, and very considerately opened the fan to cover half of his face. He also lowered his voice and said, "Oh, I heard that there was a period between lord Shoufu and Lord Moyi..."

"Good!" the people saluted one after another, and said in unison, "Your Excellency really knows everything. I admire you!"

Ji Ling didn't expect them to reflect so much. He said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, everyone, I used to write a script. It doesn't matter what else. I like to listen to these rumors. There is a well-known teahouse in Beiyang city. The storyteller really knows everything."

He talked a lot with the people, drank a cup of tea and rested. Then he took plums to visit Lord Shoufu.

The birthday post of the middle school-age man in the dynasty is less. Thank you. That's not true.

The junior officials at the bottom tried hard to persuade him not to seek death, but they couldn't stand Lord Ji's newborn calf. He was not afraid of tigers, so he went.

This trip was a series of bumps.

Ji Ling visited the door nine times for several days. He couldn't even get in the door. He heard the guard at the door say, "Lord Shoufu is not here."

"Lord Shoufu is still deliberating in the palace."

"Lord Shoufu didn't come back."

At the tenth time, after Ji Ling asked, he could answer by himself, "Lord Shoufu is not in the house, is he?"

The guard at the gate looked at him and nodded coldly. He didn't mean to invite anyone in.

Ji Ling said, "I know."

Then he turned his head, sat on the steps and said, "then I'll sit here and wait for Lord Shoufu to come back."

The plum sat down with him.

The master and servant waited on the steps from dawn to dark, and the chief and auxiliary did not come back.

It was getting darker and darker, the night was getting darker, the White Dew on the steps condensed into frost, and the chill was getting deeper and deeper.

Plum whispered, "childe, let's go back. Lord Shoufu clearly doesn't want to get a wife. It's no use waiting for a long time if you come again."

"If you get a salary, you have to do something." Ji Ling gathered his skirt and said with a smile: "no hurry, wait a little longer."

Li Zi said, "it's so late. Shoufu will come back early. Besides, can't we go back tonight and come back tomorrow?"

Ji Ling shook his head and said, "No."

They then sat on the steps for a long time. The watchman passed the street and sang "two watchmen."

Ji Ling was so sleepy that he yawned.

At this time, the door of the house opened and a cold-faced beauty in blue came out. She said to Ji Ling from a commanding position: "my adult has already said that I have no intention of getting a wife. Please go back and don't come back in the future."

Seeing this, Ji Ling quickly got up and said, "you're polite, girl. I'm just under orders. If I can't get the birthday sticker of Shoufu today, I'll come back tomorrow. If I can't get it tomorrow, I'll come back the next day. Shoufu will want to get a wife one day."

Jiang Wu had no time to look at him for a long time. He didn't have any expression on his face. His tone was light and said, "it's up to you."

Then she turned and left.

The guards on both sides then closed the door.

Ji Ling looked at the door for a long time and couldn't help whispering: "the people around Lord Shoufu are really..."

For a moment, he couldn't think of how to describe the girl just now.

The plum on one side answered, "it's too cold."

Ji Ling raised his hand and knocked on the plum's head. "Don't talk nonsense. The girl is very kind."

The plum was unconvinced. "Where is the heart? Why didn't I see it."

Ji Ling said with a smile, "this song is the seven grade official in front of the auxiliary door. The people around the auxiliary door are even worse. He doesn't want to see me. Naturally, he ordered everyone in the house early. The girl didn't come early just now. It happened that she came so late because she couldn't bear to see me and you frozen in front of the door."

"So?..." plum suddenly realized, "that's really kind-hearted."

Ji Ling smiled and talked to Li Zi as he returned to his house.

There are still many good people in the world. It's better to be cold outside and warm in the heart.

The master and servant blew the cool wind in the middle of the night.

But the assistant is still holding candles in the imperial study.

Xie Xuan's handsome face was as cold as ice. The waiter on the side was trembling, and the atmosphere did not dare to go out.

Two watch days later, his Majesty's dress belt widened and came to the imperial study lazily.

Xie Heng stepped into the room and smiled helplessly. "I said chief Fu, are you going to spend the night in the imperial study in order to hide from the media officer? Ah Jiu thought I had left all the affairs of the court to you, so you didn't even sleep. Now, I didn't sleep either. I'm going to spend the night with you again."

Xie Xuan actually had nothing to do tonight. He sat in front of the case and looked at the news about the remaining sins of the previous dynasty received by everyone. When he heard his eldest brother say this, he just said, "if your majesty hadn't specifically told Ji Ling, he wouldn't have come to ask for my birthday post again and again."

Xie Heng went to him and sat down. He said with a smile, "he asked you for it so many times. You don't give it to him."

"Elder brother, it's easy to say." Xie Xuan put down his letter and looked a little cold.

Xie Heng disagreed and said with a smile, "what I do is also very light."

Xie Yu immediately: "...."

Even if Shoufu is as cold as ice, he can't stand his Majesty's shamelessness.

He concentrated for a long time before pressing down the fire. He said coldly: "Your Majesty, if you are free, you might as well put your mind on the remaining evils of the previous dynasty. Recently, people have frequently recruited troops and horses under the banner of the young son of the former Emperor. You still have the mind to make people matchmaker!"

"These two things don't interfere." Xie Heng said casually: "didn't the green guards check it last time? Every time they found Wuzhou, the clue broke. Isn't Wanjin going there? Send him a letter and let him see what's different there."

Xie Yu smelled the speech, and his angry handsome face turned blue. "Wanjin? Stop by?"

Your majesty is so casual that he can be angry with him? Half dead.

That is, his eldest brother, if someone else changes, he will hang his hat and go away.

It happened that Xie Heng still looked at him with a smile, "Lord Shoufu, this is your fault. There is a strict guard against it. For fear that we will send someone to check, Wanjin will be different. He doesn't have a right line on weekdays, and others won't be wary of him. He is the best person to do it."

Xie Yu was reluctant to answer him, and said coldly, "Your Majesty, do you have any news about Wanjin recently?"

"I remember when you said that." Xie Heng took a sip of tea and said slowly, "Wanjin seems to have not sent home letters in some days."

Xie Zhen almost wanted to copy the Paperweight from the case and hit Xie Heng in the face.

I remember!

Just now he said he wanted Wanjin to check things. Now he remembered that he had not heard from him for a long time.

Xie Heng didn't have to look up. He knew that Shoufu was angry. He immediately put down the tea lamp and said with a warm voice: "Shoufu, take it easy. Send someone to have a look."

Xie Xuan couldn't stay any longer. He got up, saluted and turned away.

Xie Heng couldn't help laughing and said, "aren't you going to spend the night here? Why are you going back again?"

Xie Xuan ignored him and left without saying a word.

If he stays, he will be angry with Xie Heng.

Although it's troublesome for Ji Ling to come to the door all the time, no elder brother can be angry with him when a hundred Ji Ling are added together.

The lesser of the two rights.

Standing beside the imperial table, Wang Liang looked at the back of Shoufu, who had disappeared into the night, and at his majesty with a strong smile. He couldn't help feeling:

Your majesty has great imperial authority in front of other ministers, but every time you arrive at Shoufu, you are very... Rogue.

It's pathetic to see Lord Shoufu spread such a brother.

Xie Heng sat in front of the imperial case, picked up Xie Yu, and just read the secret reports.

The words "the remaining evils of the former dynasty", "the young son of the former Emperor" and the Golden King of Wuzhou were all over the top, and a cold arc was slightly aroused in the corners of his mouth.

Is it too peaceful to come in?

I don't know where Wan Jin is now. Counting the days, it's almost time to go to the boundary of Wuzhou.

When you've had enough, you should get down to business.

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