On the other side, Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng, who were driven out of the house, walked all the way through the flying leaves in autumn, enjoyed the scenery of several cities, tasted local food and wine, and went out of beiliangguan to the boundary of Wuzhou.

Although it is now the land of the state of Yan, it used to be the land of the state of Jin. The land is large and the things are rare. The cold wind is coming. It is only in September that there is heavy snow.

Xie Wanjin drove the carriage for a long time. He didn't see anyone on the road. He was afraid of the cold. He sat in front of the carriage and drove the car. Most of his face was buried in his cloak. He didn't forget to smile and say to Rong Sheng behind him: "brother Rong, the September snow in Wuzhou is really beautiful and tight. It deserves its reputation."

Rong Sheng smelled that he stretched out his hand to lift the curtain and was about to come outside. Seeing this, Xie Wanjin raised his hand and pressed the curtain. He said in a hurry, "what are you doing out? It's so cold that it snows so hard. What should I do if you freeze?"

When the fourth childe said this, he completely forgot that he was still boasting about the beautiful snow scenery.

Rong Sheng stood behind the curtain of the car, slightly lowered his eyes and said in a cool tone: "didn't you say that the September snow in Wuzhou is beautiful? Why, it looks so good that you want to enjoy it alone, and you're not willing to let me see it?"

"Yes." Xie Wanjin smiled. While driving the carriage over the snow, Tong Rongsheng said, "if you want to see the snow, just look in the window. Why come out to blow and get cold."

When Rong Sheng said that his life was coming to an end, the fourth childe could not help but doubt whether this was true or false.

The national master is really not a sincere man. It's not strange to deceive him several times.

But they walked together all the way. Xie Wanjin looked at Rong Sheng, who was no different from ordinary people in the daytime, even more free and easy than him.

But after dark, when the night was getting dark, Rong Sheng always clenched his teeth and endured the pain of biting his heart, because he was still around, and the man was stunned and didn't make a sound.

Xie Wanjin only thought he didn't know anything. He could only wipe away the cold sweat on Rong Sheng's forehead when he just fell asleep at dawn.

They never mentioned it. They visited the cities tacitly. The land of Hanchuan was like a distant and insignificant place.

It seems that there is such a destination, but it is not necessary to get there. More importantly, it is the scenery on the road.

It is the joy of the world that Rongsheng wants to experience.

At the moment, Xie Wanjin leaked his mouth. He was quite annoyed and secretly raised his hand and patted his forehead.

After a while.

He said to the man in the carriage: "when we get here, we can see snow every day. Brother Rong, don't worry. When we find a place to stay and buy good wine and meat, we'll sit down and drink and enjoy the snow."

The fourth childe was born rich and seldom works for others, but along the way, he is almost used to taking care of Rong Sheng every day. If he doesn't do anything for a day, he seems to be missing something.

Even if he spoke and breathed out white fog, he didn't want to leave Rongsheng and immediately go back to Dijing.

Rong Sheng smiled and said, "OK."

He said nothing more than that.

Xie Wanjin looked back at the curtain floating by the wind and snow and said:

Brother Rong is very good today.

The fourth childe couldn't help laughing, but he suddenly drank a big mouthful of wind and snow in his mouth. He coughed and scolded in a low voice: "the ghost place is too cold!"

If it had been such a cold day, he would have stayed in the warm Pavilion and watched the beauty sing and dance freely.

He ever thought that he would be a coachman in the wind and snow.

Xie Wanjin turned his face and leaned down on the carriage to try to avoid the oncoming wind and snow. At this time, the man in the carriage slightly opened the curtain and handed over the wine bag.

"Brother Rong is more and more considerate." the fourth childe smiled and took over. He took the reins in one hand, opened the lid in the other, and drank several mouthfuls.

The wine turned out to be hot. After entering his throat, he warmed up.

The fourth childe was surprised and immediately responded, "brother Rong, can't you keep your internal power? It's too wasteful to heat wine...".

As a result, he was interrupted by Rong Sheng before he finished saying, "what is it?"

"It suits my heart very much." Xie Wanjin changed his words very quickly.

With that, he couldn't help laughing.

Originally, even if there was no money to go out, a person who wanted to be as comfortable as the fourth childe wanted to find a coachman and several young boys and maidens to wait on him, but few people dared to approach the national master.

Xie Wanjin can't help it. He can only be both a horse and a boy. In his spare time, he drinks and talks with others. When he comes to the wilderness, he has to fetch water and cook. He always knows everything.

On the contrary, Rong Sheng really didn't touch the spring water. He just needed to shout "Lord Hou" for everything. Xie Wanjin knew what he wanted and offered it with both hands immediately.

Fortunately, the fourth childe is not a real dandy who can't do anything, otherwise they will have to drink wind and eat snow all the way.

Xie Wanjin thought helplessly and drank several mouthfuls of wine. Only then did he cover the lid and return it to the carriage. "It's not easy to be hot. Keep covering it. Don't let it get cold all at once."

Rongsheng reached out and took it, but he didn't say anything.

"If you run for another two hours, there should be a place to stay in front." Xie Wanjin squinted at the peach blossom and looked into the distance. The flying snowflakes fell down and accumulated a thin layer on his shoulder.

The fourth childe reached out his hand and brushed it away, but suddenly he caught a glimpse of silver.

Although the silver light flashed quickly, he almost thought it was just an illusion, but Xie Wanjin became vigilant for a moment.

"Brother Rong!" Xie Wanjin whispered as a warning.

Just now he came all the way. Most of his mind was talking and laughing with Rongsheng. At this moment, he suddenly became vigilant and realized that the silence here was unusual.

The fourth childe thought it was rare to be here, and it was snowy season. It was not surprising that birds and animals disappeared. But now he calmed down and felt that even if the wilderness was covered with snow, there would not be any living creatures.

Just as he was about to turn his horse's head to the other side, dozens of arrow feathers suddenly flew out of the snow on the right hillside.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin's eyes changed slightly. He quickly fell down to avoid the arrow feather attack and said to the man in the carriage: "brother Rong, no! We've met a terrible man!"

As he spoke, he turned his horse to run.

The horse suddenly took an arrow and immediately Put down your hooves and roar up into the sky, crazy and uncontrollable.

Xie Wanjin couldn't hold it. The whole person was dragged forward. He couldn't help exclaiming: "brother Ma, they haven't asked for my son's life, but you did it first!"

Just then, the man in the carriage lifted the curtain, stretched out his hand to hold the reins, leaned over and almost stuck it on the fourth childe's back, and whispered, "you're too noisy. Even the horse wants you to shut up."

While talking, Rong Sheng reined in his horse and rushed to the on the other side.

His clothes were fluttering, and the carriage was stepping on the snow and flying dust. Xie Wangang opened his mouth and wanted to talk to him. He drank a mouthful of wind and snow. For a moment, he couldn't speak. He could only say: "those people came to kill me or you?"

In fact, they have seen swords all the way.

On the one hand, Rong Sheng had a lot of resentments in the past, and some people were always afraid of death and wanted to seek revenge. On the other hand, the fourth childe was really a master who could show off his wealth. He couldn't attract many people who wanted money and didn't want life along the way.

They often solve this wave and encounter another wave. Anyway, they are all people who are hated and robbed. No one can dislike anyone who is half weight.

But this time, the battle is a little big.

Xie Wanjin didn't have to drive a horse. He freed his hand, touched his chin, bowed his head and said, "it shouldn't be such a battle."

Rong Sheng was too lazy to tangle with these and whispered, "go into the carriage."

"Oh." Xie Wanjin answered and quickly bowed and rolled into the carriage.

The fourth childe cherishes his life very much. He will never flirt with others at the moment of life and death. Naturally, he doesn't need to work hard outside.

This is worthy of his care for the national master all the way.

But just as Xie Wanjin looked at the arrow plumes and thought they had escaped into the sky, dozens of masked people lying in ambush in the snow on the hillside in front suddenly jumped up with big knives and stopped the way of the carriage.

Rong Sheng tightened the reins and forced the carriage to stop.

Xie Wanjin, who had just rolled into the carriage, suddenly rolled back again. His forehead hit the carriage and showed his teeth in pain.

He sat up with his forehead, opened the curtain with one hand, and asked the people outside: "rob money or rob color?"

The fourth childe's voice is clear, and the echo hovers in the ice and snow for a long time.

Dozens of masked guests surrounded the carriage with fierce eyes. Just about to use the knife, they were stunned by his sound.

I've never seen anything like this.

I don't know. I thought he was robbing others.

Even Rong Sheng, who was facing the crowd, couldn't help looking back at the carriage.

Xie Wanjin lay on the window and lifted the curtain with one hand. He didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

He waited for a moment and saw that everyone didn't speak. He couldn't help asking again, "if you rob money, you can directly say how much money you want, if you rob sex..."

The fourth childe, Wei Dun, silently gathered his skirt, and then continued: "I can't rob the color, you rob the outside..."

As soon as he finished saying this, he was frozen by the cold winter. He couldn't help shrinking his neck, thought and changed his way: "it doesn't seem to work. Then you can wait. How many beauties do you want? I'll send someone to loosen it for you later. Brothers, give some face and make way."

All the masked people were told something by him I can't turn around. Look at me and you. Their eyes are "who is this?" "I've never seen such a strange person".

Xie Wanjin sat in the carriage and looked at the masked man and the long flying snow outside. He was very distressed and said, "my childe is dressed like this. There are still people blocking the way and robbing. Is it difficult that I was born with the wealth of my family?"

Rong Sheng, who was standing at the top of his horse, laughed angrily, "Xie Si, how much wine have you drunk? How drunk have you been?"

Xie Wanjin was not angry. As soon as he was about to speak, he saw a masked crowd surrounded by the carriage attack. First, the man angrily said, "stay alive!"

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