Xie Wanjin was in a coma for a long time. When he woke up, he saw that the sky was pure white and there was no sun. There was only weak white light around, which was reflected by the snow covering the mountains and rivers.

People can't see the distant scene, only a glimmer of light.

I am Alive!

Xie Wanjin opened his mouth, but made no sound. His throat was torn in pain.

He was very glad that he knew the pain.

It hurts. Well, at least it's still alive.

For a moment, the fourth childe found himself tightly held in his arms by Rong Sheng.

It was surrounded by a snowy sea that could not be seen at a glance, and the wind was like crazy in my ears.

He was in severe pain all over, his limbs were frozen stiff, and some could not move, but Rong Sheng looked worse than him.

The national master's eyes are closed, his face is extremely beautiful, and there is no expression at all. Frost and snow condense on his long eyelashes. The whole person is like a portrait carved from ice and snow, without half a silk of fresh vitality.

Like this, it really looks like an ice fairy worshipped by the world.

Xie wanjinqiang stood up and shook Rongsheng by dragging his skirt. "Brother Rong? Brother Rong! Wake up!"

But no matter how he shouted, Rong Sheng didn't respond.

The fourth childe raised his hand and patted his face. He was a little anxious. He couldn't help getting out of control, "Rong Sheng! Wake up quickly. We're not dead. Hurry!"

There were no living creatures around, only Xie Wanjin's voice echoed in the wind and snow.

The fourth childe was a little flustered. He took Rongsheng's cold hands and rubbed them. He tried to warm him back. He took off his ragged outer shirt and put it on him. He wrapped him up and held him in his arms, trying to take him back to the warm people with his own body temperature.

Xie Wanjin has kept his eyes closed since he fell off the cliff.

He was afraid of height and death. He didn't dare to open his eyes at all.

But he also knew with his eyes closed that Rongsheng protected him in his arms and used him as a meat pad when he landed.

No one can believe it.

Rong Sheng, a man with such a strange mind, would sacrifice his life to protect him at a time of life and death.

Xie Wanjin had mixed feelings and was more flustered.

He has met many important people before. Even if someone else's knife rest is around his neck, he only has the idea of fear of death. He has never been so flustered.

"Rongsheng!" Xie Wanjin rubbed Rongsheng's face and brushed away the ice and snow on him, "don't die. If you die like this, I'll owe you a life..."

He kept steaming towards Rong Sheng's neck, regardless of whether Rong Sheng could see it or not, and said to himself, "if you die here, you can't come and cut me off. The little witch doesn't say it. In fact, she regards you as her father."

The fourth childe was even more confused when he thought of leaving at night. He rubbed Rong Sheng's arm vigorously, "don't leave me alone. It's snowy everywhere. I don't know the way and can't go back... It's nothing for you to be alone and carefree, but if I can't go back, I'm afraid my aunt will regret her death. My eldest brother and grandmother, I have so many beauties, will be sad..."

He was really flustered. In the ice and snow, all his senses became a little dull, but the tip of his nose was very sour and his eyes were red.

Xie Wanjin had never been so sad. At this time, his only thought was that he couldn't cry.

On such a cold day, tears turn into ice residue as soon as they fall. It's bad to smash Rongsheng's face.

While the fourth childe was rubbing and talking, Rong Sheng, who was cold all over, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at him with dark eyes, and asked in a dumb voice, "do you want to send me to reincarnation earlier?"

"Brother Rong! You're awake!" Xie Wanjin shouted in a loud voice for fear that he couldn't hear him.

Brother Rong's ears were shocked slightly, forced to hold his head, frowned and said, "if you shout again, I should die."

Xie Wanjin smiled, his eyes were still red, and the tip of his nose was red with cold. A good young master turned into such a miserable and embarrassed appearance, but he could still laugh.

He held Rongsheng's cheek in his hands and rubbed it again. The national master had no momentum to be rubbed. He couldn't help frowning, "let go."

The fourth childe didn't listen to him. When he saw that his face was a little red, he let go and whispered, "fortunately, you're not dead, otherwise I..."

"What else do you want?" Rongsheng looked at him and asked in a dumb voice.

Xie Wanjin suddenly stopped and didn't go on. He just stretched out his hand on the snow and tried to get up. "It's nothing. Just wake up. It's too cold here and we can't find any dry firewood to make a fire. If we stay any longer, we'll all freeze to death here."

After he got up, he shook the snow on his body. He was in severe pain everywhere. He didn't know what the injury was. Fortunately, he could still walk.

"I don't know if there are any living creatures in the snow. If there are wolves, snow leopards or something, we'll be miserable." the fourth childe reached out to help Rong Sheng and asked him in a low voice, "where's the pain on you? Can you stand up?"

Most of Rong Sheng leaned against him and tried to stand up, but his right leg couldn't support it at all. The whole man planted in the snow. Xie Wanjin couldn't hold him for a moment. The two fell into the snow together.

The fourth childe gave a cry of pain and collapsed on the ground for a long time. Then he reached out his hand to help Rongsheng sit up and check the injury on his leg.

After touching for a moment, his face changed slightly, "your leg... Seems to be broken."

"HMM." Rong Sheng said in a low voice, "it's broken."

This moment.

Xie Wanjin somehow felt worse than his broken leg.

Rong Sheng broke his leg to protect him.

At the thought of this, he felt uncomfortable.

The fourth childe stood up and squatted in front of Rong Sheng, "come on, I'll carry you."

"How long will you carry me?" Rong Sheng didn't mean to move at all. He sat and looked at him with cool eyebrows. "Xie Wanjin, you accompany me to find the place of Hanchuan. If you look like this, you can't protect yourself. What do you care about me?"

"It's all here. How can we give up halfway?" Xie Wanjin said, looking back at him. "You have to ask me how long I can carry you. I certainly can't answer."

The fourth childe has seldom been so sincere in his life.

His eyes were red and his clothes were ragged. He was very different from the rich and beautiful guests in the past, but he looked more serious than ever.

Xie Wanjin said, "I can carry you as long as I can."

Rongsheng looked at him and didn't speak.

Xie Wanjin squatted down again and said patiently, "to tell you the truth, I'm afraid, OK?"

The fourth childe closed his eyes and said, "there is a vast expanse of flying snow here. I'm afraid to walk alone. I'm afraid I can't walk. Do you want someone to talk about it?"

He said everything for this reason. Naturally, Rongsheng is not allowed to refuse again.

But after waiting for a long time, Xie Wanjin had to grind his teeth and said maliciously: "I'm carrying you behind my back. If I encounter some hungry jackals, tigers and leopards and throw you out, I can delay it so that I can run when I have the opportunity. It's a waste to throw you here. I'm a business genius who always likes to make the best use of everything. Do you think so, people of National Normal University?"

Rongsheng didn't speak, but smiled low, raised his hand and climbed onto Xie Wanjin's shoulder.

The fourth childe breathed a sigh of relief, lifted Rongsheng's hip and carried him up.

As soon as he got on his back, his legs sank deeper into the snow. It took a lot of effort to take each step.

Xie Wanjin almost clenched his teeth and walked forward. He couldn't help saying: brother Rong looks thin. How can he carry it so heavy?

For a time, the fourth childe only felt that Mount Tai was pressing on the top.

Rongsheng looked at his extremely difficult steps, and said in a cool tone, "it's time to regret now."

"What is regret?" Xie Wanjin gasped as he walked, and replied hard. "I didn't know how to write the word regret!"

Rongsheng slightly hooked his lips, his tired eyes couldn't open, and the whole person lay on Xie Wanjin's back.

It's snowy all around.

The scenery is a peerless beauty, and solitude is boundless solitude.

He had thought about what it would be like to be lost in the vast snowfield if he were alone looking for a place of cold Sichuan.

Rong Sheng has been lonely for many years. He doesn't want to sleep with the wind and snow after death, so he would rather not find the so-called method of prolonging his life.

It happened that God made a fool of people and brought Xie Wanjin, a living treasure, to him. Now they are in trouble together. Loneliness is not lonely. It's just strange noise.

Rongsheng's mind was in a mess, his thoughts became more and more chaotic, and gradually fell into a half coma and half awake.

Unexpectedly, Xie Wanjin, who was carrying him, suddenly stumbled and woke him up again.

Rong Sheng was bumped Almost coughed up blood and said in a dumb voice, "you..."

Xie Wanjin forcibly stood still and pretended to be nothing. He said to Rong Sheng, "my childe did it on purpose. Did you fall asleep just now? You must wake up if you were so frightened."

His tone was quite proud, but he touched his numb leg where Rong Sheng couldn't see it, stopped to have a rest for a moment, stretched out his hand and twisted it hard on himself. Then he continued to walk forward with Rong Sheng on his back.

While walking, the fourth childe said to Xie Wanjin, "don't think you can sleep on my back. I'm carrying you on my back. You have to talk to me. Come on, tell me an interesting story."

Rong Sheng whispered in his ear, "do you want to hear how I used to take people's lives and torture them? Life is better than death?"

Xie Wanjin shrunk his neck and hurriedly said, "forget it, I'd better talk to you. Just listen and don't sleep."

No matter what Rong Sheng was thinking, he began to talk about the interesting things of these years. He didn't stop talking all the way. He also shouted to Rong Sheng from time to time and asked him if he was interesting.

Hearing the echo, I was a little relieved.

But gradually, Xie Wanjin lost his voice, and Rong Sheng had not answered for a long time.

The fourth childe was flustered and shouted, "Rong Sheng! If you fall asleep, you are my grandson!"

The man on his back tried to open his eyes, but he had no strength to answer.

Xie Wanjin clenched his teeth and said, "hold on! Otherwise... Otherwise, when I have a son in the future, I'll call him Rongsheng, who has the same pronunciation and word as you, and let him call my father every day!"

Rong Sheng smiled, "Xie si..."

His voice was so soft that it was almost blown away by the wind and snow.

But Xie Wanjin heard it. With a slight sigh of relief, he continued, "I'm not joking with you. I'm serious. I'm very serious!"

His feet were numb with cold. He didn't know when they were worn out, leaving blood marks on the snow.

The fourth childe of the Xie family, like Zhuyu, carried the dying Rong Sheng on his back and refused to put it down. He stubbornly walked through the wind and snow to find a way out.

But the snow field was too big, and there was still a mountain behind the mountain. Xie Wanjin carried Rongsheng across the mountains, walked and stopped, never saw the sun, and his physical strength was gradually exhausted.

The man on his back didn't know when to sleep, and the fourth childe couldn't hold on. When he stepped forward, suddenly the whole man fell into the snow.

The moment before Xie Wanjin lost consciousness, he thought:

It's rare for me to be a good man in my life. God, give me some eyes!

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