Emperor capital, Yonghe palace.

Today, Wen woke up earlier than usual. When he got up to change clothes, the outside was still gray. Xie Heng went to the court. A group of little maids swarmed in and talked about interesting things around her.

There are plenty of gold and jade in the hall. They are busy on weekdays. Today, they are all here. They hold the accounts one by one and are eager to see what they do these days.

As soon as they saw the warm wine, they scrambled to say, "madam, look at me first!"

Jin'er came forward and said, "I have the most silver. The shopkeeper will look at me first!"

She used to like warm wine best. She knew that calling the shopkeeper was more effective than her mother.

But Wen Jiu just smiled and raised his hand to indicate that they were quiet and had breakfast. Then he asked someone to settle the account and reconcile with the golden and jade people.

Happily, several waiters stood aside and looked at each other, which meant that they wanted to compete for favor.

Warm wine did not care about them, raised his hand and counted the beads, and everyone on the side settled down.

The empress slept in the pile of gold and jade because she had the highest status. Only when she saw Wen Xiaocai, could she have great wealth.

The first thing Wenjiu said was jin'er's account. There was no difference at all. He smiled and boasted, "if you have made progress, you can get married."

When the waitresses heard the speech, they immediately laughed and trembled.

Jin'er didn't expect that after robbing for a long time, she would have to say "you can get married". After being stunned for a while, she came forward and pulled the warm wine sleeve, bowed her head and said, "shopkeeper! Empress! You just make fun of me..."

Wen Jiu said with a smile, "you've learned your skills very well, and you're old. It's time to think about getting married. Has the birthday post been sent to Ji Ling? If not, I'll send someone to remind him."

When she was in the imperial capital earlier, all the little girls around her looked like her and got into the eyes of money. As long as the money didn't want a husband, now they are nearly 20 years old and haven't got married.

If Ji Ling hadn't mentioned it a few days ago, Wen Jiu didn't expect that they, like those young ministers who didn't have a wife, would be the people who should gather together mandarin ducks.

When the little maid heard the speech, she bowed her head and smiled.

"Shopkeeper..." jin'er refused. Seeing that everyone was so gloating, he couldn't help but say, "you still laugh! I'm old enough to get married. Are you still young? If you really want to get married, none of you can run away!"

The little maids around Wen Jiu were not frightened. After a pause, they laughed more happily and said:

"My mother can't bear me!"

"Sister jin'er, I'm four years younger than you!"

"I won't run. I'll ask my mother to give me a good husband!"

The laughter of a group of little girls like flowers and jade is as sweet as silver bells. Warm wine is laughing and dialing the abacus. The hall is full of laughter.

At this time, the waiter outside the hall heard that Mrs. Xie came. Before the sound fell, Mrs. Xie hurried into the hall and said in a hurry: "empress! Empress..."

"What's the matter with the third aunt?" Wen Jiu saw it and immediately got up and stretched out his hand to help her. "Why are you so flustered?"

It's only a few days since I saw her. Mrs. Xie, who was originally in good spirits, has lost a lot of weight. Now she's green and haggard. She's almost different from before.

Mrs. Xie took her hand and whispered, "ah Jiu, I had a dream last night. I dreamed of Wanjin and Wanjin. He... Died."

The last two words are light and almost silent.

Mrs. Xie didn't even dare to say it. She held Wenjiu's hand tightly, "ah Jiu, you want to save Wanjin! Where's Dongfeng? You ask Dongfeng to send someone out to find Wanjin, me, me..."

She said, her eyes closed and suddenly fainted.

The waitresses on both sides quickly reached out and held her. Seeing this, Xie Yucheng couldn't help but exclaim, "madam!"

Warm wine eyes color slightly changed, and quickly ordered the waiter, "Xuan Taiyi."

Then, she asked the ladies to help Mrs. Xie to lie down by the beauty bed, and tried to reach out and pinch among the people who pinched Mrs. Xie.

As a result, before long, Mrs. Xie opened her eyes, stretched out her hand and took the warm wine, and kept saying, "Wanjin, my Wanjin..."

"The third aunt is relieved." Wen Jiurou said in a soft voice: "wanjinji people have their own appearance. They will be fine."

"No... ah Jiu, you don't know. Mother and son are connected. Wanjin must have had an accident and entrusted me with such a dream." Mrs. Xie's eyes were slightly red and choked: "it's all my fault that I shouldn't drive him out of the house, otherwise he's still in the imperial capital. How can he go to such a deserted place to suffer!"

Warm wine can only be soothed by warm voice at the moment.

Mrs. Xie didn't listen to anything and decided that something had happened to Xie Wanjin.

The key is that the fourth childe, who will send home letters every time he goes to a city, hasn't sent a message back for more than half a month. It seems that the news is broken.

It's not scary.

Wen Jiurou said in a soft voice, "three aunts have a good rest first. I'll send someone to find your majesty."

Xie Yucheng was embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, madam. Since Wanjin left home, she doesn't think about tea and food. She often looks in a trance. She had a nightmare last night and dreamed that Wanjin had an accident. She was scared to come into the palace early in the morning to harass her mother and her majesty. I can't persuade her..."

His voice gradually faded. "It's just a dream. How can you take it seriously."

Mrs. Xie frowned and said, "you don't understand! Something must have happened to Wanjin. I would have such a dream..."

Warm wine gently comforted: "no matter what, it's always good to send someone to have a look."

Xie Yucheng nodded apologetically at the warm wine. He had nothing to do with his wife.

"Three uncles don't have to be so polite." Wen Jiu said slowly, "three aunts are eager to think of their children. It's inevitable to have more concerns."

When Mrs. Xie heard the speech, she took the warm wine hand and refused to let it go. She talked about the dream she had yesterday.

Warm wine sat by the couch, listened patiently, and comforted her from time to time.

Mrs. Xie told her dream of Xie Wanjin's accident several times, but later she couldn't hold it and fell asleep.

Soon, the doctor arrived.

Then came back Xie Heng, who had just stepped down.

Wen Jiu got up and gave up his position to the doctor. Xie Hengshun stretched out his hand to hold her and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter with the third aunt?"

"I miss my son very much." Wen Jiu whispered to him, "I dreamed that Wanjin had an accident..."

She told Xie Heng the dream of Mrs. Xie's third wife briefly and finally said, "didn't you send someone to find him before? Can you have news?"

Xie Heng said in a low voice: "the Qingyi guard has gone to find it. There should be news in these two days."

Warm wine nodded.

At present, Xie Wanjin's news is that Mrs. Xie's new drug is more effective than any Ganoderma lucidum herb.

Just at this time, the imperial doctor finished the pulse for Mrs. Xie, got up and said, "tell your majesty and empress that your wife is worried and depressed..."

He said a lot, which was very serious, but it would not endanger his life immediately. Finally, he said, "I'll write a prescription first and let my wife keep it carefully. I have to treat this heart disease with heart medicine."

Warm wine turned and said, "Huan Tian, you follow to get the medicine."

Huan Tian hurriedly answered. Xie Yucheng wanted to ask the doctor what to be careful about, so he followed him.

Mrs. Xie fell asleep on her couch, and a group of maids were waiting on her.

Wen Jiu stretched out his hand and pulled Xie Heng out of the hall door. Standing under the acacia tree outside, he whispered, "the dream of the third aunt is really strange."

Xie Heng raised his hand and pinned the slightly disordered hair on her temples. Then he said in his usual tone, "I'm scared of my wine. When Wan Jin comes back, I must punish him severely."

Warm wine was not frightened, but she was dragged and tossed by Mrs. Xie, and the fine sweat came out on her forehead.

She raised her eyes and looked at Xie Heng. She was worried and said, "what's wrong with him? How come there's no sound letter today?"

The voice hasn't fallen yet.

"Your Majesty, urgent report!" not far away, a Tsing Yi guard came in a hurry and bowed his head to give a secret report.

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