Xie Wanjin stayed at afur's house for seven or eight days and recovered most of his body soon. However, he has been slovenly for many days. He has drunk a lot of wind and snow this time. He is thick and rough. If Mrs. Xie comes, I'm afraid she won't recognize it as her own son.

He was afraid of the cold and wanted to wrap himself up as a bear.

If those evil friends in the imperial capital see him now, they may not recognize him.

Although he is a delicate and frail young master, he is obviously much better for Rong Sheng, who has another problem.

Of course, this also has something to do with the big heart of the fourth childe.

After he was assassinated, he had no fear in his heart. When he woke up, he worried about Rong Sheng's life.

Several days had passed by when I remembered it.

Xie Wanjin thought for a long time and didn't figure it out. Then he asked Rong Sheng, "those people have to kill us. What's the hatred?"

"You ask me?" Rongsheng raised his hand and gave himself a needle on his leg. He seemed to feel no pain and had spare no effort to listen to Xie Wanjin.

It is said that those who heal do not heal themselves, but this does not apply to Rong Sheng at all.

Xie Wanjin sat holding Rongsheng by the side. He felt pain when he saw those needles inserted. He didn't look down and didn't go too far.

He thought for a moment, probably because Rong Sheng is better at using poison, and he doesn't heal others. What's the matter with himself?

Should be!

Rong Sheng never thought that Xie Wanjin was still asking about the assassin at the last moment, and his thoughts floated to the horizon at the next moment.

He coughed and instantly pulled back Xie Wanjin's thoughts.

"What's the matter?" the fourth childe looked down at Rong Sheng's hand. "Is it wrong?"

"No deviation." Rong Sheng frowned slightly and put a needle on his leg, but his tone was still light: "Wuzhou is the boundary of Yan's family. What hatred do you say?"

Xie Wanjin thought for a moment and couldn't help but say, "there's no need to kill my childe? I don't care about them? Who in all the countries knows that I'm an idle Marquis who enjoys wealth with my brother?"

After the fourth childe finished, he immediately returned to his mind, "however, my brother and they are not only deeply resentful... It's strange not to cut me!"

Dajin was forced to bow down and become a minister. No one will really forget the things between his eldest brother, his third brother and WAN Yan.

Originally, it was just superficial peace.

Previously, I heard that the remaining evils of the previous dynasty haunted this area. I don't know if those individuals were guilty of being a thief and regarded him as a thorn in the eye.

Rongsheng glanced at him and didn't speak for a moment.

Xie Wanjin silently shut his mouth and thought a lot.

This time, it seems that he really implicated Rongsheng.

He thought to himself: when he returned to the imperial capital, he must complain well with his eldest brother and third brother, and simply destroy all these people who had long been different.

It's unforgivable to dare let me suffer such a crime!

Rongsheng saw that he was quiet, so he focused on the needle. His leg was broken, but the pain was still there. Rao, who was used to pain like him, also had a cold sweat.

But he never shouted pain, only gritted his teeth and endured it.

Xie Wan Jinguang felt pain when he looked at it on the side. He couldn't help saying, "just shout out if it hurts. There's no one here who knows you. It won't damage the reputation of the National Normal University."

Rongsheng clenched his teeth and said, "are you a ghost?"

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

He suddenly found that once Rongsheng got up, he was not his opponent.

The fourth childe was silent for a long time before he said "Wang" and said, "I don't want to be a ghost for the time being, but I can barely allow you to treat me as a dog for a while and won't say anything when you see it."

Rongsheng's pain was unbearable, but he suddenly laughed and said goodbye.

Xie Wanjin leaned over to see him, slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "don't hold on. It's not like you to save face."

"My hand hasn't broken yet." Rongsheng suddenly said this to the horse's mouth.

The fourth childe was puzzled, "what?"

"If you nag again, I'll point your dumb point." when Rong Sheng said this, he meant something threatening.

Xie Wanjin was very interested and shut up immediately.

Let's live like this now. How can it be better if we can't solve it with the strength of his dumb acupoint?

He will suffer then.

The fourth childe held Rongsheng and waited quietly for an hour.

Rong Sheng was seriously injured and couldn't sit for a long time. Xie Wanjin helped him lie down when he received the silver needle. "Brother Rong, squint for a while. I'll go out and see if I can help."

Rong Sheng said "um" and closed his eyes.

Xie Wanjin took Rongsheng's hand and rubbed it. When it was warm, he stuffed it into the blanket and turned around and went out.

The moment he walked out of the tent, Rongsheng suddenly opened his eyes.

He lay like this all day, no matter how badly he was hurt or how much he slept, he couldn't sleep.

Although the fourth childe has a thick skin, he is now in trouble. With the help of ordinary herdsmen, he is embarrassed to eat and live for nothing every day. In addition to taking care of him in the daytime, he helped feed cattle and sheep and do what he can. It happened that he gave birth to a lamb to afur's ewe. When he returned to the tent yesterday, a sheep ran all the way back with him.

Rong Sheng sat in the tent and heard Xie Wanjin smile and say to the sheep, "although you are a beauty in the sheep, we are really inappropriate."

Aful and Pearl's brother and sister laughed.

Rao was unable to move. He looked depressed for days, and couldn't help rising with the corners of his mouth.

Xie Si is a natural human joy guest.

No matter where you go, you can live happily and freely.

The fourth childe came here for a few days and got familiar with all the herdsmen living on the side. Not only did pearl Jia blush when she saw him, but the girls from the herdsmen's house on the side also came to send some food from time to time.

When the snow stopped, the girls would invite him to dance around the stove.

They sang the happiest song as if there were no sorrow but joy in the world.

When the sun comes out, Xie Wanjin will take him out to see the sun. Along the way, someone will come and say hello with a smile.

The sun

Rongsheng thought of this and couldn't help looking out of the tent.

Just then Xie Wanjin hurried back, smiled at him and said, "the sun is wonderful today. I'll take you out to bask in it."

The fourth childe said, raised his hand, picked up Rong Sheng, and then gave a slight meal, "brother Rong, have you been hungry and thin lately?"

Rong Sheng's legs and feet are inconvenient recently. Xie Wanjin helps him wash and dress. He even has to hold his urination. It's inevitable that it's inconvenient. If he can eat less once, he can eat less as much as possible.

Unexpectedly, Xie Wanjin held him many times. He could weigh him with his bare hands and said he was thin.

Rongsheng didn't speak.

When the fourth childe took him out, he looked down at him and joked, "why, I'm sorry? What's the relationship between you and me? Do you need to be sorry?"

He just wanted to make fun of Rong Sheng.

Unexpectedly, Rong Sheng slightly raised his eyebrows, stared at him, and asked, "what's the relationship between you and me?"

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