Xie Wanjin was stunned for a moment and immediately said, "nature is a life and death friend who shares weal and woe."

The fourth childe smiled with peach eyes slightly narrowed, lowered his voice and said, "of course, if you feel grateful, you can recognize me as a father."

Rongsheng now? Just want to slap him to death.

Xie Wanjin also remembered his revenge. He also remembered that Rong Sheng choked him a few days ago. He didn't get back until now.

Fortunately, the fourth childe is a man of great insight. He will accept it when he sees it. He doesn't dare to take advantage of Rong Sheng in death.

He put the man on the chair he had already moved out, went aside, took some brick tea and boiled it in the pot. When the color became darker, he put it into the milk just squeezed out in the morning.

Xie Wanjin, a rich young master born in jinyudui, even if he was standing in this barren land and doing these rough jobs, his actions were extremely casual and had a leisurely and elegant free and easy energy.

The pale golden light fell on him and became a little dazzling.

Rongsheng watched Xie Wanjin do these trivial things, his eyes narrowed slightly, and basked in the sun as elegantly and lazily as a cat.

Not long after, the girls in the herdsmen's house gathered together in twos and threes and talked around Xie Wanjin.

These girls are very outgoing, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, clear outline, bright and bright. They don't hesitate to praise when they say that Rong Sheng is good-looking.

Rong Sheng was not used to such a lively scene. He simply closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Xie Wanjin smiled and chatted with the girl for a moment about "the weather is good". When he looked back at Rong Sheng, he found that he had closed his eyes.

The fourth childe smiled and shook his head. This man can really pretend.

I lie down every day. How can I sleep?

He grabbed a handful of fried rice and put it at the bottom of the bowl. He filled the boiled milk tea and soaked it. He was about to serve it to Rongsheng.

She saw that Pearl Jia, who had changed her new clothes, was pushed to him by a group of girls.

"Ah Jin."

Pearl Jia called out to him with a smile. Her hands were behind her. It was obvious that she was holding something. The girl's face was slightly red. She looked more beautiful than Xie Wanjin when she first met her. She was probably dressed up specially.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

At the next moment, pearl Jia offered her belt, which had been hidden behind her, her hands, looked up at him, her eyes full of love, "ah Jin, this is for you."

The girl laughed and coaxed, and Pearl Jia's little face soon turned red from light pink.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin put down his bowl.

He was quite solemn, but for a moment he didn't reach out to pick up the girdle in the girl's hand.

The girls on the side are making fun of you and me. It's very lively around.

Pearl Jia said, "ah Jin, this belt..."

Xie Wanjin was still thinking about how to refuse this gently without hurting the girl's heart. Suddenly, he heard a heavy cough not far away.


"Cough, cough, cough!"

It coughs so much that there is no way to ignore it.

Xie Wanjin looked back helplessly and saw Rong Sheng, who had pretended to sleep not far away, looking at him with deep eyes.

The fourth childe gave Rongsheng a look of "I know, you can shut up and stop coughing". Then he turned back and looked at Xiang zhuerjia.

Even if he is not from Wuzhou, they know that giving belts here means "they have a crush on you and want to marry you".

Although he was romantic and loved beauty, he never wanted to marry any girl.

Xie Wanjin was seldom serious. Looking at the girl with a peach and plum face, he smiled and said, "thank you for your wrong love."

The girls obviously didn't understand what he meant.

Pearl Jiagu persisted in passing her belt and refused to take it back.

Xie Wanjin Wen said, "Pearl Jia, the daughter of the grassland should marry the son of the wolf and enjoy the vast freedom with the eagle."

The fourth childe made great efforts to organize the language, not only to make pearl Jia understand, but also to be the female truth he can say. It's really a bit troublesome.

He said slowly: "and I am the rich flower of the imperial capital, destined not to belong here."

Xie Wanjin smiled, his peach eyes narrowed slightly, but with a little disappointed color, "I'm sorry..."

Pearl Jia silently took back her belt, gave him a deep look, and then took the girls away.

Not many people like it and can cross mountains and seas.

The girl likes his skin, and loves the vast grassland and flying eagles.

When the two cannot coexist, there will be a choice.

Xie Wanjin looked at them and breathed a sigh of relief.

He has grown up to be so big. Apart from making money equally regardless of whether his opponents are men or women in business, he is more tolerant and compassionate to women, especially beauties, in other places. Naturally, he doesn't want to break his achievements here today.

Not far away, Rong Sheng coughed softly, "why don't you chase after me? At present, people should not go far."

"What am I reluctant to give up? It's clear that I escaped a disaster!" Xie Wanjin said to him with a smile. He raised his hand and carried milk tea to Rongsheng and handed it to him. "Enough of the good play. Drink."

"It's very nice." Rongsheng took it over, looked up at him, and the corners of his lips gently raised, "the rich flowers of imperial capital?"

Xie Wanjin choked and asked subtly, "do you understand?"

He always thought Rong Sheng didn't understand what was said here, so he dared to talk to the girls in front of him.

I never thought that Rongsheng could understand.

Xie Wanjin said:

Well... Isn't it going to be regarded as a joke by Rong Sheng?

"HMM." Rongsheng nodded, but he didn't know he was answering.

At this time, the national master also tilted his head and looked at him with great interest.

Xie Wanjin went out, stuffed the bowl into Rong Sheng's hand with his right hand, touched his chin with his left hand and asked, "why? I'm not rich enough? Isn't it enough?"

Rongsheng lowered his head and drank milk tea. He smiled and didn't answer him.

On the contrary, Xie Wanjin couldn't go up or down for a while, which was quite embarrassing. "We've stayed here for several days. If you don't have good medical treatment for your leg injury, you'll be wasted. So I've inquired with the herdsmen nearby these days. I heard that a horse team is going to Wuzhou City in two days. You can give us a ride."

He said, "when we get to Wuzhou City, there will be my business shop. At that time, we should treat the injury and take revenge if we want to take revenge."

The fourth childe is not a person who will suffer from boredom.

Those masked people who dare to put up such a big battle to kill him will bear ten times or even a hundred times the fight back.

It is said that it is not too late for gentlemen to take revenge. Businessmen like them can't lose money.

In particular, Mr. Xie can't afford to lose at all.

Rong Sheng was not surprised that he had such a mind. He only raised his eyes slightly and asked with a smile: "are you willing to give up these little beauties?"

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