"Brother Rong!" Xie Wanjin shouted to him reluctantly and said with a smile: "heaven and earth conscience, I don't mean to provoke them at all. I happened to meet them and said a word or two, pearl Jia... Now we both live in someone else's house. If we don't look up, we will inevitably say two more..."

He said in his heart: if you lie there all day, stretching out your clothes and opening your mouth, you are naturally different from dealing with others.

If you don't laugh at them, how can you eat so much?

Do you really think it fell from the sky?

The fourth childe thought so, but he didn't dare to tell brother Tongrong openly. He just said, "just two sentences."

"After two more words, the girl wanted you to stay and be her husband." Rong Sheng's tone was very light, but somehow, he came with some unspeakable subtlety for no reason. "Fourth childe is really a romantic."

"Tut, brother Rong..." Xie Wanjin was very helpless and smiled lightly. "Are you praising me or hurting me?"

Rong Sheng said, "praise you."

"OK, what you say is what you say." Xie Wanjin nodded again and again without a temper.

He looked at Rong Sheng, drank half a bowl of milk tea, took some dried meat from the side and handed it to him, "eat more. These dried meat were dried by aful themselves. They can't eat it in the future."

The dried meat made by these herdsmen is very different from those made by Dayan. It is salty and fragrant and chewy. If they have bad teeth, they may not be able to bite.

Xiewan King Kong was not used to eating at first, but this place is too remote and there is no other food. These beef and sheep jerkies are the best thing the afur brothers can take out to entertain people.

The fresh fruits and vegetables that the fourth childe usually eats can't be seen in this place. Although he is delicate, he knows very well that he eats happily in front of their brothers and sisters every time. He changes his way to boast. He has to drink a lot of milk tea to get the saltiness in his mouth, otherwise he will burp all the time.

But when he gives it to Rong to eat raw, he will have experience.

First cut the dried meat into small pieces and then give it to Rong Sheng. Let him drink some milk tea to cushion his stomach, then eat the cut dried meat, then drink milk tea and eat some dry food cakes. It's much better.

There are some delicate thoughts here. Even Xie Wanjin didn't notice it.

He walked with Rong Sheng all the way and took good care of him. He has a tendency to raise the national teacher as his son.

Perhaps Xie Wanjin's vision of "the old father loves his son like life" was too obvious. Rong Sheng was a little unnatural. He couldn't help looking up at him and asked, "are you hungry?"

Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "I won't rob you today. You can eat by yourself."

He said, walked aside, took out a basin of dark things from the hot bucket, brought them to Rongsheng's side for him to see, and said with a smile, "Hey, brother Rong, guess what this is?"

Rongsheng glanced, and saw that the things in the basin were as black as ink, many and thick, with a sour smell.

He could not help frowning slightly. "What do you want to do?"

"You'll know later." Xie Wanjin smiled, put down the basin, turned and took the comb and sweat towel. Finally, he moved a stool and sat behind Rong Sheng.

The fourth childe wrapped a circle around Rong Sheng's neck with a sweat towel and looked more involuntarily when he bowed his head.

Rong Sheng was still a young man. His long hair was like snow, his face was like jade, and his back neck was as white as fat. Xie Wanjin tutted several times in his heart. He was not idle at all. He took a comb, picked a dark thing in a basin, and put it on the young man's snow-white head.

"Xie Wanjin." Rong Sheng was surprised. He wanted to sit up, but his leg was still hurt. He had to tilt his head, frown and ask him, "what are you?"

"Good thing."

Xie Wanjin was afraid that the dark thing on the comb would fall off and quickly put it in the basin.

He had some on his hands. He didn't want to waste, so he planned to wipe it directly on Rongsheng's head. Unexpectedly, the people of National Normal University suddenly gnashed their teeth.

"Xie Wanjin!" Rong Sheng averted and squinted at him, threatening to say, "if you dare to wipe this thing on me, I'll kill you!"

Xie Wanjin hasn't seen Rongsheng's anxious and angry appearance for a long time. At the moment, he doesn't have any intention at all. On the contrary, he feels a little funny, "kill me. Who will serve you."

The fourth childe lowered his head slightly, smiled softly in Rongsheng's ear and said, "master?"

When he spoke, the white fog slowly rustled on Rongsheng's side face, with a warmth that was hard to ignore. The master forgot to speak against him for a moment.

The pale golden sun fell on Xie Wanjin, and the flashing micro awn became a little dazzling.

Both of them were silent.

There was a moment of silence around.

It was very cold, but Xie Wanjin somehow felt a little hot.

He didn't start and looked into the distance. He saw that the continuous mountains and rivers had become a vast expanse of white, the snow had not melted, and the world was the same.

Falcons flew over their heads, and the north wind roared, startling the delicate atmosphere of the place.

Just a moment later, Rong Sheng returned to his senses, raised his hand and patted Xie Wanjin's face, "just talk. What's so recent?"

The fourth childe's sentence "you and I are all men. Why do you talk closer" has come to his mouth. He suddenly thought of something and swallowed it back.

After a while, Xie Wanjin angrily stretched out his hand to get the comb in the basin. He was tired and changed the topic and said, "it took me several days to get this thing. What do you mean by being so disgusted?"

Rong Sheng said coolly, "try smearing it on your head."

"My hair is not white!" Xie Wanjin looked up and said: "Young master, your hair is black and beautiful. Do you need to wipe it? Who is like you? Your head is white when you are young and you look so attractive. If we just enter Wuzhou City, well... Just when your front foot enters the city gate, your back foot is stared at. When the knife and sword clatter to your neck, your leg is broken again. Young master, you have to carry you on your back and run at that time Can't run away... "

Once the fourth childe starts talking, he will do it one by one without taking a break for a long time.

Rong Sheng had a headache when he read it. He couldn't help reaching out to help his forehead. He quickly interrupted, "what did you just say this thing is used for?"

Xie Wanjin promptly stopped the messy associations behind him and immediately said, "it's used to wipe your white hair black."

The master looked down at the dark unknown and said nothing.

Xie Wanjin said on the side, "this thing looks so black, but it tastes sour. But I'll wipe it on you a few more times, and you'll get used to it."

Rongsheng still didn't speak.

The fourth childe couldn't wait. While stirring the dark things in the basin with his comb, he said, "I said, master, don't be picky. Do you know how difficult it is for me to get this thing here?"

He didn't wait for Rong Sheng to open his mouth, but he said again, "you think it looks ordinary and disgusting. But do you know how much effort I spent? First, soak it in black beans and rice vinegar overnight, and then fry it over slow fire for several hours. It will paste when it's hot, but it won't fry when it's small. I tried several times to get such a basin!"

As Xie Wanjin said, he raised the copper basin with both hands to Rong Sheng and let him have a good look at his mind.

"Take it away."

The national master was rushed to his face and couldn't open his eyes. He just squeezed out such two words from his throat.

The fourth childe didn't dare to go too far. He silently put the copper basin on the ground, held back a smile and whispered, "try it."

Rongsheng doesn't speak.

Xie Wanjin said persistently, "try it."

The master glanced at the copper basin on the ground, frowned slightly and said, "are you sure this thing is useful?"

"I'm not sure." Xie Wanjin said sincerely.

Rong Sheng couldn't help glancing at the fourth childe.

If he had a good leg now, he would have kicked it.

"But it's recorded in the book." Xie Wanjin had read many other books when consulting the books about the land of Hanchuan. At that time, he saw this way to turn white hair black.

He didn't know what to think at that time, so he wanted to write it down and tell Rong Sheng.

As a result, he didn't find the time to say it. Instead, Xie Wanjin prepared it for Rong Sheng himself.

The fourth childe sighed with emotion that when people are idle, they really need to read more. They can still be used at the critical time. He said: "those books hidden by my third brother are all single copies. They are very useful. Try them. They can't be black or gray. You don't suffer a loss. ”

Rongsheng closed his eyes and closed his hands under his sleeves into a fist.

Since you met Xie Si, you have to struggle several times between "kill this guy" and "you can't quarrel with Xie Si" every day.

Looking at something wrong, Xie Wanjin quickly changed his mouth and said, "or do you have something else that can turn your white hair black? I said earlier. Take it out quickly."

Rongsheng looked up at him with dark eyes.

He didn't have to speak. Xie Wanjin knew what it meant.

"No?" the fourth childe raised his lips slightly and said, "then don't pick it. Come on, the fourth brother will help you."

As he spoke, he took his comb and stirred the black juice in the basin, slowed down his action a little and waited for Rongsheng's answer.

After a while, Rong Sheng didn't open his mouth and closed his eyes expressionless. He was quite calm to die.

Xie Wanjin couldn't help laughing. With a gentle pull, he untied the lavender hair band used for Rongsheng's hair. The snow like white hair fell gently, and a few strands of it blew across the fourth childe's cheek.

It makes him itchy.

Light and shadow passed through the snow-white hair and quietly fell on Xie Wanjin's palm.

He reached out his hand to hold Rongsheng's white hair, stained it with black juice with his comb, and wiped it on Rongsheng's hair little by little.

The fourth childe didn't tell Rong Sheng that in order to get these black beans and rice vinegar, he took out his favorite Peiyu in exchange.

But that's enough for him to say.

The only bad thing is that it's not as simple as Xie Wanjin thought.

Black juice is easy to touch, and Rongsheng's hair is long. The fourth childe worked hard for a long time and sweated all over, so he wiped half of it.

Xie Wanjin's fingers passed through Rong Sheng's white hair and suddenly couldn't help saying, "brother Rong, I find I'm really a good man."

"Hmm?" Rong Sheng was a little confused, so.

"But being a good man is really tired." Xie Wanjin kept moving in his hand for a moment and felt it on his mouth. "I may only be such a good man once in my life. You must live well and don't feel that the world is boring."

Rong Sheng was stunned for a long time before he slightly hooked his lips. "Well", everything in his eyes revived.

In this world, there are people like Xie Si. How can it be boring?

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