Outside Wuzhou City.

A carved carriage driven by two horses and accompanied by more than 20 people dressed lightly and walked quickly through the long wind and snow, and drove nonstop towards the direction of Wuzhou City.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was riding on the side of the carriage, was dressed in black, carrying a silver spear, and his ink hair was pulled with a simple wooden hairpin. He was calm and cool, and had a heroic posture not afraid of cold and frost.

But it was the Mo Yi Hou holding 100000 Mo Yu army in his hand. When talking to the man in the carriage, he lowered his head slightly, and his voice was a little softer than usual.

"In fact, you don't have to be so anxious. I'll take someone into Wuzhou City to investigate. The fourth childe has always been very lucky. There will be no accident. On the contrary, you have made a big tie with that princess before. If you go into the city like this, how can it be good if she tries her best to hurt you because of love and hate?"

"Ye Zhiqiu!" the man in the carriage interrupted her.

Several Qingyi guards accompanying him silently rode away from ye Zhiqiu for fear that the anger of Lord Shoufu would affect them.

Unfortunately, the wind and snow is too heavy, and ye Zhiqiu's heart is also big. Leng didn't notice anything.

"I'm here." instead, she beat her horse close to the carriage, put her head into the carriage and asked Xie Yu, "what are you calling me to do?"

The chief assistant sat in the carriage and said, "shut up."

"Oh." Ye Zhiqiu was not annoyed by what he said. He just raised his hand to wipe the wind and snow off his forehead, and then helped Xie Xuan pull the car curtain, "it's windy outside. Don't freeze you."

Xie Xuan looked at her through the curtain and was speechless for a moment: "...."

All the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty said that ye Zhiqiu, the marquis in ink, was a bad person, but when she came to Lord Shoufu, she was like a tiger in the mountain becoming a cat in the warm Pavilion. She was as clever as she wanted to be.

The third childe is not used to being treated too well by others.

Whether it's sincere or easy, he's not used to it.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't say anything, just silently beat a horse and walked with Xie Yu's carriage.

Without her, she kept talking on the road and asked Xie to pay attention to this and that. All around was quiet, leaving only the sound of wind and snow.

The horse's hooves trampled through the pure white snow, leaving a mess of mud like flowers. The wheels ran over the long marks, which were covered up by the newly fallen flying snow layer by layer, and soon covered up everything? Traces.

Qing Yi, who was closest to them, ran his horse and couldn't help raising his hand to wipe the wind and snow on his face. He whispered: "it's so cold this day."

The accompanying people nodded: it's fucking cold!

Originally, the farther north, the colder the weather was. They were ordered to protect Shoufu this time. It was even worse. They secretly added three more clothes to their body, which was not warm enough.

At the end of the day, Mo Yi Hou was brave and not afraid of the cold. He dared to gather around the assistant.

There are only two words in everyone's heart: admiration.

Moyi Hou is a fucking man!

Ye Zhiqiu doesn't know what these people are thinking.

She is still trying to figure out how to make Xie Xiang change her mind. Don't be so anxious to enter Wuzhou City. This is the boundary of the Wanyan family. If Xie Xiang really has something wrong here, it's not fun.

A moment later, she suddenly shouted, "green one."

At the moment when the latter turned his head, ye Zhiqiu suddenly jumped up, threw the reins in his hand to Qingyi, turned over a somersault with a silver gun and got on the carriage.

The horse she had been riding was still galloping. Qing Yi quickly stretched out his hand to hold the reins. Before he could speak, he saw Ye Zhiqiu reach out and lift the curtain of the car, so he went in.

Green suddenly: "...."

The entourage: "

At this time, what else can they do except to stay away and respect Ye Zhiqiu more than men?

Ye Zhiqiu, who entered the carriage, immediately pulled the curtain tightly, and there was no cold wind outside.

Xie Xuan was looking at the secret letter from all parties. Seeing ye Zhiqiu suddenly break in, he couldn't help looking up at her and frowning slightly: "go out."

Ye Zhiqiu has long been used to the cold and speechless appearance of Lord Shoufu. He doesn't mean to go at all.

She leaned forward and said helplessly, "there are only two words."

Xie Xuan stopped looking at her and didn't say anything for a moment.

"Lord Shoufu." Ye Zhiqiu shouted Xie Yu, put the silver gun aside and sat down beside him. "Do you know how cold it is outside? I don't want you to be frozen, so you have the heart to let me drink the north wind and frost and snow outside?"

Xie Xuan pursed her lips. After a long time, she said, "you didn't have to come."

"Yes." Ye Zhiqiu leaned against the carriage and looked at him with clear eyes. "You had to come, so I came. So, Lord Shoufu, you have to be nice to me."

In fact, in recent years, she has made great efforts to make herself the most ordinary colleague of Xie Yu. In the early days, she would have a headache about the same thing because she stood together in the palace of government and listened to those ministers quarrelling over state affairs.

If you are lucky one day, you can go out of the palace with him and have a word or two on the way.

She said she just liked Xie because she had never seen such a beautiful person.

She said she liked it so shallow that she couldn't afford to spend time.

Therefore, Mo Yi Hou will never bother Xie Shoufu without reason.

Now they are sitting in the same carriage and there is no one else. Ye Zhiqiu will only say to him, "you should be better to me".

But even if she is extremely restrained, she can't hide. She is full of "like you" and "like you so much".

Rao SHIXIE, who is as frosty as snow and full of indifference, can't bear her eyes.

He turned sideways, picked up the secret letter and looked at it. He didn't say anything, nor did he mention letting her go out to ride a horse.

The carriage was on its way as usual, and those who accompanied it outside were holding their breath.

Ye Zhiqiu sat on the side and listened to the wind and snow outside the window. He quietly watched Xie Xuan for a while. Suddenly he asked, "Lord Shoufu, do you tell them to stop and find a place to take shelter from the wind and snow? Or do you like me to knock you out and let them take you to find a place to take shelter from the wind and snow?"

She asked too seriously and had no choice.

Xie Xuan hadn't seen anyone who dared to talk to him for a long time. He looked up at Ye Zhiqiu with an expressionless face and said coldly, "what are you going to do?"

"I've just talked to you outside." Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand and gently brushed the red tassel on the head of the gun. His eyebrows and eyes said seriously: "it's too dangerous for you to enter Wuzhou City directly. Wait until I take someone in to inquire. Wait until I'm sure it's safe, and then pick you up into the city."

Xie Xuan frowned slightly and said, "Your Majesty asked you to go with me. Everything should be assigned by me, not to hinder me."

If someone else hears what Lord Shoufu said, he will be so frightened that he will wake up and dare not mention it again.

But ye Zhiqiu is different.

She has long been used to seeing the cold look of the first auxiliary adult. She has seen all the helpless look he rarely had in his life. How can she be afraid of this harsh look.

Ye Zhiqiu put the silver gun on the table and said, "Your Majesty said I want to listen to you, but Lord Shoufu, you also have to listen to your majesty. What about the honor guard your majesty asked you to take? The bodyguard? And the accompanying officials, where did Lord Shoufu throw it?"

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