"You know you're late?" Ye Zhiqiu threw the silver gun while talking.

The people saw that the silver light broke through the wind and snow in the sky and flashed through the air.

The next moment, the gun head wiped over, and the man's crown was embedded into the top of the car. With a loud bang, such a big car honor guard was split in an instant.

The people were shocked and inexplicable. They hurried forward to protect the man in Python robes and said, "king!"

All the green guards shouted in their hearts, "Your Majesty is wise!"

It's a wise intention to let Lord Moyi and Lord Shoufu come to Wuzhou City together.

In the text, the first auxiliary adult retreated thousands of troops with a word, and the marquis in ink showed off his divine power with a shot.

They're afraid of ghosts!

Xie Yu glanced at Ye Zhiqiu without a trace.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, turned around and looked at the people. She sprayed all the anger she couldn't get out of Xie Yu just now towards the people coming, "how good would you just come later and collect the body for us?"

"The Marquis laughed." the man who spoke, dressed in a dark red king's robe, was about 40 years old. He was the man who controlled the whole of the seven cities of Wuzhou - North mansion king yeluhua.

He slowly got up from the scattered car, stretched out his hand, pulled out the silver gun and threw it to the entourage.

Then yeluhua walked slowly to Wanyan Lingyun, reached out his hand and helped her up from the ground. In his usual tone, he said, "the princess took more than a thousand iron cavalry into Wuzhou city without permission. I don't see me as the king of Beifu. Do you act like this, your brother Wang know?"

Wanyan Lingyun stood up, looked at him for a moment, and immediately insisted, "I did it alone. I hate Xie Yu. It has nothing to do with my brother Wang."

Even if she didn't have a brain, she knew the difference.

If Wan Yanlie knew and let her lead the troops to kill Xie Xuan, it was that Da Jin had a heart of disobedience. Da Yan completely used this reason to send troops to attack. At that time, no one would have good fruit.

And she said that she came down without wanyanlie's knowledge. That's just the private resentment between her and Xie Yu. Can Yan Huang manage heaven and earth, and let people not remember private resentment?

"In that case," said Jerusha with his usual face, "go back to your king brother and take the blame."

Wanyan Lingyun seemed to be afraid of him. He raised his right hand to his left shoulder, saluted, and immediately took people away.

Xie Xuan didn't say anything from beginning to end, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the Beifu king for a moment, and the news about him flashed in his mind.

Before the war of Changning, the two largest clans in Dajin were equal in strength. Because of their political views, they divided into South and North government, and 14 cities in Wuzhou were divided into two , Each of the two ethnic groups occupies seven cities. The Wanyan family holds the power of the southern government. After becoming the king of the great Jin Dynasty, they are eager to occupy the land of Dayan. The northern government, led by Yelu, is slightly lower in status. On the contrary, they can settle down to stick to the area of Wuzhou and trade with other countries, resulting in the prosperity of these seven cities.

A few years ago, the king of gold, shangwanyanyu, attacked Dayan city with 100000 iron cavalry. As a result, he met Xie Heng and Xie Yu , Not only did he die in another country, but even those slightly capable sons died in Changning river. Later, the messenger peace talks failed. The new king led his people to the imperial capital to surrender, and left his life in Dayan.

When all the departments of the king's court scrambled for the throne, the brother and sister Wan Yanlie and Wan yanlingyun, who were originally imprisoned in Dayan, escaped back and took advantage of the chaos to seize the throne and made heavy profits to Yelu.

At that time, Dajin became a subsidiary state, and those who sat on the throne would only bear more humiliation. The Yelv family continued to sit on the seven northern cities of uzhou and made heavy profits. They could also get a lot of benefits from the Jin people and Dayan. Naturally, there was no need to compete for the title of the king.

And it was the king of Beifu, yeluhua, who led the Yelu family to become the real master of Dajin's lifeline.

Ye Zhiqiu had heard this person's name before and was amazed. Before she came to Wuzhou City with Xie Yu, she also thought about whether this person was an enemy or a friend. As a result, it was difficult to distinguish.

But ye Zhiqiu understood what Yelv had said to Yan Lingyun just now:

Since Wuzhou City is the boundary of Nanfu, how could ye Luhua not know that Yan Lingyun entered the country with thousands of cavalry?

I'm afraid this person has a ghost in his heart and wants to get rid of them by Wanyan Lingyun's hand, so he let it go. Seeing that things have screwed up, he had to come out to clean up the mess for Wanyan Lingyun.


That's an enemy, not a friend.

Ye Zhiqiu pressed his knuckles and strode forward, ready to give Yelv the highest courtesy of a martial artist.

Seven or eight steps away, yeluhua obviously noticed the murderous spirit on her. He was still calm on his face. He only looked up and said, "Batu, return the Lord's silver gun."

"Yes, your majesty."

The entourage named Batu was nine feet tall, with a big head, thin hair and strong limbs. He looked simple and honest, but his eyes were full of murderous spirit.

He took orders Go to Ye Zhiqiu and offer the silver gun with both hands.

But when ye Zhiqiu reached out to pick it up, Batu suddenly started to fight. He grabbed her arm and had to unload it directly with brute force.

"Hou Ye!" a group of green guards were so frightened that they rushed forward, but the chief assistant raised his hand and signaled that they didn't have to go forward.

Xie Xuan was standing a few steps away. His eyes were as black as ink. He looked at Ye Zhiqiu's internal power and forcibly shook Batu, who was three times bigger than her body, off his hand.

Ye Zhiqiu is usually mixed with a group of generals. She is not much shorter and has a strong momentum. No one can see that she is a woman.

Today, I started with Batu nearby. Because the body shape difference is too big, ye Zhiqiu even looks a little petite.

When the two fought, the silver gun fell into the wind and snow and was about to fall to the ground. Ye Zhiqiu suddenly raised his foot and picked up the long gun in the air. He turned around and flew up, kicking it hard at Batu's heart.

How could Batu be so strong that he was stunned when he was kicked. He stretched out his hand and dragged Ye Zhiqiu's leg. He roared, pressed one hand on Ye Zhiqiu's knee and pinched her ankle in the other hand, throwing her away.

Unexpectedly, she was forced to take the opportunity to directly waste her leg.

Ye Zhiqiu obviously realized this, and secretly scolded, "it's great!"

She immediately turned around in mid air and forced her foot on Batu's heart to hit the car on the side, completely smashing the scattered guard of honor to the ground.

Ye Zhiqiu took advantage of it, immediately retracted his feet, fell steadily on the ground, then reached out and clasped Batu's hand, pulled up the strong man who was three times her size, turned over in the air, threw his shoulder and fell to the ground.

This time, Batu fell to the ground, his head was broken and bleeding, his teeth were broken, and he couldn't get up.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't look at him either. He just raised his hand to catch the silver gun that fell down at this time, turned it around and carried it behind him at will. "The king of Beifu knew that Ben Hou was cold all the way, and specially sent someone to warm up with me. It's really intentional."

She said, turned her head to see Xie Yu and smiled at him.

No matter how beautiful she was, she couldn't beat her. At this time, she raised her eyebrows and smiled with pride.

Xie Yu's eyes looked at her like ink, and his tone was still light, "really intentional."

The two men rarely spoke, and everyone around them trembled involuntarily.

Three are cold and seven are afraid.

Seeing this, yeluhua raised his hand and motioned the guards to carry away Batu, who was seriously injured. Then he went to Xie Xuan, smiled and said, "Lord Shoufu and Lord Hou have come thousands of miles to Wuzhou City. It's hard all the way. The king has prepared a banquet and invited Lord Shoufu and Lord hou to drink 300 cups!"

"There's no need for wine." Xie Xuan said expressionless, "my official patrolled the hunting here on behalf of heaven. During this period, I expropriated the great king's courtyard of the North mansion. Thank you for vacating the land."

Jeremiah's face stiffened slightly and didn't speak for a moment.

All around suddenly became silent.

Originally, Wuzhou City was under the jurisdiction of his Yelu family. Even the Wanyan brothers and sisters didn't dare to make too much trouble, but when this song came, he said he would requisition the great king's Court of Beifu to make room for him.

This meaning is obvious, but Xie is not a guest.

He is the Lord.

If the king's court is vacated, will there be any truth left by jerusham for the strength and power of the city.

Originally, anyone other than Xie Xuan would be careful to plan and deal with it step by step for a long time, but Lord Shoufu didn't take the ordinary road and dared to enter Wuzhou City with more than 20 people to ask for the great king's Court of Beifu and the power of yeluhua.

It's someone else. Who dares to think?

After only waiting for a moment, Xie Yu said coolly again, "why, I don't want to give up?"

"Of course not." yeluhua's face soon returned to normal and said with a smile: "since Lord Shoufu is patrolling the hunting on behalf of heaven, it's right to expropriate everywhere, but the land can't be vacated for a while. Lord Shoufu has to wait for a few days. Otherwise, you and the marquis will stay in another court of the king first..."

Ye Zhiqiu was listening. He doubted that yeluhua was hiding a knife in a smile and wanted to deceive them and design to kill them.

After all, what she heard about yeluva was not a soft persimmon to be rubbed by others. It was strange that people were afraid to laugh and talk well when she heard that Xie Xuan wanted to requisition his royal court.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Shoufu suddenly interrupted: "since all the trouble is free, just the main hall and several courtyards. The troops in the city are temporarily assigned by my official. This king's courtyard is also temporarily occupied, and the king's mobilization in the cold weather is avoided."

Yeluhua was slightly stunned, and then smiled, "thank you for the first auxiliary body shirt."

Ye Zhiqiu saw that Xie Yu stepped on the top of someone else's head, and then stepped back. In a moment, most of the hidden killing opportunities around him scattered.

Even Jeremiah's smile became sincere.

She sighed in her heart: why didn't I have such a good mouth?

Ye Zhiqiu thought for a moment.

Yeluhua had exchanged greetings with Xie Xuan, smiled and invited them into the palace courtyard, and said, "it's cold in Wuzhou, which is very different from the imperial capital. Lord Shoufu and Marquis should be careful not to get caught in the wind and snow. If they are ill, they will be fine for a while."

Xie Xuan looked as usual and said, "what I'm most afraid of is cold."

Ye Zhiqiu also said, "it's not that it hasn't been frozen."

Xie Xuan heard the speech and couldn't help glancing at her.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't realize that he was wrong. The green guards who followed him bowed their heads one after another.

She raised her hand, pulled the scattered green silk behind her ears, raised her eyebrows and asked, "I'm really not afraid of cold."

Xie Yu didn't say anything. Don't look at her anymore.

Jeremiah looked at them secretly for a moment, slowly stretched out his right hand and said with a smile, "Lord Shoufu and Lord Hou, please."

Xie Yu nodded slightly, "please."

Ye Zhiqiu slowly recovered. Suddenly, there was an illusion that yeluhua was smiling and inviting the king into the urn.

She said:

This Peking University King's courtyard is comparable to a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

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