Peking University King's court, conference hall.

Xie Xuan sat in front of the table and played with the king's seal that Jeremiah took the initiative to present.

There was hardly any expression on his face, but his eyes were dark and inexplicable.

Ye Zhiqiu stood in front of the case, looked down at him, couldn't help but ask, "yeluhua has done something too blameless. He said he would vacate the land and hand over the power. Even Wang Yin took the initiative to give it to you, but why do I think he's not a good person? ”

After entering the house, yeluhua did not invite them into the urn and kill them as ye Zhiqiu worried.

On the contrary, he was very polite and polite. First, he gave a banquet for them, gave the meeting hall to Xie Yu, and made room for them to live in several nearby yards, leaving only a group of boys and waitresses who looked clever and honest to serve.

After taking the initiative to hand over the king's seal, jerushua even called all the officials and generals of Wuzhou City to meet the chief auxiliary, and asked them to obey the chief auxiliary's command during this period. The smile on his face didn't break down during the whole audience. It looked very natural.

But the more yeluhua obeys "kindness", the more Ye Zhiqiu feels wrong.

It was not easy for her to wait for those who came to see Shoufu The large and small officials left and wanted to ask Xie how he thought. As a result, they saw him playing with the king's seal of Jeremiah and didn't speak for a long time.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help it and said, "that Wanyan Lingyun obviously doesn't have a brain. If she starts at the fourth childe, it's impossible not to leave a trace, but this yeluhua..."

She said, fearing that the wall had ears, she leaned over to Xie Xuan's ear, lowered her voice and said, "if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Wanyan Lingyun brought so many cavalry to kill you. He must have known in advance, but he didn't stop it. He must also know that the remaining evils of the former dynasty who turned in the dark under the banner of the young son of the former Emperor were acting in Wuzhou. Maybe they were accomplices. ”

Ye Zhiqiu frowned and said, "yes, yeluhua must want to get rid of the suspicion of collusion with the remaining evils of the previous dynasty, so he deliberately retreated to advance, which makes perfect sense!"

The more she spoke, the more angry she became. For a moment, she forgot that she was still talking in Xie Yu's ear. As soon as she turned her head, her lips kissed the earlobe of Shoufu adult.

His whole body was cold, and his ears were like jade covered by frost and snow.

Ye Zhiqiu's lips were too warm, and the cold and heat overlapped for a moment.

She forgot to step back.

Shoufu said nothing, but raised his hand and pressed it on Ye Zhiqiu's forehead without expression and pushed her away 。

Ye Zhiqiu was a little shaky and was pushed by Xie Xuan. Unexpectedly, the whole person fell into the case, and his head hit the table heavily.

The sound of "Dong" can be heard clearly in the quiet conference hall.

The green guards who are waiting for the orders of the chief assistant can only bow their heads and then bow their heads as if they didn't see or hear anything.

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly recovered from the pain, held his forehead and asked calmly, "where did I just say?"

Xie Xuan didn't answer her.

The green guards dare not answer.

The atmosphere in the whole Council hall was delicate for a moment.

Although Ye Zhiqiu has a thick skin and can carry it, he can't help being embarrassed. In a low voice, he explained with Xie Yu: "I didn't mean it."

After she said that, for fear that Xie Yu would not believe it, she immediately added, "if I did it on purpose, I wouldn't kiss there..."

"Ye Zhiqiu!" Xie Xuan said expressionless, "shut up."

Ye Zhiqiu gave a cry and shut up silently.

Like a person is really something that can't be hidden. Even if she has tried her best to hide it, the mind is always broken with a poke.

The third childe was displeased by his plainness.

A trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, and she hid without a trace for a moment. When she raised her eyes and looked at Xie, she became the invulnerable ink Hou again.

"So you remember that my name was Ye Zhiqiu. It's rare." Ye Zhiqiu looked up and gently touched his forehead and said with a smile: "I've heard them call Hou Ye Wuji brother all day. I haven't heard anyone call me ye Zhiqiu for a long time. It's really, very nice."

She said, looking at Xie Xuan as usual, and said, "I miss being the master of Feiyun stronghold."

She silently added in her heart: especially miss the days when she robbed Sanxian up the mountain to be the mayor of the village.

It happened that he had to pretend that he was not greedy for Xie.

Xie Yu was too lazy to pay attention to her. He turned to the same group of Qingyi guards and said, "leave half of them to patrol outside the conference hall, and the remaining half to contact spies all over Wuzhou. Be sure to find Xie Wanjin's whereabouts within three days."

They bowed their heads and immediately turned around to do it.

Ye Zhiqiu wanted to say something, but after Xie Xuan told the people, he bowed his head to study the king seal handed over by Jerusha.

She opened her mouth and closed it again.

After a while.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help turning around and sweeping around a glance.

She suddenly found that none of the Qingyi guards were left, and there were only two people left in such a large conference hall, she and Xie Yu.

The snow was flying outside the door, and the strong wind made the windows creak.

Ye Zhiqiu is still leaning on the table. Xie Yu is sitting at the other end. There is only one step between them.

Suddenly in her mind came the feeling of her lips kissing on his earlobes.

The whole person suddenly became excited.

Ye Zhiqiu thought: I really can't stay alone with Sanxian.

Who can restrain this lonely man and woman?

Obviously, she should get down to business. As a result, her thoughts have become messy and inexplicably hot.

At this time, Xie Yu suddenly knocked on the corner of the table with the king's seal in his hand.

Ye Zhiqiu was knocked out of his mind by him. He couldn't help looking back and asked, "what's the matter? Is this king's seal false? I knew that yeluhua was not a good thing!"

When she thought that the king of Beifu dared to cheat Xie Xuan, she was angry. When she was about to greet the 18th generation of yeluhua's ancestors, she suddenly heard Xie Xuan lightly shout "Ye Zhiqiu."

It's not the tone that makes her shut up when she's angry.

But a very shallow, very faint call.

The third childe not only looked extremely cold, but also felt a chill in his bones. Except for being a little gentle to his eldest brother and family, he was frozen to others. No admittance.

Ye Zhiqiu is obviously one of the idle people, and has been frozen more times than anyone else.

But Xie Yu is like this now, More serious than anger.

She was inexplicably flustered. She grabbed the corner of the table with one hand, gently clasped it, lowered her voice and asked, "what do you mean by calling me so? Do you want to send me back to Dijing?"

The next moment.

The first auxiliary adult restored his frosty appearance and said coldly, "Lord Hou is worried more."

"That's good."

Ye Zhiqiu was obviously quite used to Xie Xuan like this, and he was secretly relieved.

She secretly looked at Xie Xuan's look, tried to open her mouth and said, "I think the royal palace compound has many organs and there are many potential dangers. For the sake of the safety of the chief auxiliary, I can only stay here with you. Don't think too much about the chief auxiliary."

It is obvious that there is no silver here.

Xie Xuan couldn't help knocking at the corner of the table with the king's seal.

Ye Zhiqiu was worried: what are you doing?

Can't you just say it?

People have to guess!

Several people can guess!

She thought about it and added, "I'll keep you for three or four hours. I'll go to work after night. It's more convenient when it's dark."

Thank you for your silence.

Ye Zhiqiu doesn't know what to say.

For a time, neither of them spoke. The conference hall was quiet. Some wind and snow sneaked into the window and fell quietly on the ground, accumulating a thin layer of frost.

Ye Zhiqiu looked down at the frost on the ground and listened. The rest of his eyes were used to secretly aim at Xie Yu.

It's so hard.

Mingming was near, but she couldn't stare at him.


Ye Zhiqiu soon adjusted her mind and comforted herself:

It's good to take a peek.

But gradually, she was not satisfied with looking at it secretly.

Xie Xuan didn't know what he was thinking. He was a little distracted and didn't look up all the time.

Ye Zhiqiu's courage also grew. He stared at him for a while, turned his head and looked away for a while, and repeated it several times.

She looked at Xie for longer and shorter.

Sure enough, he was caught.

Xie Xuan looked up at her, "for the sake of my safety, do you have to stare at me like this?"


Ye Zhiqiu didn't say anything at once. He had to cough twice to try to alleviate the embarrassment at the moment.

A moment later, she forced her mouth and said, "I'm ordered to protect chief Fu. What's the matter with more eyes?"

Xie Yu's eyes were dim and speechless for a moment:“ ……”

After ye Zhiqiu finished, he felt a little shameless in his heart.

But for people like Xie, if they are too shameful, they must lose completely.

When she thought so, she suddenly felt that this face could not be used for the time being.

No one else is here anyway.

Ye Zhiqiu cleared his throat, went to Xie Xuan and sat down. Without words, he insisted on saying something, "Well, Lord Shoufu is really powerful. He even asked Yelv to make room for power. When I heard this, I was shocked... He really promised to give up the Council hall. How did Lord Shoufu think of this move? I really admire it."

"Don't admire." Xie Xuan looked at her with an inky eye and said faintly, "this move is also used by the marquis."

Ye Zhiqiu was speechless.

Sanxian is talking about what she said to him in the carriage. It's all tricks.

Fortunately, she was very lucky to be here before. Now it seems that the third childe of others has seen through her tricks long ago.

Ye Zhiqiu reached out to touch the tip of his nose and whispered, "thank you."

Xie Xuan threw the king's seal aside, stopped talking to her, picked up his pen and began to write.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at it secretly and gave it to his eldest brother:

It has arrived in Wuzhou City, safe and sound, and there is no whereabouts of Wanjin.

She sighed in her heart:

Brother Wan Jin, the fourth son of the Royal Marquis

You have to be good.

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