Xie Wanjin, who was in the remote herdsman's house, sneezed several times.

It's cold today. Although the snow is not big, the wind is crazy.

He can only smear juice on Rong Sheng's hair while sitting in the tent. He was busy and sneezed suddenly. He can only turn his head, lift his sleeve and rub the tip of his nose red. He has no choice but to say, "who thinks so, young master? Look at this momentum. I'm afraid it's not lovesickness?"

Rong Sheng looked at him with his eyes and said, "they all said that you are too smoked. You have to believe it."

The fourth childe was afraid that the black juice was not good enough. At that time, it would fade when he was caught in the wind and snow on the road. He worked hard for several days and wiped Rongsheng with the black juice for several days. He was stunned to wipe the young white head like black silk.

Rong Sheng refused at first, but now he has laid flat and let him wipe it casually.

It's just that the national master really doesn't like it. If he catches the opportunity, he will dislike it.

Xie Wanjin was a little funny and said, "I don't dislike you. What strength do you dislike?"

Rongsheng glanced at him and didn't speak.

The fourth childe coaxed in a low voice like coaxing a child: "well, it's only the last time it smells bad. You can bear it. When you enter Wuzhou City, I'll buy all kinds of incense for you. I'll make it fragrant all over your body. I promise you won't have any acid gas at that time. Can you succeed?"

After hearing this, Rong Sheng said coldly, "buy Incense? How much silver do you have?"

Mr. Xie, who always spends money like water, was stunned.

His jade pendant was exchanged for black beans and vinegar juice. He has been eating and living in afur's house for days. He is such a noble childe who helps feed cattle and sheep and does some chores to express his gratitude.

I'm really penniless at the moment.

If there is any accident in the shop in Wuzhou City, he will really take Rongsheng to sleep on the street and drink the West and north wind.

It's hard to live.

Xie wanjinton returned to his senses after a long time. With a broken jar and a broken heart, he smiled at Rong Sheng and said, "it doesn't hurt. We still have face without silver."

Rong Sheng immediately: "??"

He couldn't react at once.

The fourth childe saw him like this, but he thought it was very interesting. He immediately felt a little joking, "Wuzhou City is no more remote than this place. It's quite prosperous and rich. The life of National Normal University is so beautiful that it can't sell art even if it's a leg injury. You can sell yourself or laugh. I'm sure you won't earn less money. I'll be popular with you at that time. I'm not afraid of no money."

Rong Sheng is getting used to Xie Si's broken mouth these days. He is not angry at the moment. He just said, "it's enough to have four brothers laughing. I'll count the silver for you."

"Brother Rong!" Xie Wanjin couldn't help shouting at him, "you think pretty."

Rong Sheng nodded slightly and said with a smile, "not as good as brother Wanjin."

The fourth childe looked at him and couldn't help laughing.

They are living in a foreign land and are injured. They don't know where to eat and drink tomorrow. They don't know whether the road ahead is dangerous or where to rest.

It's obviously a rare look of embarrassment in this life, but it's more pleasant to laugh than at any time.

Xie Wanjin helped Rong Sheng wipe his hair and conveniently took away the square towel and comb.

But he kept it. Suddenly he remembered something. He looked up and asked Rong Sheng, "what did you call me just now?"

"Four elder brothers?" Rong Sheng's face was as usual and said, "what's the matter?"

"No, nothing."

Xie Wanjin said this, but he couldn't help saying:

Rong Sheng is shameless. It's so cute.

Leng Buding shouted four brothers.

The fourth childe's heart shook.

He got up, took out an oil paper bag from the pillow, opened it, squeezed a sugar into Rongsheng's mouth, pretended to be very natural, and said to him, "you can't shout in vain. The four brothers give you sugar."

Rongsheng had no time to refuse, and the sweetness of sugar mixed with milk spread at the tip of his tongue.

He looked up at Xie Wanjin, with a little smile in his eyes. He was vague and said, "four brothers are so generous."

"That is."

Xie Wanjin deserves no pressure.

God knows how hard it is to get a bag of sugar in such a damn place.

Piansheng fourth childe is a person who is poorer and more difficult. He wants to get something to reward himself. He has to go to Wuzhou City for a few days. If he eats dry food and wants to cry on the road, he can eat a sugar for a while.

So he had been hiding these sweets since he got them. There were only a few in total. If Rong Sheng hadn't suddenly called four brothers just now, he wouldn't have given them to him so easily.

Piansheng Rongsheng ate sugar in his mouth and looked at the oil paper bag in his hand.

Xie Wanjin "tut" said, "brother Rong, you are not only not old, but also old children when you see your heart."

Rong Sheng raised his eyebrows, "you're old."

"OK, I'm old, I'm old."

Xie Wanjin quickly put the oil paper bag away and stuffed it into his skirt.

The national master is still a teenager now. His stupidity has not changed at all over the years. The fourth childe really looks older than him now. Naturally, there is nothing to worry about.

He has been Rong Sheng's "father" for so long. Is he still afraid of an old word?

While they were talking, someone outside the tent hurried over and shouted, "ah Jin, the horse team is about to start!"

"OK!" Xie Wanjin replied in a loud voice, "I'll come right away."

He said, picked up the cotton padded clothes on one side, put them on Rong Sheng, and said naturally, "stretch out your hand."

"Raise your head."

"Tie your own clothes, brother Rong... You hurt your leg, not your hand!"

Rong Sheng didn't speak. He bowed his head and stretched out his hand to tie his clothes.

Xie Wanjin turned around and put on the cloak made of animal skin. Then he took some small jade beads and a mass of gold wire from the clothes beside the bed and put them under the pillow.

"What are you hiding?" Rong Sheng glanced slightly and said casually, "leave a love token for your little beauty?"

"What are you talking about?" Xie Wanjin looked back at him and couldn't help laughing: "the love keepsake of your fourth brother must be a priceless object. If you give something so shabby to your sweetheart, wouldn't it make people laugh?"

Rong Sheng raised his eyebrows slightly and didn't say anything.

The fourth childe was afraid that someone outside would hear him, so he lowered his voice and said to him: "In this world, there are people who are greedy for money and profit, and there are people who do not want to repay their kindness. Obviously, the two of them are the latter. They are kind to save you, but the two of them are not rich. They have saved our food, drink and clothes these days. It's not easy. Let's... Although the kindness of a drop of water should be rewarded by a spring, we are far away If you leave today, you may not find it even if you want to repay your kindness in the future. "

That's all he said.

Rong Sheng has completely understood it.

Xie Wanjin knew very well that he might not have a chance to report this kindness in the future, so he left all his remaining belongings with the afur brothers and sisters. He also knew that he would not want to give them to the brothers and sisters, so he hid them under the pillow. When the brothers and sisters found out, they had already gone far and couldn't refuse to refuse.

Xie Si, the most incomprehensible thing is that he is smooth and not sophisticated, but a beauty lover can pass through a leaf in a thousand flowers without touching his body; he is greedy for money and profits, knows best to pursue good and avoid harm, but he also attaches importance to love and righteousness, which can support life and death.

Even if the people of National Normal University have seen countless faces in the world, they did not expect that such contradictory characters would integrate so well in one person.

Xie Wanjin has no ambition to stand tall and stand alone. He has no intention of competing with anyone. He just wants to hold Wanguan wealth and be his beautiful guest in the world under the name of brother Changguang.

Rongsheng thought so, and his eyes fell on Xie Wanjin's face. He didn't move away for a long time.

"What have you been watching me do?" Xie Wanjin took a hat and covered it on his head. He suddenly bowed down and stared at the eyes of the national master for a long time.

He couldn't help asking, "is it difficult that the fourth brother is particularly handsome today?"

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