Xie Wanjin thought about what to do after meeting his third brother. He changed into the little boy's clothes brought by Wei Song. He was taken by the dark pile to a miscellaneous yard, mixed with twenty or thirty people who bought food materials, and carried a basket into the back door of Peking University King's courtyard.

Lao Li, who took him in, was obviously an old hand. He was also an acquaintance with the steward inside. After they met, they exchanged greetings, smiled on their faces, and didn't show any guilt. The steward and the boys in the king's court didn't check them when they brought them back. They just turned around and let them move in.

The fourth childe looks rough these days and hasn't even shaved his stubble. In order to pretend to be more like the people in Wuzhou City, he has deliberately blackened his face. He moves things with his head down and works harder than a group of young men. No one can see that he is a Marquis of Yan Jinyi who enjoys wealth and glory by relying on his two brothers.

The king of Peking University, yeluhua, was obviously a suspicious man. His servants were asked to move back the food materials and utensils to be used in the house, and no idle people were allowed to enter the door. The boys moved all the food materials to the dining room, so they went to busy their original work, leaving Xie Wanjin empty.

"All the things have been bought back?" the Spooner in the dining room came out with a big spoon at this time. He looked through the ingredients in the basket with one hand and said, "there are distinguished guests these days. The master doesn't know when to order a banquet. Things have to be more complete."

Xie Wanjin silently turned and walked out.

"Hey." as a result, the Spooner suddenly shouted and pointed the spoon at him, "when did you come? I haven't seen you before?"

Xie Wanjin Weidun quickly reacted and said with a smile, "I'm a sweeper in the front yard. Just now they were short of hands to move things, so I came up to help."

Lao Li, who brought him in, was afraid of complications. He quickly said, "yes, there are too many things today. I asked him to give me a hand."

"Oh, no wonder you look at me." the master said, and couldn't help looking at Xie Wanjin more. His eyes were full of doubts, and his mouth said, "when did the people in the front yard be so kind? Isn't it usually cow like?"

Xie Wanjin was surprised: No, I forgot to ask how the people in the big king's courtyard of the North mansion were divided in advance.

One side of Lao Li was also empty in his heart. He quickly gave him a wink, and then turned around and answered with the palm to divert his attention.

The fourth childe slightly raised his eyebrows and quickly slipped away.

He walked out of the dining room, bowed his head and walked forward all the way. If he could avoid people, he would avoid them. If he couldn't avoid them, he would smile at people. He looked familiar with everyone all the way. He walked two cups of tea on his face and met more than ten or twenty people. He didn't realize that he was not here at all.

But just as Xie Wanjin was walking freely as if he had returned to his own house, he suddenly found that he seemed to be lost.

The palace of Peking University is too big.

Also, the meeting hall and Xie Xuan are too far from the dining room.

Even the fourth childe had asked Lao Li how to go before he came. Now he walked around a few times and couldn't find the north.

He was dizzy and stood in the corridor. When he tried to distinguish which way to go, a steward came over with four boys.

"Why are you standing here?" when the steward saw him, he frowned and said, "the flowers in the front garden have been broken by frost and snow. Don't you hurry to help move into the Flower Pavilion!"

"Yes, I'll go now."

The fourth childe quickly bowed his head and followed the steward.

He couldn't help thinking:

Did you have a hard day today?

In order to get in, he moved a lot of things. Now he has to move flowers. The northern king is thinking all day. What else does he plant in such a cold place as Wuzhou City?

Xie Wanjin scolded yeluhua 300 times in his heart. After walking through several doors with the steward and the boy in front, he saw that the whole garden in front was planted with many varieties of snow lotus flowers, white, red, some light cyan and ice blue, at least hundreds.

Rao is the fourth childe. He is used to seeing the rich childe of huatuan brocade family. He is stunned.

Snow lotus is different from other flowers.

It is too special, very rare and difficult to grow. It is longer in ice and snow, cold and open, but there is no fixed flowering period.

The key is that it can be used as medicine and is expensive.

Which normal person would put such a valuable thing without selling it, just take a look?

Xie Wanjin secretly scolded: sick.

Before the fourth childe could spit more in his heart, the steward began to urge everyone to move these into the Flower Pavilion, "be sharp!"

Several boys hurried forward and moved up. Xie Wanjin had no choice but to carry flower pots in the garden despite the wind and snow.

It's been snowing for days. These flowers and leaves are covered with frost and snow, and the basin is frozen. It takes a lot of effort to move out of the snow.

The fourth childe was delicate and expensive. He was sweating profusely before moving twice. It happened that the steward had been standing on the side and didn't leave. He also called for several boys to move together.

For a time, the garden was full of boys moving flower pots around.

Xie Wanjin has been looking for a chance to escape. As a result, he was stared at and couldn't get away.

He cried bitterly and thought that he would tear down the Beifu King's courtyard if he had a chance.

Fuck his uncle's Snow Lotus!

Since yeluhua likes planting so much, he must tell his elder brother to ban this guy in the future and let him be a flower farmer all his life.

Flying snow mixed with rain fell down and got into Xie Wanjin's skirt, which was cold to the bone.

But he was tired and sweating. It was cold and hot. It was really deadly.

What's more, someone not far away respectfully shouted, "king."

Xie Wanjin shook his hand and almost dropped the flowerpot.

He thought: what kind of luck is this?

How far did I get into the royal palace courtyard? I didn't even see the third brother's clothes. I met the North King first?

For fear of being recognized, the fourth childe hurriedly carried the flowerpot into the Flower Pavilion. When all the boys were busy going out to kowtow and salute, he slipped away from the side door.

I'm kidding. Jeremiah and the people around them are not vegetarian.

Ordinary steward can't recognize the fourth young master Xie, but the capable people under the northern king are afraid that they have already checked the abilities and looks of the Xie family. If they recognize him at a glance, how can he be alive today?

Thirty six strategies are the best.

Xie Wanjin bypassed the Flower Pavilion and went to the other side. As a result, he heard a neat sound of footsteps coming closer and closer to the corner.

It's obviously the guard patrolling the Royal Palace of Peking University.

Xie Wanjin knew he couldn't go any further. As soon as he was about to turn back, he found that there were patrol guards behind him.

This time, there are wolves before and tigers after.

The fourth childe didn't have time to think about it. He pushed the door on the side. Seeing that the door could be opened, he immediately dodged in and closed the door quickly.

The patrolling guards were getting closer and closer. He didn't dare to walk around. For fear that he would be found if he made a noise, he held his breath and listened carefully to what was happening outside.

After a long time.

Xie Wanjin finally waited until the guards with swords outside patrolled here and left. He was about to stand up straight and relax. He didn't even have time to stretch, so he heard the voices of those people not far away.

"Xie Xuan and ye Wuji have been staying in Wuzhou City. I'm afraid Emperor Yan is suspicious of the king and doesn't know what he will do?"

"I think they have something important to do here, but somehow they keep it so tight."

"Da Yan's chief assistant is deep in the city and can't be underestimated by thunder means. King, we'd better start first..."

When the fourth childe heard this sentence at the door, he could hardly help swearing on the spot.

What's going on?

What the hell is going on?

He just went into a room to hide. Why did Jeremiah and his confidants come here?

Xie Wanjin greeted Jerusha in his heart. His ancestors were eighteen generations, but he held his breath and dared not go out.

He squatted behind the door and looked through the crack at the crowd outside.

The fourth childe watched the middle-aged man at the front push the door. His peach eyes widened, and he couldn't help but say:

It's over. I'm handsome at my age, and I'm going to die here.

Brother! Third brother!

Help me!

Before the fourth childe finished howling, someone rushed outside the door and gasped: "Your Majesty, there are distinguished guests coming!"

The sound came in time. The man reached out to push the door. His fingertips almost touched the door and slowly took it back.

Outside the door, Jeremiah paused for a moment and said, "let him go to the side hall."

After saying this, Jeremiah said a few more words to his confidants, and then he slowly went away.

Xie Wanjin was frightened behind the door, and his inner clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

He raised his sleeve, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, looked around the room, looked at the furnishings and rows of bookshelves and volumes, and found that it was like jeriva's study.

No wonder he came here with some confidants just now.

The fourth childe thought he was unlucky and was watched by others. It was a false alarm.

As he raised his hand and patted his heart, he looked at the things in the room. As he walked, he found that there was still a hole in the study. The outside was like a business place for Yar Wah, and there was an inner room of about the same size inside.

After Xie Wanjin walked in, he found that the furnishings inside were completely different from those outside. It was more like an elegant room somewhere in the south of the Yangtze River, with incense, calligraphy, painting, bead curtain and jade light fan.

As he walked, he looked around carefully. When he reached the most central position in the interior, he was suddenly stunned.

There is a picture hanging in the middle of the room. The woman in the picture is wearing a red cloak. Looking back, it seems that the cloud sleeved skirts are dancing lightly by the wind. They are smiling and beautiful. The most important thing is that the woman in the picture is carved in the same mold as his family's little six.

Xie Wanjin was stunned when he saw the picture, and then he was angry. He was scared twice just now, and he still could hold his anger.

I can't stand it now.

"Jeremiah, how old are you? How dare you miss my little six?" the fourth childe was so angry that he clenched his teeth. "I'll kill you old man!"

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