The Xie family has been full of Yang and Yin for many years. It's just a girl like Xiao Liu. Usually everyone has to be like something.

Xie Wanjin, who is the fourth brother, gives whatever he wants. Occasionally, Xiao Liu's sewing work can't be done. He pesters him and calls the fourth brother a few times. He agrees to help him do it. Miss Liu LengSheng, who is like a pearl like treasure, forces the fourth brother who doesn't touch the spring water on his fingers to do anything.

Even if the sixth lady at home said that the needlework made by others was too good. It was nothing like what I did. Only the fourth brother made it as ugly as me. No one else could learn it. He could only recognize it.

It was the precious sister he held in his heart that was thought of by Xiao, an old man like yeluwa.

The fourth childe was disgusted at the mere thought of it. He strode forward and raised his hand to tear down the painting and tear it to pieces.

But the moment his hand touched the portrait, his mind suddenly calmed down.

This is the king's Court of Peking University, the nest of yaruhua.

If the things in his study were destroyed, he would immediately suspect the third brother.

The fourth childe bit his teeth and stubbornly closed his hands back to his sleeves.

Originally, both sides were on guard at this time. If something happened, everything would be magnified countless times, which became the reason to take people's lives.

Xie Wanjin closed his eyes, laboriously adjusted his mood and breathed out:

I have to hold back.

At present, the lives of the third brother and the people are the most important. As for this Jeremiah, there will be plenty of opportunities to settle accounts in the future.

Thinking so, he couldn't help looking at the picture again.

No, I'm still angry!

The fourth childe couldn't control his hands. For the sake of safety, he turned out of the inner room, went to the window and looked outside. After making sure that there was no one around, he planned to turn over the window and go out.

At the moment when he raised his legs and was ready to turn over, a man suddenly hung upside down from the eaves. The man with long hair danced wildly in the wind, and the other party's face enlarged in front of him.

Xie Wanjin was so frightened that he lost his voice and screamed.

The man quickly covered Xie Wanjin's mouth, turned down from the eaves, pulled him out of the house again, and whispered, "fourth childe, it's me."

Xie Wanjin returned to his mind for a while and saw the visitor's face, "Qing er?"

"Yes, it's me." Qing Er nodded and said with joy: "fourth childe, it's great that you're still alive!"

Lord Shoufu used all the dark stakes in the city to find the whereabouts of the fourth childe. He didn't expect to be bumped by the one sent by him to squat in yeluhua's study.

What good luck is this?

The fourth childe raised his hand and gave the second ranked Qingyi guard a big slap in the face. He scolded angrily and funny: "you're OK to answer! You hang upside down from the top so quietly. I'm afraid you don't think your fourth childe has lived too long and want to scare me to death?"

He was scared again and again today. He had almost used that courage for a long time.

The courtyard of the royal residence is so big that few people come to the study. Today, it's sleet and rain. It's dark and gloomy. The eaves suddenly hang upside down.

If you change a timid person, I'm afraid he'll drive the crane West on the spot.

Piansheng qinger is quite wronged.

He raised his hand, rubbed his head and whispered, "we are dark guards. We just come and go without a trace."

"You can shut up," Xie Wanjin said quietly. "Where's my third brother? Take me to him."

"OK." just as Qing ER was about to stretch out his hand and pull him to fly up, he suddenly remembered something. He turned back and reminded him, "fourth childe, why don't you close your eyes first?"

"That's about the same."

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and patted Qing Er on the shoulder. As a result, his boasting voice did not fall.

Qing er jumped onto the roof with him, braved the wind and snow, and didn't give him time to prepare at all.

The fourth childe immediately: "

Why do I want to swear so much today?!

I can't hold my anger.

However, Qing ER was angry and reliable. He capsized into the conference hall with Xie Wanjin and reported: "Lord Shoufu, the fourth childe is still fine."

"It's not very good."

Xie Wanjin was top heavy and light. He couldn't even open his eyes. He stretched out his hand to hold the table.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the expressionless third brother on the desk, and his mind became blank.

The next moment, the fourth childe bypassed the table and rushed to Xie Yu. Wei was wronged and shouted, "third brother!"

Lord Shoufu didn't expect him to come suddenly. Without fortification, he was hugged by his bear. For a moment, his face was a little complicated.

Xie Wanjin couldn't cry at once, but it was true that he was flustered at the end of the day. He said quickly, "I'm very frightened today and moved a lot of things. I'm very tired. Qing Er, a heartless man, also hung upside down from the beam to scare me. He almost scared me to go directly to the West... Third brother, please help me shout..."

"Xie Wanjin!" Xie Zhen shouted to him.

I don't know if the frightened soul of the fourth childe can shout back. Anyway, everyone in the Council hall thinks it's very cold in the room.

Including Ye Zhiqiu, there were seven or eight Qingyi guards who came back to report. They pulled their skirts one after another, hoping to keep warm.

Xie Wanjin was still hanging on the third brother and refused to come down, but for a moment, he was so cold that he loosened his hand.

He took two breaths of heat into his palm, rubbed his hands again, and continued: "and yeluhua's thing is really not a fucking person. He actually hung the portrait of our little six in the study, study! That's not enough to see every day! Every day? It's interesting to see this old thing! I want to repair a book and tell my elder brother how many days this old thing can live!"

"Have you been to jeriva's study?"

Xie Xuan's eyes looked at the fourth childe with some complexity.

"Yes, I just came out from there." Xie Wanjin turned back as he walked to the brazier. "I wanted to go in and check whether there was a secret letter or not. As a result, I saw the old man hanging a picture of Xiao Liu. It annoyed me. I just wanted to kill him. I couldn't care about anything else."

Lord Shoufu thought for a moment and didn't speak for a moment.

"If only the fourth childe had nothing to do." Ye Zhiqiu came forward and said, "it's not urgent to kill that old thing. At this moment, miss six is only thirteen or four years old. He dares to think about it. He's tired of living!"

A group of Qingyi guards echoed one after another, and their opinions were surprisingly consistent: Damn the old thing!

Then the people gathered around Xie Wanjin and asked him where he had gone these days. There was no news of how he had gone.

I was very worried when I didn't find anyone. Now I see that he is fine, but his appearance is rough. I feel relieved at once.

There were also one or two distressed four CHILDES who were suffering, so they could not help asking more questions.

"It's a long story. It's not too late to talk about it when you're free."

The fourth childe roasted the fire and thought it would be difficult to tell them more about Rong Sheng. What's more, he became both a father and a mother for the national teacher all the way. No one dared to believe it.

Fearing that these people would ask more questions, he quickly opened his mouth and said, "don't all surround me. Hurry to serve me with pen and ink. I'll fix a letter for my eldest brother and let him repair the old thing yeluwa."

Hearing the speech, the Qingyi guards hurried to prepare the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, but as soon as they turned their heads, they saw that the first auxiliary adult was standing behind the book case with no expression on his face. Suddenly, they dared not reach out and could only retreat to one side silently.

Xie Wanjin kept warm by the brazier and waited for a while. Before they brought the pen and ink, he couldn't help looking back.

Xie Xuan brushed his sleeve and sat down. In a cold tone, he said, "fix books for your eldest brother? Don't you plan to go back to the imperial capital?"

The fourth childe was stunned for a moment, turned around and said with a smile: "I'm fine. It's rare to come to Wuzhou City. I want to stay longer..."

He said, and gave himself a reason, "what's more, I don't know who wants to kill me. I can't go back until I find out. If I'm so confused and run for my life back to the capital, won't I lose the reputation of our Xie family?"

"Are you still afraid of losing the face of Xie's family?" Xie said expressionless.

Xie Wanjin suddenly choked on him.

Just a moment.

He reacted and said with a smile, "what's the third brother saying? I'm just doing my own business, but I can't do anything to drag the two brothers back."

After the first auxiliary adult sat down, his eyes looked at him coldly, "I think someone dragged your leg."

"This..." Xie Wanjin was right on his mind and almost stuttered. He quickly said with a smile: "what's the meaning of this? I can't understand the third brother now."

"Can't you understand?"

Xie Xuan picked up the book on one side and smashed it on the fourth childe's face.

Xie Wanjin didn't dare to hide. He let him hit his face and had to continue to laugh. "Brother three has worked hard these days. If I can make you smile, you can hit it. I won't fight back and don't hide."

The elder brother, Shoufu, came all the way to get involved in danger. He should have a bad temper.

He's a brother. Let him if he can.

What else can you do?

The brother spoke... Even if there was a fight, the green guards on the side didn't dare to interrupt or look more. They turned their eyes to avoid it.

Ye Zhiqiu gave the fourth childe a look of "you ask for more luck", and then silently raised his hand and covered his eyes.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and looked at his third brother with a sincere face.

He almost engraved the words "I'm obedient" on his forehead for his third brother to see.

"Xie Yu!" he was so angry that he called him by his name and surname. In a cold voice, "are you wrong?"

Usually at this time, Xie Wanjin nods to admit whether he is wrong or not.

But now, his soul is still flying outside. Suddenly, he doesn't know what to say about his fault.

The fourth childe hesitated for a moment. When he raised his hand to look at his third brother, he found that his eyebrows were tight and his handsome face was as cold as ice. He was about to scold him.

Xie Wanjin grabbed his voice and sat on the ground with a "Dong" sound.

He looked up at Xie Yu and said bitterly, "suddenly my legs are a little soft. I can't stand up at once. Just sit and listen. What's the third brother going to say?"

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