Others were kneeling to the ground when their legs were soft. The fourth childe was sitting on the ground when his legs were soft. He almost lay down to listen to the training.

Rao Shifu is used to seeing that the fourth childe is out of tune. At this moment, he can't help being angry.

But Xie Wanjin's words are not all deceptive. He has done a lot of physical work today. He is top heavy and light. The cold sweat on his temples is not completely dry. He is wearing a little boy's clothes, which are wet by rain and snow, and clings to him tightly.

How miserable it is.

Xie Xuan looked at him like this and was speechless for a moment.

After a while, the talent of Shoufu University said again, "if you go out to play, the scenery of the cities around Dijing is not enough for you to see? If not, which place in Nanhua Fugui township of the 13th city of Jiang'an is not better than that of Wuzhou City? What do you go to this cold place to see?"

Xie Wanjin immediately said, "my third brother doesn't know. The snow in September in Wuzhou is more strange than the scenery elsewhere. When I finish my business this time, I'll take my third brother to enjoy the snow..."

Xie Yu interrupted coldly, "your parents are here. Don't you travel far, Xie Yu! Don't you ask your father and aunt how they are now?"

The fourth childe was stunned for a moment, and then said, "third brother, you read more books than me. You should know that after your parents don't travel far, there is another sentence called you must be good. I used to go far when I was doing business. My parents' aunt has long been used to it, and I wrote home letters every time I went to a city. They should..."

As he spoke, he suddenly noticed something. He looked up anxiously and asked Xie Yu, "third brother, do you suddenly say such words, my father's mother..."

Xie Wanjin suddenly stopped. His father's mother had an idea in case he didn't dare to think about it.

The Xie family has only his parents. Although his father has been afraid of internal affairs for many years and never dared to speak for him when his mother told him to twist his ears, he is a good father.

Although a Niang always said that it would be nice if he had half the courage of his eldest brother and three points of ah Yu's strategy, a Niang just said so. She never really forced him to be a wonderful person.

The fourth childe dares to say that he has a wonderful fortune. He is blessed by nature. Most of it comes from his parents' love for his son.

If something happens to them

Xie Wanjin quickly stood up with his hands. "Third brother, you talk! What's the matter with my father's mother?"

Xie Xuan originally wanted to scare the fourth childe so that he could be jealous, but seeing that he was so frightened, he immediately said in a deep voice: "the third aunt thought too much, had nightmares, fainted several times, and the medicine stone was ineffective. The imperial doctor said she had to take medicine carefully."

"How could this happen?" Xie Wanjin was so anxious.

He knew that the third brother would not deceive him with such a thing.

But it was because I knew it too well that I was more worried.

The fourth childe stopped dizzy and walked to the table with a vain step. He barely stood firm with one hand on the corner of the table. "My aunt has always been healthy. Why are she having nightmares and falling ill? This... What quacks are those in the Tai hospital?"

Xie Xuan saw that he was so anxious that he began to scold the imperial doctor. He couldn't help saying in a cool tone: "then why do you know your life and death and have no trace?"

Xie Wanjin was completely speechless.

Seeing this, they secretly glanced at them, and silently turned their heads to look elsewhere.

Ye Zhiqiu on one side couldn't see it anymore. He turned back and said to Xie Wanjin, "the third lady is anxious about her son. She's too worried. I heard that her nightmares are all about you. Then Cheng Susheng can't sleep. The disease comes like a mountain. Medicine can cure the disease, but it can't cure the heart. People's eyes look at it and lose their shape."

"How's my aunt now?" Xie Wanjin listened to Ye Zhiqiu's three or two sentences, his eyes reddened and said urgently, "I'm all right. Why is my aunt ill?"

Ye Zhiqiu coughed twice. "Since you're all right, the third lady will surely be able to raise you back slowly when she knows the news. Just if she just sends a letter back to Dijing, the third lady might not believe it. The fourth childe had better go back to Dijing to have a look. If the third lady sees you safe and sound, no matter what disease, she can get well immediately."

"Yes, I'm going back to take care of my aunt." Xie Wanjin said, turning to Xie Yu, "third brother, I......"

"You go back to Beijing immediately." Xie Xuan didn't give him much time to think, and immediately ordered the people, "Qing Er, you take someone to escort the fourth childe back to the capital and set off immediately."

Qing Er turned around with several green guards and said, "yes."

When they have finished the ceremony, they shall stretch out their hand and give thanks to all the gold.

The fourth childe was full of a Niang's illness. He suddenly woke up. Don't open Qing er's hand, look up and say to Xie Yu: "leave now? Don't hurry. I still have something to do..."

"What's the matter?" Xie Xuan said faintly, "you're right. I'll do it for you."


Xie Wanjin couldn't say it for a moment.

Rong Sheng wants a lot of face. If anyone knows that he broke his leg, he'll be annoyed half to death.

Seeing that he had been silent, Xie Xuan couldn't help but hurried in a cold voice: "what's the matter? What are you doing?"

Ye Zhiqiu helped to make things right. "Yes, if the fourth childe has anything, just say it. We will do it for you if we can."

Xie Wanjin pondered for a long time before he thought about it and said, "brother Rong, he was seriously injured..."

"Sure enough, it's because of Rong Sheng." Xie Yu said faintly, "OK, I know. Go back."

Xie Wanjin was afraid that the third brother would not rest assured about it. He hurriedly said, "Rong Sheng was hurt because of me, third brother..."

He thought for a moment and continued: "I'm not in a hurry to go back to Dijing. At this moment, I'd better go and talk to him myself. He... If I'm too angry to cure the injury, I'll really become a loser in the future. I don't know what I owe him."

Ye Zhiqiu's face froze when he heard the speech.

Xie Yu's eyes looked at him like ink, looking more and more complex.

For a moment, no one in the whole Council hall spoke.

Xie Wanjin stood in place and thought about how he could take care of the seriously ill a Niang and the broken leg Rong Sheng.

Dijing is sure to go back. The world is big, and Aung is the biggest.

Brother Rong's leg must be cured. I don't know where the cold river is

Brother Rong, can we go to Hanchuan together after he returns to Dijing to take good care of Aung?

The fourth childe thought in a mess.

Suddenly, Xie Yu said coldly, "you decide your own business. Can I tie you back to Dijing?"

The green guards in the Council hall bowed their heads and said in their hearts: Lord Shoufu can actually do it.

You've done this before.

But the fourth childe is different from others.

Lord Shoufu obviously let go. It's just that his words are so cold and hard.

Xie Wanjin looked back, nodded and said, "then I'll help him arrange the doctor and other things, and then I'll go back to Dijing. I'll just hurry up at that time."

His voice grew softer and softer.

Fortunately, Xie didn't show him a cold face again.

Lord Shoufu took out a brocade handkerchief from his sleeve and handed it to him expressionless, "wipe it. If the elder brother knows, he will say I bully you."

Xie Wanjin quickly picked it up, casually touched his face, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "third brother is very nice."

Xie Xuan ignored him and silently turned his head and looked away.

It's common for the fourth childe to say "the eldest brother is very kind" or "who is very kind".

It was the first time that Shoufu heard it.

It feels... Strange.

It was as if he had become like his elder brother in Xie Wanjin's heart.

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