Peking University King's hospital.

The patrolling guard hurried into the gate of the palace and exclaimed, "hurry! Report to the king that another big man is coming to Wuzhou City!"

Layers of guards ran in to spread news. Fireworks were gorgeous in the air, and the royal palace courtyard was chaotic and noisy.

Even Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu, who were discussing in the Council hall, were shocked. They went to the window and looked up at the purple fireworks in the sky.

Their eyes reflected infinite brilliance.

Xie Yu Tone slightly cool way: "Purple fire Lingtian, is Rongsheng."

"Zihuo Lingtian?" Ye Zhiqiu was shocked and said, "is this zihuo Lingtian from the master's residence of the state of Western Chu? Is it possible that Rongsheng's serious injury hurt his brain? He will come soon after he comes. Do you have to let the whole Wuzhou City know that his master has arrived? Is it because he is afraid that the people who want to kill him can't find him, so... Specially remind people?"

Lord Shoufu looked at the horizon and looked more and more complex. He didn't speak for a long time.

One side of the green one whispered: "the national master has always been a mystery. Today's movement is really incomprehensible."

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but say, "the more complicated the situation is, the more abnormal these people are."

She looked back at Xie Yu, "if this is in accordance with Rong Sheng's previous style of behavior, it should be dormant in the dark and come out unexpectedly to give a fatal blow. It's simple and neat to be like him. It looks like him now. I'm afraid the brain is still badly hurt."

Xie Yu was silent for a long time before he said, "Wanjin should go out of the city."

"What?" Ye Zhiqiu reacted for a long time, and said in disbelief, "what do you mean..."

She seemed to think of something, and immediately shook her head, "how is this possible? If you say it... Who dares to believe it?"

Xie Yu glanced at her in a faint tone, but he had an unquestionable bearing.

He said: "Rong Sheng is here to be an arrow target."

Ye Zhiqiu opened her mouth and didn't speak for a long time.

Qing Yi was also very surprised. He looked up and asked, "what does chief Fu mean... Is that the national master helping us?"

"More than that." Xie Yu only said two words, then turned and walked back to the table.

Ye Zhiqiu followed him back and said, "there are all kinds of strange things in the world. Now even the arrow target is robbed?"

Hearing the speech, Shoufu couldn't help but feel his handsome face slightly heavy.

Seeing his appearance, ye Zhiqiu suddenly remembered what the third childe said in front of his majesty. He was the first one to come to Wuzhou as an arrow target.

Now she said Rong Sheng, didn't she also say the third childe?

She couldn't help but raise her hand and touch her earlobe. She said angrily, "people these days are really not afraid of death, aren't they... People these days are..."

Ye Zhiqiu originally wanted to say something nice. However, he was short of words and gave himself a pit.

Xie Xuan looked at her for a moment and couldn't help reaching out and rubbing the center of his eyebrows.

Qing Yi glanced at them on the side and just thought about how to open his mouth to make it round.

A dark shadow outside the window suddenly swept in.

Qing 15 stopped a few steps away, slowed down and walked to the front of the case, Salute: "I'd like to inform Chief Fu that the fourth childe has left the city and returned to Beijing. The special envoy comes down to tell you, and..."

He suddenly paused. He didn't know how to tell Lord Shoufu that the fourth childe asked him to help take care of the national teacher.

Thanks to the fourth childe, it's so natural to order.

What do you want to say about it?

Xie Xuan waited for a moment and asked, "what else?"

"The fourth childe said..." Qing fifteen looked up slightly and looked at Lord Shoufu, "please help him look after Rongsheng."

When the sound fell, ye Zhiqiu and Qing Yi were speechless.

"He's really worried about a lot." Xie Xuan's lips raised an invisible arc. "The national teacher still needs my care? Now he's helping the fourth childe look after me."

Green fifteen suddenly: "...."

He paused for a long time, then lowered his head and said again: "I don't know, my subordinates just help the fourth childe send messages..."

"All right." Xie Yu waved his hand expressionless, "step back."

Qing 15 withdrew like an amnesty.

Ye Zhiqiu pondered for a long time and couldn't help asking, "fourth childe, this... Rongsheng that... What are they doing?"

"Don't worry." Xie Xuan seemed to be answering her words, but more like saying to himself, "when you get back to Dijing, ask him well."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, "you have to ask about it. Otherwise they will be confused."

Hearing the speech, Qing Yi said silently in his heart:

Fourth childe, please help yourself.

Xie Xuan suddenly raised his eyes and looked at him, "tell the elder brother about the book repair."

"This..." Qingyi said, 'this is not very good', but seeing that Shoufu's face was as cold as frost, he didn't dare to say much at once. He quickly replied: "yes, my subordinates are going now."

He said that and hurried out.

For a moment, only Ye Zhiqiu and Xie Yu were left in the whole Council hall.

Lord Shoufu sat at his desk and looked thoughtful.

Ye Zhiqiu walked up to him lightly, "Lord Shoufu, what are you thinking? The fourth childe has returned to Beijing, and there is Rongsheng running out of Wuzhou City to stir up the situation. Shouldn't you be a little relieved?"

"Get out."

Xie Xuan frowned and gave her two words.

"OK." Ye Zhiqiu answered, turned and walked out without half a minute of mud and water.

When she reached out to open the door, she thought of something again. She turned back and said to Xie: "I'll watch outside. If you have something to do, you can call me, um... If you have nothing to do, you can call me, as long as you want..."

Xie Yu said indifferently, "the door is closed."

"Good, good."

Ye Zhiqiu stepped out of the conference hall and reached out to help him close the door.

Then he stood on the door for a while, looked up at the sky full of purple fireworks, raised his lips and smiled, "apart from others, the purple fireworks are really beautiful."

She made a silent note in her heart:

I watched fireworks with Sanxian today.

The man in the door raised his pen to write, and put it down a little upset.

Xie Yu got up and went out of the window. He looked up at the fireworks in the sky. His eyes were as bright as ink Burning disorder.

What is the relationship between Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng?

Let people do this for him.

When he was in the Western Chu, Rong Sheng stood on the side of warming wine and gave the whole western Chu to Dayan. It can be said that the people of the National Normal University think of the overall situation, but today

It's really not the big picture.

It's clearly an affair 。

He felt a little headache and remembered that the fourth childe said that there was a picture of Xiao Liu hanging in Jeremiah's study.

Xiao Liu is only 13 years old. He has been raised in the Xie family and has never been away from his elders. Although he looks great, he is only cardamom. His youth has attracted the childe brothers in the imperial capital to look back and make a lot of jokes for the "Xie girl".

But how could lord be over forty, and how could he have thought about a little girl like her?

Xie Xuan frowned and pondered:

It's definitely not that simple.

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