Emperor capital, Xie mansion.

Xie Xiaoliu stands in front of the bronze mirror He changed the gorgeous clothes he had worn into plain big sleeves, and took off all the valuable hair ornaments on his head. He only took a red hair band and tied it with ink like green silk.

The girl in the age of cardamom has a slim body, a thin waist and a beautiful face. She is really like a lotus face and a willow eyebrow.

The little maids on the side of the body felt more and more that it was too dangerous to let her go out alone. They all whispered, "Miss Liu, why don't you think about it again? If your majesty and chief Fu know that you are going out of the city alone, you will be furious. Then..."

"Then hide it from them and don't let them know?"

Xie Xiaoliu said, lifting his eyes and smiling at the people.

Ladies in waiting: "

When the six young ladies didn't speak, they were as beautiful as the fairy coming out of the picture.

But once he opened his mouth to speak, he brought worldly smoke and anger. He was witty and cunning, but he made people speechless.

"Well, well, I've heard these words 800 times. I've sneaked out to play alone countless times. I haven't seen anything happen?" Xie Xiaoliu comforted when he saw the crowd like this: "What's more, I'm not sneaking out to play. I'm going to do business. I'll go back after I finish it. I'll never stay outside more, will I?"

The ladies could not say anything to stop her for a moment.

Who let the Xie family be such a girl? On weekdays, her brothers are all powerful outside. When they come home, they are more and more used to this one in the family.

Not to mention her majesty, who always held her in the palm of his hand, and the fourth childe who smiled with a third when meeting people, even the chief auxiliary, who didn't have a good face for anyone, returned to the house and had to be much more gentle to others for the transfer of this sister.

Originally, the little six and little seven twins grew up together and do everything together. That is, in recent years, the seventh childe wants to go to school to learn martial arts. If his majesty and the first auxiliary adult are free, they will take the test. If they have so little leisure, they will have to be pulled by the fourth childe to learn to do things. They are busy.

Miss six is different, Poetry, calligraphy, rites, music, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are all things she throws aside if she wants to learn. The biggest headache is that she has to be pressed by the old lady and the third lady to be a needlework from time to time.

Obviously, they were born in the stomach of the same mother, but their lives are very different.

Xie Xiaoliu was afraid that the maids would chant around her again. He opened his mouth first and said, "where's pearl? Why hasn't she come back?"

As soon as she said this, pearl pushed the door and came in, "Miss..."

Seeing this, Xie Xiaoliu picked all the pearls and jade from his body and put them on the dressing table. Looking out of the window, he asked pearl, "have people been attracted?"

"The maidservant sent them away." Pearl whispered, "miss six, do you really want to sneak out of the city? At present, several CHILDES are not in the house. If something happens to you..."

Xie Xiaoliu raised his head and gently clicked the little maid's forehead. "What are you talking about? Quickly bah twice and say it again!"

Hearing the speech, pearl quickly did so, raised her hand and patted her lips, "look at the mouth of the maidservant! The young lady will certainly not have an accident!"

She said so, but unconsciously raised her hand and thanked Xiao Liu. "Miss, why don't I go with you?"

God knows how precious these masters in the house are. The sixth lady watched her grow up. She was afraid that those naughty children outside would come in the middle of the night Climb the wall. The guards outside the yard are surrounded by more than three floors.

When Pearl went to send the men away, she made a great effort and sweated hard.

"That's no good. You have to stay and be miss six today." Xie Xiaoliu raised his hand and touched the little maid, with curved eyebrows and eyes. "Next time, next time I go out to play, I'll take you with me. Today I'm going to do business, so Pearl's still in the house."

The girl's voice is soft and soft. She speaks with an irresistible tenderness.

Pearl could only nod.

What else the other little maids wanted to say was stopped by Xie Xiaoliu's gesture.

She was in a hurry to go out. She really didn't have time to say more to these little maids. She smiled and turned out of the window on the far right. Then she went out to the back garden and walked to the corner where several plum trees were planted.

For fear of being seen, Xie Xiaoliu looked left and right for a while. After confirming that no one was coming this way, he got into the tunnel, got out of Xie's house and went directly to the alley next street.

She didn't know how many times she had done such a thing. When she came out of the dark way, she met several homeless dogs and threw some cakes.

At the entrance of the alley stood a very ordinary green cloth carriage. The coachman was an old man in his fifties who was dozing in front.

This man used to be the most common groom in the imperial capital. When Xie Xiaoliu sneaked out of the house, he made a good relationship. From then on, he became her special coachman outside Xie's house. He waited at the entrance of the alley on every day of the month. He didn't ask who Xie Xiaoliu was. He took the money and did things. They were all in peace with each other.

Xie Xiaoliu walked over, snapped his fingers, woke up the old man, raised his hand, opened the curtain, drilled into the carriage, and said very familiar: "Uncle Zhang, get up and go to the Xiangyun temple outside the city today."

The coachman, whom she called "Uncle Zhang", gave a cry of surprise and said, "isn't that Xiangyun temple the most effective place to ask for a son? You haven't married yet. Why dare you ask for a son in such a hurry?"

Xie Xiaoliu did it in the carriage. "Who says you can't ask before you get married? I can't ask for my brother and sister-in-law?"

"Drive." Uncle Zhang slowly whipped the horse and couldn't help laughing: "yes, it sounds strange. Your elders are worried about this kind of thing. What fire do you follow a little girl?"

Xie Xiao paused six times. "I... I'm just anxious to be an aunt."

A few days ago, she went to the palace to accompany her sister-in-law. It was originally a good thing, but she couldn't speak for a moment. She even joked that her sister-in-law hasn't been pregnant yet.

It's not good to warm wine. It took so long to get a little better. It's not urgent to have children. In fact, I want children more than anyone in my heart.

Even those old ministers who had been shouting all day that his majesty had no offspring and that the country was unstable did not mention it, but she said that in front of Wenjiu.

Xie Xiaoliu has been feeling bad since he returned to the house that day. He thought about how to make his sister-in-law happy. After asking for a long time, he learned that Xiangyun temple outside the imperial city was very effective. Today, he deliberately went out of the house to help his sister-in-law.

She didn't say anything about it. She just hoped that her sister-in-law would be pregnant with her eldest brother's child as soon as possible.

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