Zhang Bo took her out of the city in a green cloth carriage. The Xiangyun temple was far away. It took a long time for the carriage to reach the foot of the mountain.

Xie Xiaoliu came out after lunch. Now the sun is moving west.

She got out of the carriage and looked up at the Taoist temple on the hillside and the stone steps on the side. She couldn't help but take a deep breath. "The auspicious cloud temple is so high?"

"No." Uncle Zhang said with a smile, "you have to climb high enough and tired enough to prove that sincerity is spirit."

"What Uncle Zhang said is reasonable." Xie Xiaoliu smiled and went up the steps with his skirt. "Then your old man will wait for me here. I'll come back to the city with you after I beg."

"OK, I'll wait for you here." Uncle Zhang sat down next to the old uncle. Looking at a beautiful girl like her, he couldn't help asking, "you should be careful when you go up the mountain alone."

"I see."

Xie Xiaoliu answered in a clear voice and climbed the stone steps step by step.

On her way up the mountain, she met several young women who came back after praying for God, each carrying empty baskets. When she saw her, she always looked at her frequently.

Xie Xiaoliu felt a little strange. He couldn't help reaching out and touching his face. He whispered, "look what I do? Is there anything dirty on my face?"

Thinking like this, she couldn't help raising her sleeves and wiping her face. Seeing that the sun had gone to the west mountain, she couldn't help speeding up her steps to Xiangyun temple.

But it's too far away, and the mountain road is rugged and difficult to walk.

Miss Liu was born in Jingui. She usually takes a sedan chair near and a carriage far away. If there is anything at home, she never needs to do anything.

She was also idle and playful. She never climbed the mountain by herself. After walking for a while, she was tired and panting, holding the branch to stop.

Xie Xiaoliu couldn't help but know that he would not come alone. It's no easier to hire some sedan bearers than he was afraid.

But we've all come. We can't give up halfway.

Zhang Bo also said that only when he climbed high enough and tired enough could he be sincere, so that God's Prayer could be effective.

All right.

Xie Xiaoliu took a deep breath and continued to climb.

She stopped and rested many times along the way. She was tired and couldn't move her legs. It was difficult to breathe, but she never thought of turning back like this.

Xie Xiaoliu went up the mountain and finally arrived at Xiangyun temple before dark.

She walked vainly to the gate. The old Taoist who swept in front of the same stage said hello and walked in.

"Girl." the sweeping old Taoist suddenly shouted to her, "is the girl here to ask for a son?"

Xie Xiaoliu's tired brain couldn't turn over. He just smiled on his face and said softly, "yes."

She wanted to say that she helped her sister-in-law to ask for a son, but now she was so tired that he didn't want to say two more words to explain.

It was just a little strange why the old Taoist suddenly called her. He couldn't help asking, "what advice does Taoist priest have?"

"It's all right." the old Taoist shook his head and walked away while sweeping the ground.

Xie Xiaoliu stood at the door for a moment, feeling a little confused, but she didn't think much, so she stepped into the threshold.

A couple of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law helped each other and came out with a red light, "pregnant! Pregnant! Thank you for the protection of the god Buddha. Now we have a future in Lao Li's family!"

Xie Xiaoliu looked at them and walked away happily. He thought: OK, this place is effective. It's not in vain!

As she thought, she looked more and more crooked.

For a time, his legs were not soft. People didn't feel tired and went to the temple happily.

At the moment, dusk is approaching. Incense is in full bloom in the Xiangyun temple, surrounded by smoke. Looking at the young women coming out of it, Xie Xiaoliu is actually full of joy. He can't help feeling more and more that he is right.

However, she came in a hurry and didn't bring incense money. She took the money bag from her waist and gave it to the middle-aged Taoist who lit incense. She smiled and asked, "Taoist priest, this is some incense money I gave to the temple. This incense..."

Before she finished, the middle-aged Taoist handed her a incense stick in his hand, "please."

"Thank you very much." Xie Xiaoliu smiled and thanked. He turned around with incense and entered the temple.

She looked up for a moment. The statue of God in the temple had been for some years, but the incense table was full of lamps. It was obvious that it was ordered by the person who came to pray for God first, Above his head hung a plaque of "respond to every request".

Xie Xiaoliu thought silently in his heart. Even if he was sincere, he knelt on the futon with incense.

In fact, when she was so big, she wanted wind and rain, and she never asked for anything for herself in front of the god Buddha.

This is the first time for my sister-in-law. No, it should be for my eldest brother.

"Believer Xie Zishu, just ask for one thing. May your eldest brother and sister-in-law have a son early and have children in pairs." Xie Zishu whispered and worshipped three times in front of the statue. "If this wish is successful, believer will make a gold body for you and light a hundred years of incense in the future !”

When she finished, she got up and put the incense in the stove. She was just about to get up to get the son sending charm.

The middle-aged Taoist who had just received her incense suddenly came over and asked, "ask for a son?"


Xie Xiaoliu nodded and took a Qiuzi Fu from the shelf next to the incense table.

She was so pious that she forgot to ask for it for her sister-in-law, and didn't notice that the middle-aged Taoist's eyes had been on her.

Just listen to the other party ask: "is it already in the abdomen, want to have a son, or..."

"No." Xie Xiaoliu heard the speech and hurriedly said, "I haven't been pregnant yet."

She was afraid that the other party didn't understand, so she immediately added, "I just came to beg before I was pregnant."

The middle-aged Taoist looked at her from top to bottom and said, "if so, just worship is not enough."

"Ah?" Xie Xiaoliu didn't understand for a moment. He couldn't help frowning and said, "how can I do that? Silver? I have..."

As she spoke, she touched the silver note hidden in her sleeve.

My sister-in-law said that when you go out, you can't put your silver in one place. You should have money in your pocket, in your sleeve, and in places that others can't think of.

The middle-aged Taoist was slightly stunned. "It's not just about silver. If you really want to have a son, you'd better stay in this temple for one night."

"Stay?" Xie Xiaoliu said, "don't you just worship God and pray? Why stay?"

The middle-aged Taoist pretended to be mysterious and said, "the secret of heaven must not be revealed."

"Well..." Xie Xiaoliu didn't think much for a moment, but said, "but Uncle Zhang is still waiting for me at the foot of the mountain. If I stay in the temple, won't he wait at the foot of the mountain all night?"

The middle-aged Taoist said, "it doesn't matter. I'll send someone down the mountain to talk to Uncle Zhang."

"But..." Xie Xiaoliu hesitated. After all, she hasn't stayed out for so many years. The elders at home will be worried when they know.

Seeing this, the middle-aged Taoist said, "sincerity is spirit. Think about it yourself. ”

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