As soon as Wenjiu and Xie Heng heard the news that Xiao Liu was missing, they left the palace overnight and rushed back to Xie's house.

On the way, I met the steward of Xie's house to report that Miss Liu had returned to the house safely.

But your majesty has gone out of the palace. Just come back and have a look.

The first is this sister. She really needs to be disciplined.

Second, the old grandmother is old. After today's toss, she is bound to feel unwell.

Even though the two were already light and easy to follow, when they entered the door, they could not help disturbing Xie's house.

In these few steps, there are more than ten or twenty maids holding lanterns and serving lamps alone.

Wen Jiu walked on Xie Heng's side and said to him as he walked quickly: "Xiao Liu is back. Don't be cruel to her later."

Xie Heng laughed angrily, took her hand and said in a low voice, "it's said that I'm a strict father and loving mother. I'm too used to her as a eldest brother. You spoil her, too. There's no one old or young in this family Will give her color to see, this just more and more don't know the importance! "

"Well, well, then you should give her a lecture. If you really have to do it, you should do it gently. ”

Wen Jiuxin ponders what this guy usually dotes on his sister.

I'm half angry now.

Later, the little girl shouted "elder brother" softly. I'm afraid she won't even be willing to say an important word.

Xie Heng didn't speak. When he stepped into the Songhe hall, Jun's face was slightly heavy.

The maid with the lantern on her side and the attendant boys all retreated silently for fear of being affected by the fish in the pond.

Sitting on the steps, Xie Xiaoliu and Xie Xiaoqi quickly stood up when they saw someone coming.

"Elder brother, sister-in-law." Xiao Qi came forward and said hello.

Xiao Liu knew he was wrong and stood where he was and didn't dare to come forward. "Elder brother, elder brother... How did you come back?"

"Oh." Xie Heng was so angry by her appearance that he said with a cold smile: "if I don't come back, isn't it even our family I don't know whether Miss Liu has gone to heaven or to the earth? "

The little girl sat on the steps to blow the cold wind. She thought a lot. Her eyes became more red when she heard this. Wei was wronged and whispered, "elder brother..."

Xie Heng strode over, raised his hand and knocked heavily on Xiao Liu's head, "you know there's a eldest brother at home!"

Xie Xiaoliu stretched out his hand without shouting pain. He hugged Xie Heng's waist, threw himself into his arms and said in a small voice, "I know I'm wrong, elder brother, don't annoy me..."

"You !” Xie Heng's fire was immediately extinguished. Originally, he wanted to teach the little girl a good lesson and discipline her.

But as soon as she came up, she admitted her mistake and wanted to hug her.

When his face sank, his majesty Yan Huang, who frightened the subjects of various countries, was stunned that he had no way to take this baby sister. Finally, he had to raise his hand and rub the little girl heavily, but sighed: "you."

The little girl nestled in his arms and gently sucked her nose.

I didn't want to let go for a while.

Xie Heng calmed down and thought for a moment , Then he opened his mouth again and said, "you are still wronged. Say! Where did you go today? Where did you go out?"

Xie Xiaoliu honestly explained the tunnel in the corner of the garden. She just wanted to talk about the Xiangyun temple. Suddenly, she saw warm wine a few steps away. She was stunned and didn't say anything. She just wanted to play outside the city I walked around and forgot the time when I came back.

Xie Heng was skeptical and more angry. "You can run. Is that tunnel for you to sneak out and play on weekdays?"

Xie Xiaoliu bowed his head and dared not argue.

"If your third brother knows this..." Xie Heng took a deep breath and said:

If you know this, I'm afraid you'll be so angry.

He said no more, and immediately ordered people to seal the tunnel, and then she was not allowed to run out secretly.

So, still not enough, he asked in a deep voice, "you Tell yourself, how should I punish you? "

"For half a year, no, one year, read 300 books and make 100 sachets 。” Xie Xiaoliu looked up at his eldest brother, "even if I can't help it in the future, I won't run around."

Xie Heng reached out and scraped the tip of the little girl's nose, "how nice to be obedient as early as this?"

Xie Xiaoliu was tearful and looked very pitiful.

"Well, it's fine too. It's good if people are all right." Wen Jiu hurried forward to make a round.

Xiao Liu is lively and yearning for the excitement of the market is inevitable.

Today, she was able to say that she had been banned for a year, studied hard and did needlework. This punishment shows her repentance.

Xie Heng coughed and turned to warm wine. He hadn't had time to speak.

The little girl suddenly released him, turned to warm wine and whispered, "sister-in-law, I, I want to ask you something."

Wen Jiu was a little surprised, but he soon calmed down and asked in a low voice, "what do you want to ask?"

"I......" Xie Xiaoliu glanced back at the people around him. He looked a little hesitant. He warmed the wine in a voice that only two people could hear and said, "can I talk to my sister-in-law alone?"

Wen Jiu was even more surprised.

The little girl has a little secret in her heart.

Xie Heng and Xie Xiaoqi on the side looked at the aunt and sister-in-law all the time. She looked up and said to Xie Heng, "take the doctor in to see grandma. Don't delay."

Xie Heng took a deep look at her, "that little six will be handed over to you."

Warm wine answered, "OK."

Xie Heng immediately took the doctor inside. Xie Xiaoqi looked at Xiao Liu and his eldest brother, and hurriedly followed him in to see his grandmother.

Wen Jiu turned to the crowd and said, "get back, too."


The servants bowed their heads and withdrew from the pine and crane hall.

For a moment, only Wen Jiu and Xie Xiaoliu were left in the square yard under the night sky.

The night wind gently, with a cold feeling creeping into the bones.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and pinned the girl's messy green silk. Then Wen Sheng said, "now there are only you and me. What do you want to ask, ask."

"Sister-in-law." Xie Xiaoliu gently shouted to her, as if it was very difficult to open his mouth. He struggled for a long time before he asked, "what kind of cage can close people without hurting people and not being sad. It's best... He is willing to stay in it?"

Wen Jiu smelled his words and couldn't help staring at the girl in front of him.

Xie Xiaoliu also looked up at her.

The little girl's eyes are clear, her face looks like lotus out of water, and her eyes are slightly red. It's so beautiful that I still feel pity for her.

Wenjiu smiled slowly, reached out and rubbed the little girl's head, "why do you suddenly ask this?"

"I... I am..." Xie Xiaoliu suddenly found that he couldn't lie in front of his sister-in-law. He couldn't even hide, so he had to say in a muffled voice: "I just want to know."

"OK." Wenjiu answered with a smile and didn't ask much.

Her tone was more and more gentle by the night wind, "if it is used to trap prisoners, it can be an iron cage. If it is greedy for money and heavy profits, it will use gold and jade as a cage, but if it traps people, it will be his willingness..."

Warm wine reached out and raised the little girl's jaw. He smiled slowly and said, "only trapped his heart."

"Trap his heart?" Xie Xiaoliu seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to understand. He couldn't help asking again: "what should I do? My sister-in-law taught me."

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