"Well, beauty is essential." Wen Jiu thought seriously, then raised his hand and nodded Xie Xiaoliu's head, "you have to be smart enough."

The girl looked at her eagerly, "what else, sister-in-law?"

Wen Jiuxin said: it's shameless.

The little girl can't answer the question she asked.

The little god of wealth is the one trapped by others. It's better to ask Xie Heng how she is willing to keep people around.

But seeing Xiao Liu like this, I'm afraid Zhang won't open his mouth to ask his eldest brother.

Therefore, she thought hard and suddenly had an idea. She pretended to be profound and said, "please enter my lovesickness Bureau. If you get all three, you are the gods in heaven and the evil spirits in endless hell. ”

"Around the finger soft, seek mental skills, please enter my lovesickness Bureau..."

Xie Xiaoliu repeated Wenjiu's words vaguely, and gradually lost his mind.

The warm wine on one side looked at her for a long time and couldn't help asking, "who do we want to trap?"

"No, no one..." Xie Xiaoliu stammered as soon as he lied. For fear of being seen through by his sister-in-law, he quickly turned to look elsewhere and whispered, "I'm just asking."

Wen Jiu couldn't help looking at the girl more. He didn't believe it. "Just ask casually?"

Xie Xiaoliu replied vaguely, "um... Um!"

"Then I'll go in and see my grandmother. Don't stand here and blow the wind. Go back to bed earlier." Wen Jiu said and turned to the direction of the main house.

"OK." Xie Xiaoliu answered, but he still stood in the yard and didn't go.

After several steps of warm wine, he suddenly thought of something, turned back, hugged the little girl, gently patted her back, and said in a warm voice, "we're not afraid. Our little six is home, not afraid."

Xie Xiaoliu almost burst into tears in her eyes. She took advantage of the warm wine and held herself. She couldn't see her cry. She quickly raised her hand to erase the water light from the corners of her eyes and whispered, "I'm fine. Sister-in-law, go to see grandma."

"Then I'll go." Wen Jiu let go of the girl and asked her a few words. Then he entered the main house.

And Xie Xiaoliu has been standing in the hospital without leaving.

At the age of 13, she finally understood that the more she was cherished, spoiled and worshipped as a pearl, the more intelligent and tenacious she was, the more beautiful her smile was, and there were also gullies in her heart.

No one expected that the sixth miss of the Xie family would grow up overnight.

This night, Xie Heng and Wen wine stayed in Xie's house and accompanied old lady Xie for a long time.

The imperial doctor took good care of her and the old grandmother soon got well.

On the contrary, Mrs. Xie of Donghe hospital has a heart disease that is difficult to cure and has not improved so far.

A few days later.

Xie Wanjin hurried back to the imperial capital.

On this day, it was just dawn and the city gate opened, A group of green guards rushed into the city with a carriage, rolling up a gust of wind and sand.

Fortunately, there were not many people on the long street. Only some stall vendors were setting up stalls. Qing Er drove his carriage across the street and didn't hurt anyone.

The fourth childe was so anxious that he kept lifting the curtain of his car and looked out. He saw that he came to the door of Xie's house. The carriage was not stable yet. He got out of the carriage, jumped down directly and stepped up the steps quickly.

Xie Xiaoqi, who got up early to go to school, just went out and met him face-to-face. He shouted "fourth brother, you're back" and the sound didn't fall.

Xie Wanjin ran away.

"Fourth brother!" Xie Xiaoqi was about to catch up. Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he heard someone soft and waxy shouting behind him: "Dad! Wait for me!"

The seventh childe couldn't react for a moment. When he looked back , At a glance, I saw a small ball of five or six years old coming out of the carriage.

Her face was dirty, she couldn't see her original appearance, and she didn't know how many layers she wore. She was round, like a bear.

After the little girl came out, she didn't look, so she lifted her feet and jumped down.

Xie Xiaoqi was startled and hurriedly flew over to catch the man.

The little girl suddenly fell into the warm arms of the young man, and for a moment she was still inexplicable.

She raised her head and opened a pair of round eyes to look at Xie Xiaoqi. "Why did you suddenly rush to hold me?"

"I..." Xie Xiaoqi said for a moment, "I'm afraid you'll fall. ”

"I......" don't remember to learn his way of speaking, blinked. "I won't fall."

The seventh childe was speechless.

There are so many green guards on the side. They don't reach out to pick it up. They stretch out their hands so fast.

But Xie Xiaoqi was stable. He recovered as usual in only a moment. "It's too late when I really hurt."

"Oh." don't remember still looking at him and reaching out to poke the boy's face, "are all the people in my father's family as good-looking as you?"

"Ah? Your father? You call me fourth brother... Father?" Xie Xiaoqi didn't have time to think that he was poked in the face by a little girl.

My mind was full of: she called fourth brother dad?

Is she the illegitimate daughter of the fourth brother outside?

Oh, my God!

If my aunt knows this, I don't know whether she will be happy or more angry.

"I picked it up. ” I was afraid that the man was petrified at that time. I immediately added, "I was picked up by my father."

Xie Xiaoqi was relieved, "that's good."

Don't remember looking at him, "what's that?"

Xie Xiaoqi didn't return her words for a moment. He walked home with people in his arms. "It's cold outside. Talk about it when you go home."

The little girl was so hugged by him that she didn't have a chance to speak.

She couldn't help thinking: does this man have any strange habit of holding children?

Looking at the young, how can there be such a strange problem?

The seventh childe doesn't know what the little girl is thinking. He thinks that the fourth brother is back. His aunt's illness must be better soon.

Thinking like this, he couldn't help raising his lips. As he walked in, he ordered the little boy facing him, "let's go into the palace and say to our eldest brother that the fourth brother is back. Let's go to grandma and sister and go immediately."

Before they could ask him where the little girl came from, they were sent away.

Xie Xiaoqi hugged him and walked directly to the East and the courtyard.

The fourth brother came back in such a hurry. He must know that his aunt was ill. He came back for one thing. He must look at her.

At this time, Donghe hospital.

Xie Wanjin walked three steps and two steps all the way. He was covered with dust and could not care. He ran directly into the main house, "a Niang!"

At this moment, Xie Yucheng was standing in front of her bed with a medicine bowl and advised Mrs. Xie to drink medicine.

The third lady looked sick. She had been ill for some time. She was whispering, "what's the use of this medicine? I don't drink..."

Just listen to the fourth childe's voice, ah Niang.

Everyone in the room was surprised and looked up.

I saw Xie Wanjin Lift the curtain and enter, go straight to the couch, bend your knees and kneel down, "Aung, my child is unfilial..."

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